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HOA Political Scene 7! March 08, 2010 |
HOA's Political Scene, Edition 707 March 2010 Personal Note:The updated pages on HOA's Political Scene appear always at the top of the posts at the HOA's Political Scene Blog here. Well, the HOA's Political Scene 7 tells you about that. There are many articles in the political blog. I left you with the news published on Feb 24, 2010 and here I will continue from that date. In addition, I publish here an article about the demonstration of the Sudanese people to submit a memo to the Elections Commission last week. I hope it's interesting. Please read the article below and then scroll to the updated news at the bottom of the HOA's Political Scene 7. The Elections Commission Favours the NCP!Demonstrators in their way to the Elections Commission last week called for fair elections in Sudan and accused the Commission of restricting other parties to work in convenient environment equally to the governing party.The so-called National Congress Party organized this fraudulent process of the elections in its records taking charge and control over the Elections Commission and its officials who have shown their sympathy with the ruling party. The appointed officials to the Commission turned the Commission into a security body of the party to limit the activities of other parties. They misuse the regulations and other organizational processes to make it difficult and complicated for other parties to begin and control their electoral campaigns. Representatives of the Sudanese political powers described the complete electoral processes as unfair and said the coming elections infringe on their own rights. In addition to this, the registration for the elections is in doubt and that the arrangements of the registry did not include the south and Darfur entirely. While the political critiques escalate, the Sudanese political powers marched in peaceful demonstration to challenge the delineation of geographical constituencies for the states. In addition, they refused the complete prepared process that favour the ruling party and called for postponement of the elections, until fair electoral processes are underway. The Sudanese parties in the opposition criticized what they called violations and abuses in the registry and the imposition of restrictions on the opposition movement in the declaration and the start of the campaigns. They know the Elections Commission favours the ruling party. This is the reason that motivated these powers to rally in the last week to submit a memo to the Elections Commission to modify the complete unfair actions. The opposition called for impartial processes and the maintenance of obligations not to favour the so-called National Congress Party, well know as military religious coup in Sudan. The political powers in Sudan called to review the official population census, lift the emergency in Darfur region, and to insure the indivisibility of the elections and the revision of the registry of the regular forces in the workplace. The memo called also for cancellation of the mechanism regarding the electoral campaigns and the use of the media for electoral campaigning and demanded the re-form of the complete process to equalize the campaigning of the parties. At this point: I devided this article into two pages because it is long. So, you can continue reading it at HOA's Political Scene 7 and then at Elections Commission. The Frequent Updates: March 07, 2010 – Elections Commission! Demonstrators in their way to the Elections Commission last week called for fair elections in Sudan and accused the Commission of restricting other parties to work in convenient environment. Feb 28, 2010 – Darfur Crisis is Social Crisis! One social worker from Australia has commented on the Darfur Crisis adding good entry to the discussion. She was in Darfur on September 2009. So, it is obvious that her observation comes from somebody who has been there and seen that. In spite of the one point she stresses, although I fully respect it, I will never go far than that even the social crises have political reasons. Feb 28, 2010 – Arrest Sudanese Dictator! The international pressure groups kept silent lately because of the fact that the American Administration seemed satisfied with the political development in Sudan and because simply the ruling regime announced the elections in April. However, the call to arrest the Sudanese dictator rises again on this page before he becomes a de facto president again and again. Before Farewell: I automate sending the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter to many of my friends through strong mailing-out system powered by the tools at the image below. Your Commitment: If you can make commitments on the weekends, you can schedule only 15 minutes to read 3 pages and another 15 minutes to post 3 comments on those 3 pages. Many thanks. I will keep you updated to follow up and read what other people think about the entire political development in the Horn of Africa. I have great concerns on these political developments. May Be More Pleasures: Share the HOA's Political Scene with your services like Ping, Facebook, Myspace, My Live, My Yahoo page, MyBlogLog, Stumbleupon, Expedia and tweet it to Twitter using the links to those updated pages here. 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