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Dear, take action now, while issues are hot!
December 28, 2017

This issue of HOA Political Scene notes 21 is in two languages. So,...

Arabic readers, please scroll down to the Arabic section of the HOA Political Scene Newsletter. Thanks.

قراء النشرة العربية الاعزاء نرجو النزول الي اسفل لقراءة القسم العربي من هذه المذكرات.

* The English Notes No. 21

Dear valued reader, my friend,

Welcome 🖐🏽, the new readers, "subscribers" of the HOA Political Scene Newsletter. New readers and subscribers remind us to keep going.

They are our strength. 💪🏽 So, thank you very much for your support, and heartily greetings to you and yours.

We hope that you are happy, enjoying life and getting your goals fulfilled, every time. We also wish you on the recent holidays all the best along the way to your personal happiness.

It has been a while... OK, a long time since we sent our last newsletter and / or notes, and now here we get back on tracks, and we hope to continue this editorial mission. With your support, we could.

You know my friend from the subject line this is not the main newsletter, but rather the notes we send to announce new pages on the Horn of Africa's Network.

You might have seen the issues we have published recently on some other resources. But, we do our homework on these issues to reflect our political vision and to reflect also the editing methods of our expert journalists, with some spices added to them... just to make a beautiful flavor and taste, aesthetically, to somebody like you, dear friend.

So, here are the new published pages, both in English and Arabic to enjoy, and please leave us your thoughts when you read. That supports us so much. Thank you.

* The HOA Political Scene Blog has been updated with many new pages. It has also additional square design with a new color. It is your start point to read all the new pages.

Here are only some of the new pages:

* The Sudanese Resistance Movements are working hard, indeed. This is what we see. But, where do they arrive? What have they achieved?

The page encourages those movements to write a struggle CV for each. Readers want to look at such CVs, and we want to suggest additional values in the struggle field.

* The Sudanese Terrorist Rulers' Political Crimesare not limited to the crimes of genocide they committed in Darfur in the past and lately in Kalma, the IDPs camp.

The page adds more information to what we have already published at the Crimes Committed By Sudanese Dictators and the NIF's Political Crimes.

* The Sudanese Martyrs Tree Project is one of many new pages about this specific tree. The martyr's tree idea in fact has begun after the independence of Eritrea, while the chief editor was working in the official newspaper in Asmara.

He gathered 2 members from each trade union in meetings in the Confederation of the Eritrean Workers to establish the Eritrean Environment Organization. At the same time he carried out public campaigns to plant the Eritrean Martyr's Tree. Through the activities he ran, the Eritrean people planted more than 5,000,000 Martyr's Tree. See Environment and Environment Protection.

So, apparently, the Sudanese Martyrs Tree is fertilized idea from the Eritrean Martyr's Tree, which reflects the integrity of thinking, in the mind of the idea's developer.

* Sudan Is Not Arabic State. Yes, Sudan isn't an Arabic State. There's not any good constitution to state that, since the independence of the country. All of the constitutions made lack the complete participation of all Sudanese.

* The "Yellow Wagtail" is a light weight article written by someone on the commentary form at HOA's Arabic Prose and published on Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 132: من التراِث السوداني الأصيل الجميل والفريد من نوعه في العالم ‫-‬ ام قيردون الحاجة ‫-‬.

* The Arabic Notes No. 21

القارئ الكريم، صديقي العزيز

نرحب ترحيباً حاراً بالقراء الجدد الذين اشتركوا مؤخراً في نشرة موقع القرن الافريقي السياسية، ونتمي لهم قراءة ثرّة، والتقاطاً سلساً لما بين السطور.

من المهم القول باننا قد احتجبنا لفترة ليست بالقصيرة، وانشغلنا بفعاليات سياسية كثيرة مرهقة من صياغة مذكرات دولية، واتصالات مع المنظمات الدولية، وقيادة حملات اعلامية متنوعة، ونشر المزيد من التوعية السياسية، في مجموعات عديدة في السوشال ميديا، هذا بالاضافة الي توجيه الافكار والعمل نحو الداخل مع مجموعتنا في الداخل.

ومن المهم ايضا ان نقول للمشاركين الجدد الاعزاء في النشرة السياسية، ان هذه ليست هي النشرة السياسية الأصلية، انما هي مذكرات نبعث بها مع النشرة، ليعرف الاعزاء الصفحات الجديدة التي تمّ نشرها بالموقع، ليستفيدوا من قراءتها وليشاركوها مع اصدقائهم ومعارفهم.

الصفحات الجديدة يتم اعلانها في الجزء الوسيط من هذه المذكرات بين الرسالة الانجليزية والرسالة العربية.

ارجو الانتباه أيضاً الي ان اي فكرة للاتصال بشأن هذا العمل، او الاتصال الشخصي يتم عن طريق الاستمارة الموجودة علي صفحة Contact Us وليس عن طريق الضغط علي "رد" علي هذا الايميل وذلك للسبب التالي: هذا الايميل الخاص بالنشرة هو "ايميل ميت"، بمعني انه لا احد سيهتم بردود عليه، وقد جعلناه كذلك، لانه فقط ايميل لديه مهمة واحدة هي ارسال هذه النشرة، وليس ايميل للمراسلات.

هذا مع ضرورة القول بان الرسائل الموجّهة اليه يتم حذفها اوتوماتيكياً. لذلك، مرّة اخري ارجو توجيه اي رد، او رسالة لنا عن طريق صفحة "اتصل بنا Contact Us" وشكراَ.

HOA Political Scene 51| HOA Political Scene 50| HOA Political Scene 49| HOA Political Scene 48| HOA Political Scene 47| HOA Political Scene 46| HOA Political Scene 45| HOA Political Scene 44| HOA Political Scene 43| HOA Political Scene 42| HOA Political Scene 41| HOA Political Scene 40| HOA Political Scene 39| HOA Political Scene 38| HOA Political Scene 37| HOA Political Scene 36| HOA Political Scene 35| HOA Political Scene 34| HOA Political Scene 33| HOA Political Scene 32| HOA Political Scene 31| HOA Political Scene 30| HOA Political Scene 29| HOA Political Scene 28| HOA Political Scene 27| HOA Political Scene 26| HOA Political Scene 25| HOA Political Scene 24| HOA Political Scene 23| HOA Political Scene 22| HOA Political Scene Notes| HOA Political Scene 21| HOA Political Scene 20| HOA Political Scene 19| HOA Political Scene 18| HOA Political Scene 17| HOA Political Scene 16| HOA Political Scene 15| HOA Political Scene 14| HOA Political Scene 13| HOA Political Scene 12| HOA Political Scene 11| HOA Political Scene 10| HOA Political Scene 9| HOA Political Scene 8| HOA Political Scene 7| HOA Political Scene 6| HOA Political Scene 5| HOA Political Scene 4| HOA Political Scene 3| HOA Political Scene 2| HOA Political Scene 1| HOA Political Scene Backissues| HOA Political Scene Note 7| HOA Political Scene Note 8| HOA Political Scene Note 9| HOA Political Scene Note 10| HOA Political Scene Note 11| HOA Political Scene Note 12| HOA Political Scene Note 13| HOA Political Scene Note 14| Are You Intellectual 38: حوار سياسة في واتساب جات WhatsApp Political Chat| HOA WhatsApp Political Dialogue| WhatsApp Advices: لتعرف ان الكتابة علي النت تختلف عن الكتابة العادية| حوار مفاهيم في واتساب جات - WhatsApp Conceptual Dialogue| WhatsApp Cultural Chat| WhatsApp Educational Chat| Invitation 1 HOA's Friends - WhatsApp Highlights - احوال الشيزوفرانيا الدينية التونسية| Whatsapp Memories| WhatsApp Political Chat|
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