What is on the HOA Political Scene Notes 14?
The following update in the HOA Political Scene Note 14 and posts of notes in the Arabic HOA Political Scene.
Drought and Insecurity Continue!
Insecurity combined with cross-border armed conflicts over scarce living resources increases in northeastern Kenya, following the spread of the ravaging drought in the Horn of Africa, the HOA Political Scene has followed last week.
The drought is severe beyond the area of the Turkana Lake and up at the south of the green covering line of Omo National Park, Stephanie Wildlife Sanctuary and Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary.
The poverty line spreads along this part of the Ethiopian-Kenyan borders to include south Somalia and the southeastern part of Sudan as well.
Initially, insufficient governments or insurgencies in the area create food insecurity. The absence of justice, inequality, unfair elections and de facto governments dominate the political
scene to produce difficult situations for the people and increase the feeling of the left behind people.
In addition, the deterioration of the political situations increases the risks of the obvious climate change.
It is common during such political development in the area that any eruption gets beyond control. Armed conflicts rises, bands with arms shoot other innocent people, rob their livestock, burn lands and force migration of people to safety places.
The drought is covering now almost the entire southern Somalia. Meanwhile, Somaliland appears to be the secure zone for fleeing Somalis, as hundreds of Somalis began to flee their homes in southern Somalia and seek refuge in the self-declared independent Republic of Somaliland.
As the numbers of fleeing Somalis increase, the officials in Somaliland declare lack of food, water and shelter to cover the needs of their brothers.
This situation in Somaliland would draw attention to the self-
declared independent state of Somaliland. The humanitarian organizations would probably reply to the call of the government in Hargisia, or the risks of another eruption in that part of Somalia would be inescapable.
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However, comments about the drought in this issue of the HOA Political Scene Note 14 could be posted through the form on https://www.hoa-politicalscene.com/hoa-political-scene-49.html.
Posts of Notes!
We have some posts to read in Arabic at the Arabic version the HOA Political Scene, we ought to mention here in HOA Political Scene Note 14.
How Could Turkey Solve the Political Crises in the Middle East?
Reference: Please enter the question as a search term and choose your search on this
Imperialism Returns!
Southern Sudan is an example to exploit the political crises to divide big countries and use some jokers in other states to destroy the integrity of other countries by tribal means! However, this is in fact not as we all know and define as imperialism. Perhaps, it is neo-imperialism motivated by the Capital, during the recent recession.
Reference: Please enter the question as a search term and choose your search on the HOA Political Scene.
Kind regards.
Khalid Osman
HOA Political Scene Notes 14

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