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HOA Political Scene 17! May 16, 2010 |
HOA's Political Scene 17The seventeenth Edition, 16 May 2010 Personal Notes: The updated pages on HOA's Political Scene appear always at the top of the posts at the HOA's Political Scene Blog here. Welcome, New Readers!Warm welcome to the new readers, who subscribed to the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter, last week. First, I am grateful. We have increased our political list last week by getting 13 people to join the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter. Those are NOT just any people, but SELECTIVE people. Many thanks to our new readers and welcome on board.I invite you also to check the archives of the newsletter to read different articles on the political issues in the Horn of Africa and be acquainted with the issues we publish here. Most important, your opinions and views count very much and add some values to the newsletter from different perspectives. We're all ears to hear your thoughts. New Interface for Active Reporters and Commentators!I am pleased also to announce that we have commenced a process to make you an author, if you were a reporter or commentator! Active reporters and commentators will have pages by their names!This is as important as they spend time to support the newsletter by their reports and opinions. We appreciate that. Therefore, we thought of a process to help those active people be authors by having their pages up first. To fulfil this goal, I personally planned to build special pages for you if you were a regular commentator to reach using your name. Who knows you may become an author after a while without even knowing about it. When that happens, I will let you know to reap some benefits from your contribution. Trust your abilities and my sincerity. You will see your page soon if you were contributor yourself when you reach ten pages of contribution. That is the least number to reach the page by author's name target. Thank you for contributing to the HOA's Political Scene Network! I thought in this edition of the newsletter of giving you something you could see on the Web and be proud of it. There's a page now by the name of Selamawi, the first reporter and commentator at this link. In addition, you can read the pages you have built on this network by entering only your name, nickname or the name you are using to post comments or write reports, add to that name a full stop, and end it by html. For example if your contributor name is Ghazi Elbadawey, Enkidu Debaba or Selamawi, enter that name at the end of the website address like this: and separate two names by dashes not underscores. Then all you want to do after that is to check that web address frequently to see posts by you or comments made by others on your posts. Keep on going. Since I have just started this process today, do not be discouraged if you did not see your page this week. It will be there soon when I complete this process. I am working on it according to priorities. That means, those who have contributed from the start, posted good comments, and wrote good reports will see their WebPages first. The more comments you add, the more your pages appear sooner taking your name on the web address. As this process becomes more vital on this network, it is very important to let me know whether you want to keep on using your nickname, or your real name. Yes, I take personal securities seriously as priorities. My ideas never stop at this point, as you know from following up. Keep engaged with this network and you will see more benefits in the near future. I Need You!Support the HOA's Political Scene Network to Run Its Own News, Support the Squadron of Poets, Support the Reporters and Donate to Some Human Cases!Dress or Dress Your Children on HOA's Political Scene Dresses! Your Dog Has also a Dress! ;-) Yes, seriously, I mean it. See it here below.
What happens at HOA since the last week?The HOA's Political Scene 17 comes this week with the following updates. You read the news last week that ended on May 9, 2010 and here I will continue from that date.We have many comments and some replies to those comments, last week, all of which you can visit to read from links in this edition. The Frequent Updates: May 10, 2010 – Political Link Exchange! This page maintains the network and runs with relevant political content to refer to other political networks online. I lately added some points to it. May 13, 2010 – Eritrean Political Differences! There are two important Eritrean political differences in this regard between the Eritrean opposition (those groups that have failed in the liberation field) and the Eritrean ruling front. May 14, 2010 – Sudan! As you know, the sitemap 7 about Sudan is not new. However, I added more content to it and tweaked it last week to be more appealing and sensible. Who makes the political crises in Sudan? May 15, 2010 – Eritrean Revolutionary Principles! Did you know anything about the Eritrean revolutionary principles? There are many! However, I consider only two Eritrean revolutionary principles that have maintained in theory and practice the long way to the liberation of Eritrea that the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) has crossed successfully to achieve its goal in 1991. May 16, 2010 – Selamawi wrote about the situations of the Eritrean people in Eritrea and Libya. He described the hard situations in the detention centres in Eritrea and Libya. His reports bring the attention to the human rights abuses at home and abroad. Before Farewell: I automate sending the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter as you know, to many of my friends through strong mailing-out system powered by the tools at the image below. These tools can send to millions of people in any list. However, I use them in addition to other software to send to many people in my political list and business list. The tools work comprehensively not to send messages only but to track bounces, open rates and other hidden behind the surface techniques. Your Commitment: If you can make commitments on the weekends, you can schedule only 15 minutes to read 3 pages and another 15 minutes to post 3 comments on those 3 pages. Many thanks. I will keep you updated to follow up and read what other people think about the entire political development in the Horn of Africa. I have great concerns on these political developments. May Be More Pleasures: Tweet HOA Political Scene 17 on Twitter and share it with your services like Ping, Facebook, Myspace, My Live, My Yahoo page, MyBlogLog, Stumbleupon and Expedia. Click on any button below, copy this address:, paste it on the filter, and choose the service you want to submit to it if you didn't see the link already embedded there. ![]() ![]() Please, by the name of our friendship, forward HOA Political Scene 17 to as many people as you know through the "Forward HOA's Political Scene" link here. Give them the link in the big box and encourage them to subscribe and confirm their subscription to the newsletter. Thank you for following up, reading and supporting HOA Political Scene 17. See you next week! Until then you have been filled in! Please do not reply to this email. This is an outgoing automated email. We do not monitor the HOA Political Scene Newsletter's address. Please visit Contact Us instead if you'd like to get in touch. ![]() HOA's Political Scene Home| HOA's Political Scene Blog| Arabic HOA Political Scene| Political Scene| Political Section| Political Inspiration| HOA Political Scene Newsletter| Horn of Africa| IGAD| Djibouti| Eritrea| Ethiopia| Kenya| Somalia| Somaliland| Sudan| Uganda| Chad| Write about Djibouti| Write about Ethiopia| Write about Kenya| Write about Somalia| Write about Uganda| Write about Chad| Write about DRC| Humanitarian Network| Environment Protection| Environment| Horn of Africa's Friends| HOA Calls| Comments| Forward HOA's Political Scene| Search| Freelancing Fees| Horn of Africa's Bookshop| Contact Us| HOAs Videos| The Need to Lead| Readers Write Good| HOA's RSS Centre| HOA Political Scene 17| HOA Political Scene 16| HOA Political Scene 15| HOA Political Scene 14| HOA Political Scene 13| HOA Political Scene 12| HOA Political Scene 11| HOA Political Scene 10| HOA Political Scene 9| HOA Political Scene 8| HOA Political Scene 7| HOA Political Scene 6| HOA Political Scene 5| HOA Political Scene 4| HOA Political Scene 3| HOA Political Scene 2| HOA Political Scene 1| HOA Political Scene Backissues| |
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