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HOA Political Scene 6! February 28, 2010 |
HOA Political Scene 6The Sixth Edition, 28 Feb 2010 Personal Note: The updated pages on HOA Political Scene appear always at the top of the posts at the HOA's Political Scene Blog here. There are many articles in the political blog. I left you with the news published on Feb 6, 2010 and here I will continue from that date. In addition, I publish here an article that analyzes the political scene in Sudan. I hope it's interesting. Please read the article below and then scroll to the updated news at the bottom of the HOA's Political Scene 6. They Err and Win the Political Scene!I have mentioned somewhere in this article about the Sudanese Sectarian Parties that they (donkenized) the Sudanese people through decades of military and civil dictatorship.However, the religious military dictators prepared the political scene in Sudan very well to (donkenize) even the political parties in the opposition. They built the base of membership and maintained it by using the national treasury to buy many leads and convert them to members. They infiltrated the Sudanese demographical map to acquire more members by either buying members or using already politically illiterates by the name of Islam. They studied the demographical map very well to maintain strong influence in this base of people (they made as ignorant audience) in the future. In this method, they found many people in the sectarian definition, who are either simple people or biased by family religious education to secure their domination. The two big sectarian parties in Sudan misled some of those people through decades of political illiteracy and some of them eventually became fed up. The NIF, which is the last name of the ruling party before the 1989 coup, worked in this map very hard to acquire numbers of those people as members. The new development and the changes in the political scene in Sudan led the thinkers of the party to change the name of the party and to even make definitions seemingly to deceive the people by that the leader of the party has now his own party, which is against the other definition. One of them should at least be present after any hard political changes in Sudan to ensure the continuation of the party’s original line. When they became sure of their strong and big base, they prepared the scene for the elections to appear as peace and democracy seekers and they know already that they will win the elections. Now, the parties in the opposition play smart enough not to see this. They make them fall one after another in the tricky political scene they prepared to defeat them and continue ruling Sudan, but as legitimate authorities this time. They always give many evidences that the Sudanese opposition is weak and have no good practical methods and good programs to rule Sudan. It is a hard lesson to believe. They always err and win. I am sorry that Hashim al Atta has not taken the right revolutionary decision at the time in 19 July 1971 to send that dictator to his God with all his sins. Wake up, people. There is no time for continuous mistakes in your history. The Frequent Updates: Feb 12, 2010 – Alarming Secret Deportation of 12 Eritreans. This news is written by one of our sources in the area. It has received three comments here In mid January 2010, Eritrean refugees were deported from Libyan detention centres back to Eritrea. The news leaked says the Eritrean Embassy ... Continue at the link above. Feb 23, 2010 – Readers Read Good content written by others about the Horn of Africa! I have prepared the Web 2.0 using HOA's Web 2 to help them read good political articles, share political opinions and improve their skills. In fact, you can share this and turn more lights on. Feb 24, 2010 – Darfur Crisis demands comprehensive solution. I agree with the Sudanese communist party in this point. The SCP calls for a comprehensive solution to the crisis in Darfur in addition to justice and the postponement of the elections. Before Farewell: I automate sending the HOA Political Scene Newsletter to many of my friends through strong mailing-out system powered by the tools at the image below. Your Commitment Friend: If you can make commitments on the weekends, you can schedule only 15 minutes to read 3 pages and another 15 minutes to post 3 comments on those 3 pages. Many thanks. I will keep you updated to follow up and read what other people think about the entire political development in the Horn of Africa. I have great concerns on these political developments. May Be More Pleasures: Share the HOA's Political Scene with your services like Ping, Facebook, Myspace, My Live, My Yahoo page, MyBlogLog, Stumbleupon, Expedia and tweet it to Twitter using the links to those updated pages here. 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