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HOA Political Scene 18! May 23, 2010 |
HOA's Political Scene 18The eighteenth Edition, 23 May 2010 Personal Notes: If you read this column before, skip direct to other columns in the newsletter. Welcome, New Readers!Warm welcome to the new readers, who subscribed to the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter, last week. We have 10 people who joined the political list last week increasing the numbers of new subscribers to 23 in two weeks.I appreciate that they have taken the decision to join as readers and I hope that some of them will become contributors and top organizers in the HOA's Political Scene Network. Many thanks to our new readers and welcome on board. I invite you also to take a tour on the archives of the newsletter, read different articles on the political issues in the Horn of Africa, and take what interests you and drop the rest. It is important to mention that your opinions and views add some values to the newsletter from different perspectives. Write them through any form on the relevant page to your political topic. Three Important Pages to Share!I mentioned the new interface for active reporters and commentators last week. Now we have three important pages to use, and write about your experiences and the political issues in the Horn of Africa, in two of them in English and in one of them in your native language.Try Horn of Africa's Friends for your native language and let me know your experience with it. In addition, we have an off-site page to write about your location, whether you are at home or abroad at Any Beautiful City. That page and / or the entire non-political website runs alongline the project of this political website to maintain it. We have some updates in this edition of the HOA's Political Scene 18. I am only missing yours. Please write your views using the form in the relevant page to your comments. Thank you. Two of the faithful readers and regular commentators have already started their way to become authors. I think they could achieve this by writing more comments and political articles about the political events in the Horn of Africa. They will create the Horn of Africa's bulletins when they continue sending news wires, writing comments on the development of the east African political scene and sharing citizen journalism with their services in other networks. What I do here is to help them read the difference between the original contributions they provided and the new items I re-edit for them. They will be sure of the way to write good journalism, when they go back and forth in this content. This is very important step to do in that kind of self-learning to acquire more journalistic techniques. Therefore, it is important to read the published revision of your contribution twice, or many times as needed. This helps in getting some skills to write good the next time you submit your contribution. As for other readers, they can also have their pages run here by their names. All that they may want to do is to comment or contribute political articles relevant to the political development in the Horn of Africa. There's a page now by the name of one of the active contributors here at Enkidu Debaba. Thank you for contributing to the HOA's Political Scene Network! In addition, you can read the pages you have built on this network by entering only your name, nickname or the name you are using to post comments or write reports, add to that name a full stop, and end it by html. For example if your contributor name is Khalid Osman, or Medhani, enter that name at the end of the website address like this: separating two names by dashes not underscores. Then all that you want to do after is to check that web address frequently to see posts by you or comments made by others on your posts. Keep on that way and you will reach the simple qualifications needed for an author. Since I have started this process last week, do not be discouraged if you did not see your page this week. It will be there soon when I complete this process. I am working on it according to priorities. That means, those who have contributed from the start, posted good comments, and wrote good reports will see their WebPages first. The more comments you add, the more your pages appear sooner taking your name or nickname on the web address. As this process becomes more vital on this network, it is very important to let me know whether you want to keep on using your nickname, or your real name. Yes, I take personal securities seriously as priorities. My ideas never stop at this point, as you know from following up. Keep engaged with this network and you will see more benefits in the near future. Could You Help!Support the HOA's Political Scene Network to Run Its Own News. Support the entire network
What happens at HOA since the last week?The HOA's Political Scene 18 comes this week with the following updates. We read the news together last week until May 16, 2010 and here I will continue from that date.We have many comments and some replies to those comments, last week, all of which you can visit to read from links in the HOA's Political Scene 18. The Frequent Updates: May 17, 2010 – Sudanese Opposition! Perhaps many asked why the Sudanese opposition is too weak! I certainly have no wonder, as this specific political scene in Sudan teaches me more and let me know more answers to that frequent question. If you have answers, pour yourself a warm coffee, sit to your desk and write some answers to that puzzled question, which seems like a "mamma mia" expression. May 17, 2010 – Intimate Eritrean- Sudanese Relations! There is no wonder regarding the warm relations between the Sudanese people and the Eritrean people. The geo-political borders have never prevented the people to witness prosperity in their relations, even when politics gets tough sometimes. You may have experienced such intimate relation. Can you write about it? May 17, 2010 – Eritrean Political Differences! The political differences between the Eritrean liberation fronts have started many years ago during the liberation struggle. The evidence to good revolutionary experience favours the Eritrean People's Liberation Front, as it is the main front that has achieved the independence of Eritrea. However, this fact reflects on the results you read in the Eritrean Revolutionary Principles, last week. May 18, 2010 – TPLF! I have not written this page yet, although it is alive on this web-address. However, it has received some comment entries last week. Commentators wanted to write about the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front from different perspectives. There is no intention to disregard this front. However, there is strong desire to write about negatives and criticize the front to develop its way better. That is the nature of journalism. May 18, 2010 – The TPLF Manifesto will Destroy Ethiopia! Since that is the nature of good and honest journalism, one commentator wrote political critiques saying, the manifesto of the TPLF will destroy Ethiopia ethnically, if it does not re-write it to reply to the needs of well-integrated Ethiopia. I think the political critique is sincere and honest. May 18, 2010 – Enkidu Debaba wrote that political critique about the manifesto of the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF). His contribution on the HOA Political Scene Network has now reached the page by author's name target. Thanks Enkidu for trying to make a difference in this political map. You are in your way to become an author. May 20, 2010 – Sudanese Dictatorial Regimes! I have tweaked this page again developing a way of emergency to enhance the performance of the page. It does not say something new in regards to the Sudanese dictatorial regimes. However, I added the links to some missing WebPages. May 21, 2010 – I Love Tigray! Misunderstanding could happen in any circumstances. This happened last week when a visitor to the HOA Political Scene understood the comment Enkidu Debaba has written about the TPLF's manifesto wrong. May 21, 2010 – I Love Tigray - Comments! Replies to political misunderstanding fall at this webpage. It is obvious that commentators love Tigray too. There is of course no intention in this network to disregard any nationality. The proof is that the intention is to strengthen the unity inside the region and in Ethiopia. May 22, 2010 – Political Tragicomedy in Sudan! Many could possibly sense the chaotic situation in Sudan after the forged election, last April. Some political observers could not find the right words for such political situation. Who said those who planned this political tragicomedy in Sudan are innocents? Who are they? May 23, 2010 – Lam Akol Ajawin! Where does Lam Akol Ajawin stand now? What does he stand for? These maybe the difficult questions to ask, as the Sudanese southern politician has changed his political views many times. Well, he actually stands now with his fraction for the democratic change. What changes they want to bring to Sudan? Bring them to our attention to know more. However, using the local southern Sudanese language we could ask Lam Akol Ajawin joking, "aha, Lam, inta aja win?" Before Farewell: I automate sending the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter as you know, to many of my friends through strong mailing-out system powered by the tools at the image below. These tools can send to millions of people in any list. However, I use them in addition to other software to send to many people in my political list and business list. The tools work comprehensively not to send messages only but to track bounces, open rates and other hidden behind the surface techniques. Your Commitment: If you can make commitments on the weekends, you can schedule only 15 minutes to read 3 pages and another 15 minutes to post 3 comments on those 3 pages. Many thanks. I will keep you updated to follow up and read what other people think about the entire political development in the Horn of Africa. I have great concerns on these political developments. May Be More Pleasures: Tweet HOA Political Scene 18 on Twitter and share it with your services like Ping, Facebook, Myspace, My Live, My Yahoo page, MyBlogLog, Stumbleupon and Expedia. Click on any button below, copy this address:, paste it on the filter, and choose the service you want to submit to it if you didn't see the link already embedded there. ![]() ![]() Please, by the name of our friendship, forward HOA Political Scene 18 to as many people as you know through the "Forward HOA's Political Scene" link here. Give them the link in the big box and encourage them to subscribe and confirm their subscription to the newsletter. Thank you for following up, reading and supporting HOA Political Scene 18. See you next week! Until then you have been filled in! Please do not reply to this email. This is an outgoing automated email. We do not monitor the HOA Political Scene Newsletter's address. 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