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HOA Political Scene 19! May 30, 2010 |
HOA Political Scene 19!Welcome to the HOA Political Scene 19 - 30 May 2010 Could You Walk the Dream?Imagine that you wake up in the morning one day and find that there is new democratic governments in many countries of those you think have dictatorial systems.How is that for a good way to wake up in the morning? Continue at HOAs Cultural Project. Personal Notes: If you saw any link broken or any strange signs in the HOA Political Scene 19 and you cannot read it in your email box, please read this edition online at HOA Political Scene 19 here. Welcome, New Readers!Warm welcome to the new readers, who subscribed to the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter, last week. We have 3 people who joined the political list last week increasing the numbers of new subscribers to 26.I hope that some of you will become contributors and top organizers in the HOA's Political Scene Network. Many thanks to our new readers and welcome on board. I invite you also to take a tour on the archives of the newsletter, read different articles on the political issues in the Horn of Africa and comment on them. Your opinions and views add some values to the newsletter from different perspectives. You can write them on the relevant page to your political topic. Seven Important Pages to Share!In my previous message, I mentioned the new interface and now we have 7 pages to support the four projects in the network and one page tweaked.However, neither the projects nor the stores are new. You can check the date of the store to make sure of it. It returns back almost to 2003 when I started working in some institutions here after having introduced my projects to them. At that time we began with one of those projects. Now we have seven important pages to use to support the main projects. The details of some of those projects are on a page that requires a password. You can read the new pages at the following column. What happens at HOA since the last week?The HOA's Political Scene 19 comes this week with the following updates. We read the news together last week until May 23, 2010 and here I will continue from that date.We have many pages I built in the network to support the HOA's Political Scene Projects, last week, all of which you can visit to read from links in the HOA's Political Scene 19. The Frequent Updates: May 25, 2010 – HOAs Poets Project! This is one of the Horn of Africa's projects. Here is the introductory page to encourage poets to join this network and let me work for them. There is a process to join this network through the Squadron of Poets. The fundamental law of the group is in the making and it will be here soon taking the spirit of the principles of the group. The group is planned to Unite Poets in the Horn of Africa! May 25, 2010 – HOAs Poets! When I started the Squadron of Poets sometimes ago, I designed some slogans for poets and established the online store for them to fundraise the project. The donations on the website has also values divided between the four projects in the network. May 27, 2010 – HOAs Journalists Project is established to support the journalists in the Horn of Africa! If you were journalist or freelancer from the Horn of Africa, you may need to join the HOA's Journalists Project through the Horn of Africa's Journalists Network. May 27, 2010 – HOAs Journalists! This store supports journalists and freelancers in the Horn of Africa. This project runs with other 3 projects to bring positive changes and improve the lives of journalists. May 28, 2010 – HOAs Cultural Project! We of course don't need dreams to face harsh political situations in the Horn of Africa. However, the HOA's Cultural Project walks your dream if you do any kind of visual or performing arts. May 28, 2010 – HOAs Comprehensive Projects! This is the main page to join HOA's Comprehensive Projects to share with us the creation of the new horizon in the Horn of Africa. It's enough for wars, tribalism, famine, dictatorship and crises. May 29, 2010 – HOAs Refugees! There are so many pages about the Horn of Africa's refugees and IDPs, reporters and commentators have built in the network as you know. The store to support this humanitarian issue is not new. However, it is now on this page to support refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) in the Horn of Africa. It runs with three projects in the HOA's network to fund reporters who are refugees too. May 30, 2010 – Ethiopian Refugees! I tweaked this page to include the missing links to it. Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees are sad. Human sufferance escalates amongst those refugees in the surrounding countries in the Horn of Africa's region and far from it. Save Ethiopian Refugees! Before Farewell: I automate sending the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter as you know, to many of my friends through strong mailing-out system powered by the tools at the image below. These tools can send to millions of people in any list. However, I use them in addition to other software to send to many people in my political list and business list. The tools work comprehensively not to send messages only but to track bounces, open rates and other hidden behind the surface techniques. Your Commitment: If you can make commitments on the weekends, you can schedule only 15 minutes to read 3 pages and another 15 minutes to post 3 comments on those 3 pages. Many thanks. I will keep you updated to follow up and read what other people think about the entire political development in the Horn of Africa. I have great concerns on these political developments. Could You Help!Support the HOA's Political Scene Network to Run Its Own News. Support the entire networkSupport HOA's Political Scene Network.
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