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HOA Political Scene 8! March 14, 2010 |
HOA's Political Scene, Edition 8The eighth Edition, 14 March 2010 Personal Note: The updated pages on HOA's Political Scene appear always at the top of the posts at the HOA's Political Scene Blog here. Well, the HOA's Political Scene 8 tells you about that. I left you with the news published on March 07, 2010 and here I will continue from that date. Some readers have written some articles and comments since the last week. They (planted) these articles and comments inside the forms (just like seeds of flowers to bloom in this garden) and to grow this network. Thanks to all readers who commented and shared great efforts to grow the HOA's Political Scene network. I wish them and of course other sincere and loyal readers happiness and success. Here are some summaries below to read and follow links to the complete articles and comments. In addition, I have published a third article about the electoral commission under the title "Military Religious Regime" that you can read at the relevant link below. Thank you for being loyal reader. At this point: Many people have criticized the Elections Commission in Sudan and said many things about it. However, there may be another approach to this issue in this article. If you were concerned, push the envelope in through the comments form at the page. Beyond the metaphor in the last line, a view about the changing policies of the neighbouring countries is approachable through the same article that spread to cover another page at Military Religious Regime. I tried to produce one of the videos that cover the demonstrations against this imagery commission and added some funny touches to it. You can watch it at the page there and comment on it too. Have fun with it, in spite of this serious matter. March 08, 2010 – Psychology of Fear has Political Aims in Sudan! The dictatorial military and religious regime in Khartoum planned it very well. They prove that they ... follow at the link above. March 08, 2010 – United States of the Horn of Africa! Now, they will discuss in the IGAD's coming session, the fears they have expressed by referring to the fact that if the southern Sudan chooses to be a ... follow. March 08, 2010 – Equalize Regional Sharing to Settle Regional Problems! The South Sudan becomes an obsession to the ruling elites in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). No one has ever thought of it or sought ... follow. March 09, 2010 – Two Friends on the Edge! Since the fall of Marxists, the democratic movements have been crippled by tribalism. As the result, the worst dictators claimed power here and there. One of the commentators wrote those lines. March 09, 2010 – The Business of Politics! The article is somewhat old. However, it is updated here. The urgent demands of every human being are peace and health. However, it is because of our greediness we lost the human guidance to manage our demands. March 09, 2010 – Long Term Presidency Means Dictatorship! Absolutely! Just look around you in the continent and around you in the world. When a president whether in the Horn of Africa or in any other country in the world keeps going for more than 15 years, so what does that mean? This is ... follow. March 09, 2010 – Look Angry to the Crises in HOA! No one will ever urge that the crises we see, hear or read about in the Horn of Africa are something triggered and shaped especially to this eastern part ... follow. March 09, 2010 – HOA Political Scene! This is a new update to the home page. Who Makes the Tragicomedy There? If you have different view, urge. You know of course our point of view and you know that we publish news from the Horn of Africa in addition to researches and political analyses to the crises and the political development in the Horn of Africa. Please bring your horse in;-) to jump the barriers and win the race. March 10, 2010 – The Need to Lead is just a self-mobilizing power to some leaders in the HOA! It leads to the distraction of the people in the miserable Horn of Africa. This page is updated this week. March 11, 2010 – Comments! This page is updated too with some guidelines on how to comment using this system called Web 2. Write your comments and get gifts. It is so that simple to share your thoughts and get some gifts for doing so. March 11, 2010 – Military Religious Regime! The military religious regime in Sudan has secret influence on the Election Commission. This (imaginary commission) tries to be one of the best imageries of the regime. Abel Alier sits there as commissioner acting as a cartoon on the hand of those dictators. He killed his character before during Jafar Numeri's dictatorial regime. My sincere advice for him is to wake up and explode a historical bomb. Well, this point is arguable. You can write some bios of some characters like Abel Alier, Joseph Lagu, Aggrey Jaden, Clement Amboro, Izboni Menderi and other southern and northern politicians in any form on the pages above. If it is a matter of language and you want to write in your native language, send your article to my private email address at lovely at webspeed dot dk and I will take care of it. Thanks. March 12, 2010 – HOAS Videos! This page is updated too and I added those videos I told you about in this update to it. There are also some videos on this page to teach people many facts about the Web. They are vital for those people who may think of using the Web to write about something they know. Some Salsa and Samba Dances may please you if you feel any tedium. March 13, 2010 – Eritrean Refugees Situation is Late to Attract Attention! Nowadays the issue of asylum seekers and refugees in relation to the new push back policy is dominating the media. There is a new comment on this article written by somebody who looks angry to the crises. March 13, 2010 – Sudanese Refugees in Egypt are Not Allowed to Vote! That means, the Election Commission already know those people will not vote for the ruling party because they are opponents. The commentator who wrote those lines has referred to that news. Readers and I will enjoy any update in this regard. Please click on "Click here to post comment" to update it. Thanks. Before Farewell: I automate sending the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter as you know, to many of my friends through strong mailing-out system powered by the tools at the image below. These tools can send to millions of people in any list. However, I use them in addition to my other software to send to many people in my political list and business list. The tools work comprehensively not to send messages only but to track bounces, open rates and other hidden behind the surface techniques. Your Commitment: If you can make commitments on the weekends, you can schedule only 15 minutes to read 3 pages and another 15 minutes to post 3 comments on those 3 pages. Many thanks. I will keep you updated to follow up and read what other people think about the entire political development in the Horn of Africa. I have great concerns on these political developments. May Be More Pleasures: Teet, teeet, teeeet, but don't teeter in front of any car, buddy (I hear you laughing) and tweet HOA Political Scene 8 to Twitter and share it with your services like Ping, Facebook, Myspace, My Live, My Yahoo page, MyBlogLog, Stumbleupon and Expedia. Click on any button below, copy, paste the address of this page or those pages on the filter, and choose the service you want to submit to it if you didn't see the links already inserted there automatically. ![]() ![]() Please, by the name of our friendship, forward HOA Political Scene 8 to as many people as you know through the "Forward HOA's Political Scene" link here. Thank you for following up, reading and supporting HOA Political Scene 8. I hope to catch up with you next week. Until that time have a beer (or your favourite drink) on me and have a nice day. ![]() HOA's Political Scene Home| HOA's Political Scene Blog| Arabic HOA Political Scene| HOA's Political Scene| HOA's Political Section| HOA's Political Inspiration| HOA Political Scene Newsletter| Horn of Africa (HOA)| IGAD| Djibouti| Djibouti Country Profile| Djibouti's Political Scene| Djibouti's Political Problems| Eritrea| Eritrea Country Profile| Eritrean Political Scene| Eritrea's Political Problems| EPLF| Eritrea and NGOs| Eritrean Refugees| Red Sea Paradise| Ethiopia| Ethiopia Country Profile| Ethiopia's Political Scene| Ethiopia's Political Problems| TPLF| Awassa| Awassa Children's Village| Ethio-Eritrean Wars| Ethiopian Refugees| Kenya| Kenya Country Profile| Kenya's Political Scene| Kenya's Political Problems| Somalia| Somalia Country Profile| Somali Political Scene| Somalia's Political Problems| Somali News| Somali Archives| Somaliland| Sudan| Sudan News| Sudan's Political Scene| Political Problems in Sudan| Democracy in Sudan| Human Rights in Sudan| Sudanese Sectarian Parties| Comprehensive Peace Agreement| Darfur| Darfur Rebels| Darfur Crisis| Fur| NIF| International Criminal Court ICC| ICC Indictment| Omar al Bashir| Luis Moreno Ocampo| Crisis Group| Sudanese Dictatorial Regimes| Mao tse-Tung| Uganda| Uganda Country Profile| Uganda's Political Scene| Uganda's Political Problems| Lord's Resistance Army| Chad| Chadian Political Scene| Humanitarian Network| Environment Protection| Environment| Horn of Africa's Friends| HOA Calls| Comments| Forward HOA's Political Scene| Search| Freelancing Fees| Horn of Africa's Bookshop| Contact Us| HOAs Videos| The Need to Lead| Readers Write Good| HOA Political Scene 8| HOA Political Scene 7| HOA Political Scene 6| HOA Political Scene 5| HOA Political Scene 4| HOA Political Scene 3| HOA Political Scene 2| HOA Political Scene 1| HOA Political Scene Backissues| |
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