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A Doomsday for Dictators!

by Enkidu Debaba
(Halfa / Sudan)

A doomsday is started for dictators in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East, where they are engraved.

The Libya government of Col. Qaddafi was many years on power acting as a creator of this country, but the wind of revolution is mess-up him. He was about to step down by force.

As dictators stay on power, they extend their roots strong enough and the nationals can’t unplug them easily from the power like what has happened in Col. Qaddafi's worst crisis.

Since wiki leaks exposed many of dictators in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East, they couldn't cover themselves and convince the people. So, they terrify the people to shut up.

Everywhere, in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East, there are high security depot standby to compact the revolution. But this revolution can’t stop by means of oppressing powers. They have to learn from Hosni Mubarak.

Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Yemen and some other places in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East are waiting for their days and they must understand that the power cannot protect them and they must give their hands to their people and surrender.

It's fun to see some officials in the Ethiopian government run & hide themselves like rats. It is time to start investigation of the human right violation amounted to dangerous standards.

This revolution is a good lesson for any government in HOA, or the Middle East that they must respect the rights of the citizen & respect the international law. This revolution must look at the message of USHA & design it for implementation.

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