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When Somalia cries we cry too. We know most of the Somalis are good people and innocent too. But, some of the political groups make the Somali political situation worse, because they have been brought up traditionally focusing on religious and tribal discourses that make the country cries for mercy.
Somalia's political problems continue to become deeper because of the inherited sectarianism in the Country. They started from the first day the colonial powers landed in the area and escalated after the independence of the country from the colonial powers in three parts of the country (the British Somaliland, the French Somaliland and the Italian Somaliland).
We could never understand the Somali political problems unless we get into the past and know the situations and the beginning of the country as one state, when the colonial powers decided to evacuate the area.
While the state is absolutely a secular concept that should be according to this modern vision built as modern and civilized state, based on the values of secularism, the inherited Somali composition of religion and tribes make the most of the country's political problems.
So, the political problems in Somalia are not new. They have begun and escalated since the first day the European invaders landed in the area through the Red Sea and Egypt.
Egypt had been the gate of the bad winds that blew to devastate many nationalities in the Horn of Africa and crept even southwards to the Great Lakes region to control the sweat water resources.
One is in this regional area (Victoria) annexed somehow to (Albert) and the other is in Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa (Tana, or T'ana, Tana Hayq, ጣና ሐይቅ). To read more about this area, see the 100 Beautiful Sites in the World, my daughter's network of beautiful sights in the world.
The way the colonial powers dealt with the sheikhs of the clans in the area, through different and sometimes contradicted agreements has paved the way for tribalism to grow, as every sheikh was determined to have a great European power to support him as a sheikh against other rivals from the same tribe or other tribes and to support him against the ambitions of the Ethiopian empire at that time.
At the same time, the colonial powers have played on this ground to grow their interests in Somalia and other parts of the Horn of Africa, as a strategic geopolitical location in the corner of northeast Africa, with all its logistic supplies to the Arabian peninsula and southeast Asia.
As they used the sheikhs of the clans, they used religion too, when they actually decided to support Ethiopia, as a Christian power in the area, that could keep their interests intact.
But, the colonial powers fought hard against each other to mark the boundaries of their interests in this area, creating Djibouti, Sudan and Ethiopia with its annexed territories of Eritrea and some Somali territories. For Arabic readers, read my book, "The Political Tragedy of the Horn of Africa".
So, the root causes of the political problems today were actually planted in the area long time ago to fuel it on fire in the future, by the leaders of the tribal and religious oriented groups, especially the Somali troublemakers.
They are not only the problems caused recently by the Somali troublemakers, or the Ethiopian invasion, or the insurgency that engulfed the country since the fall of the military dictator, Mohammed Siad Barre, as we can see through the Somali political scene.
The causes hide absolutely behind the formation of the state. Britain, Italy and France controlled the land and divided it into three parts called the British Somaliland, the Italian Somaliland and Djibouti, which was in fact the French Somaliland, while they were competing for the national resources and the strategic locations in the Horn of Africa.
So, the problems started from this division to continue through the dictatorial period of Barre, the civil war after the fall of Barre, the American presence in Somalia and the turmoil led by the Council of Islamic Courts (CIC) and their military arm called al Shabaab.
The unrest escalated basically because most of the Somali political parties, including the Somali Youth League, the Somali Democratic Movement, the Somali National Movement, the Somali Patriotic Movement, the Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party, the Somali Salvation Democratic Front, the United Somali Congress and the Islamic Courts Union including al Shabaab have been launched from the tribal and religious political map of Somalia.
They have never thought of the modern and civilized state as a secular concept to build it on the values of civilian laws and to manage the differences between the clans based on the national sincerity towards the modern and civilized state, without having to marginalize any clan and thus its territory.
During the past and up to this moment, the problems has escalated because none of the national political systems has built strong educational system towards well understanding to the requirements of a new modern secular and civilized state in the Horn of Africa.
Barre, as a military dictator has never thought of such education, because he wanted to keep the people politically ignorant. The education system worked that time to graduate only officials to help him in many administrative areas and to that limit only.
The religion worked also as motive to keep the people politically ignorant and think that any efforts to build a modern and civilized state work against their religious beliefs and it is "haram" to do that in a society considered traditionally Muslim.
The root causes of the political problems are clear through the brief history of Somalia and they continued to be great problems in the absence of the national sense through which the religious leaders and the leaders of the Somali clans have all together created an atmosphere of political absenteeism in the country.
They created this absenteeism and followed it to erase the national sense and build a religious and other tribal clandestine sense, instead, to benefit only those elites and they have created some claque around them to get the political propaganda to work in this direction to grow their economical interests.
This page abut Somalia is the site map 6 A in the Horn of Africa and East Africa's Network. Here are the links to all the pages in this site map:
Site Map 6 A - Somalia:
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Site Map 6 C - Somali Political Articles:
Site Map 6 D - Somali Political Forums:
Site Map 6 E - Somali Political Comments:
Site Map 20 - Write about Somalia:
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The First Published Somali Pages on the HOA's Political Scene:
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The Main Pages on Somalia:
Commentary Pages:
Arabic Pages on Somalia:
الصومال تئن من الأثار المستمرة للحرب والجفاف| فهم سياسي صومالي جديد قد يسهم في انقاذ الصومال| مفارقات البؤس في السودان و الصومال|
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HOA's Primary Site Maps:
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 1: Horn of Africa.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 2: Djibouti.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 3: Eritrea.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 4: Ethiopia.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 5: Kenya.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 6: Somalia and Somaliland.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 7: Sudan and South Sudan.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 8: Uganda.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 9: Chad.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 10: DRC.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 11: Political Site Map.
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HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 14: Political Sense Journal.
HOA's Secondary Site Maps:
HOA Political Scene Site Map 15: Write about HOA.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 16: Write about Djibouti.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 17: Write about Eritrea.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 18: Write about Ethiopia.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 19: Write about Kenya.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 20: Write about Somalia.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 21: Write about Sudan.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 22: Write about Uganda.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 23: Write about Chad.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 24: Write about DRC.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 25: Readers Write Good.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 26: Readers Write Comments.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 27: Readers Read Good.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 28: Comments.
HOA Political Scene Site Map 29: Readers Comment.
HOA Newsletter's Site Maps:
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 30, Horn of Africa's Newsletters.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 31, Horn of Africa's Bulletins.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 32, Horn of Africa's Ezines.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 33, Horn of Africa's Political Newsletters.
HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 34, Horn of Africa's Journal.
Eritrean Site Maps:
Primary Site Map 3 A, Eritrea.
Primary Site Map 3 B, Eritrean Political Articles.
Primary Site Map 3 C, Eritrean Forums Online.
Primary Site Map 3 D, Eritreans Write Online.
Primary Site Map 3 E, Eritreans Love Commentaries.
Primary Site Map 3 F, Eritrean Political Comments.
Primary Site Map 3 G, Eritrean Humanitarian Topics.
Secondary Site Map 17, Write about Eritrea.
The Sudanese Primary Site Maps:
Primary Site Map 7 A, Sudan.
Primary Site Map 7 B, Sudanese Political Articles.
Primary Site Map 7 C, Sudanese Arabic Political Articles.
Primary Site Map 7 D, Sudanese Economical Forums.
Primary Site Map 7 E, Sudanese Cultural Forums.
Primary Site Map 7 F, Sudanese Forum.
Primary Site Map 7 G, Sudanese Forums.
Primary Site Map 7 H, Sudanese Regional Politics.
The Sudanese Secondary Site Maps:
Secondary Site Map 21 A, Write about Sudan.
Secondary Site Map 21 B, Comments on Sudan.
Secondary Site Map 21 C, Sudan Online.
Secondary Site Map 21 D, Sudanese Online.
Secondary Site Map 21 E, Sudanese Regimes' Political Crimes.
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