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HOA Political Scene 20! June 06, 2010 |
HOA Political Scene 20!6 June 2010 Personal Notes: If you saw any link broken or any strange signs in the HOA Political Scene 20 and you cannot read it in your email box, please read this edition online at HOA Political Scene 20 here. Sudan Needs Action to Stop the Torture!We have bad news from Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan in this edition of the HOA Political Scene 20. The news comes with this kind of misery that we have not heard of its kind in the modern history of any state. However, Sudan is very exceptional.National Khartoum fears that the security agents of the military dictatorial regime might have killed Dr Alhadi Bakhit whose health has deteriorated because of torture last week. The elements of the security service of the Sudanese dictatorial regime tortured Doctor el-Hadi Bakhit in the detention centre, where the security agents held him with his fellow doctor Ahmad Alobwabi. The two medicine doctors are representatives of the Medicine Committee that led a legitimate strike since March. However, the Sudanese doctors continue periodical strikes that started from the first years when this regime came to power through its coup and the strikes continued to escalate in the last years because of the overall deterioration in the medical sector. The doctors began their recent civil strike and demonstration outside the office of the Minister of Health to protest the continued detention and torture of their colleagues and to condemn the regime accusing it of neglecting the call to respond to their legitimate rights. The doctors held the last negotiations with the Ministry of Health after a successful strike of physicians in all parts of Sudan. The strike led to the cessation of medical services in almost most of the country, except in hospitals in the troubled Darfur region, where the medical services continue on humanitarian grounds. The Medicine Committee confirmed the legality of the strike as legitimate according to the rights of doctors and condemned the threats issued by the Ministry of Health to cancel the contracts of striking doctors. Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Central Trade Unions, Ali Khalifa expressed solidarity with the detained doctors saying that the activities are legitimate according to the Trade Unions' laws the Parliament has passed in its last session. He appealed to the concerned trade unions, associations and human rights organizations to stand with the detained doctors and maintain solidarity to force the regime to free them. The office of the Trade Unions has condemned earlier the arrest of the leaders of the Strike Committee and called to stop torturing them and to release them immediately. It urges the Ministry of Health to implement its obligations and promises during the negotiations with the Medicine Committee before the escalation of the situation. The Strike Committee confirmed to continue its strike, but it excluded the cases of emergency. When the doctors tried many times to serve the emergencies, the police prevented them from carrying out this task and the officers of the security forces assaulted the doctors. The security agents of the dictatorial regime bat and fired on the medicine students in Khartoum University when they marched in solidarity to defend the rights of their fellow doctors and injured many of the students in the demonstration. The Medicine Committee appealed in statement to the political parties, civil society organizations and human rights organizations to open their centres for doctors to offer medical services to the poor. It appealed also to private clinics to offer free medical treatments to poor patients. The Information Bureau of the Strike Committee revealed that doctor Bakhit faced torture committed by the security agents that left signs on his head and his face, which led to a situation of frequent syncope and delirium he experiences. Meanwhile, the Kuwaiti Fund has declined its previous promises to open treatment centres to help the striking doctors to provide medical services on a voluntary basis. Before Farewell: I automate sending the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter as you know, to many of my friends through strong mailing-out system powered by the tools at the image below. These tools can send to millions of people in any list. However, I use them in addition to other software to send to many people in my political list and business list. The tools work comprehensively not to send messages only but to track bounces, open rates and other hidden behind the surface techniques. Your Commitment: If you can make commitments on the weekends, you can schedule only 15 minutes to read 3 pages and another 15 minutes to post 3 comments on those 3 pages. Many thanks. I will keep you updated to follow up and read what other people think about the entire political development in the Horn of Africa. I have great concerns in the political development in the region. You can share HOA Political Scene 20 with your services through the following buttons. 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