HOA Political Scene 5
What Happens When Two Elephants Fight Each Other?
This is the weekly edition of HOA Political Scene 5!
I wish you great day / evening or just the time in between, as it fits according to your location in the map.
If you have not subscribed to HOA Political Scene Newsletter yet, please do that here and enjoy reading news, analyses and comments on political issues in the Horn of Africa. You will find the form to subscribe on the link above and on any page in this website.
Personal development has occurred last week in addition to the regular updates of the website at HOA Political Scene. However, the intimate personal part of this news is that, visitors can order now both the poetry e-book and the hard cover book through the Phoenix Order page here. I am seeking to arrange some technical methods for the
audio book. Stay tuned -- in that harmony of expectations. Cheers buddy.
What happens at HOA since the last week?
Since the late updates last week, commentators and I have published many pages on the HOA's Political Scene. You can read those pages either through the Blog or on the responding pages below.
Feb 1, 2010 - One of my friends who wrote the following on "The Business of Politics" amazes me. He says the urgent demands of every human being are peace and health. However, it is because of our greediness we lost the human guidance to manage our demands. Read it here.
Feb 1, 2010 – Google offers me strong community I used to build the Horn of Africa's Friendship Base to be a platform to share opinions and seek resolutions to some political problems. You are welcome to join it.
1, 2010 – Anonymous commentator wrote, "When Two Elephants Fight Each Other ... You Know the Rest!" at Operations Against the Lords Resistance Army – Comments Of course we know the rest. Kindly, tell him that is true or false.
Feb 1, 2010 – Enkidu Debaba was also amazing when he wrote, "Fight Poverty, Not the Poor" urging the international community to do just that and save their money going the wrong direction to strengthen those dictators.
Feb 2, 2010 – I am glad that the turtle gets a rocket in HOA! Thanks to all commentators who equipped the turtle by that rocket to fly. If these concepts are strange to you, this page could help you understand what they mean.
Feb 3, 2010 – If
you think the NIF has dissolved, think again! The fraud and the misleading of the NIF or the National Islamic Front in Sudan are obvious. They play on the policy of burning the political periods by planning divisions and changing names. Well, some points in this article are arguable.
** In this regard, find a book written by my friend Abdullah Gallab about "The First Islamist Republic" here at Democracy in Sudan.
Feb 5, 2010 – The composition of tribalism and Islam in Chad is strong. This is the bloody past, the terrible present and the forgotten future! Chad is not in the Horn of Africa, of course. However, it has great political affects on Sudan. It is here for this reason.
Feb 5, 2010 – The mirror of the political problems in Chad could reflect here. If you
have some points to add to the Chadian Political Scene reflect it here for others to enjoy the fruits of your knowledge. Contribute and fuel that rocket on the turtle's shell.
Feb 6, 2010 – The following comment replies to Fight Poverty, Not the Poor from the economical perspective, Enkidu Debaba has written about.
Feb 6, 2010 – Well, I am involved since long time ago in the humanitarian network, not only in the Horn of Africa's Political Scene, but here in Europe too. The results may be amazing.
Feb 6, 2010 – Political refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan were shot dead in the cross borders route to Israel. Here is their short story at Political Refugees Killed on Borders to Israel.
I hope you will enjoy those pages and add some values to them.
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If you can make commitments on the weekends, you can schedule only 15 minutes to read 3 pages and another 15 minutes to post 3 comments on those 3 pages. Many thanks.
I will keep you updated to follow up and read what other people think about the entire political development in the Horn of Africa. I have great concerns on these political developments.
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