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More Sudanese Abilities Required!

The Sudanese abilities to conquer the political system, which is ruled by military religious regime in Sudan are getting stronger every day. The people of Sudan are determined to get rid of this regime and all of its polices. Sudanese Abilities: قدرات سياسية سودانية. Khalid Mohammed Osman's political sayings in English. أقوال سياسية لخالد محمد عثمان بالانجليزية Sudanese Abilities: قدرات سياسية سودانية. Khalid Mohammed Osman's political sayings in English. أقوال سياسية لخالد محمد عثمان بالانجليزية.

As the Sudanese victory is approaching, the outcomes will be predictable. The first outlines of the Sudanese aims is to establish the civil, democratic, secular and united state of Sudan, for the first time in history.

Immediately after that, the new civil and secular administration of Sudan should repeal of laws restricting freedoms and all agreements signed by the regime of what's called the National Congress party with the movement of South Sudan and with any other states in the world.

Continue the other Sudanese goals in the thread of this article.

It is very important to read the preamble of this episode, and of any other episode to get to know where you can continue the rest of the other episodes.

This helps to complete your adventure of reading thoroughly in the HOA Political Scene Network.

You can reach the full index of the sequence at the end of the page.

Intro to Index I, Episode 1: Sudanese Abilities!

The Sudanese political abilities are written in a sequence of Sudanese political articles in English and Sudanese Arabic political articles. The sequence is composed of many episodes.

This is episode 1.

Episode 2 is at Sudanese Absence. Episode 3 is at Sudanese Abuse. Episode 4 is at Sudanese Actions. Episode 5 is at Sudanese Activities. Episode 6 is at Sudanese Administration. Episode 7 is at Sudanese Agreements. Episode 8 is at Sudanese Aims. Episode 9 is at Sudanese Alternatives. Episode 10 is at Sudanese Ambitions.

There are more than 200 episodes only in this sequence. Through these episodes, you will learn more about Sudan and understand why the biggest country in Africa is deteriorating since the so called independence from Britain in 1956.

Just like any CSI TV series, I found this composition of the sequence with episodes is what I need to put the Sudanese political issues in stories and then put them in order.

Since each story is long, I produced it in episodes for you to get easily to any part of the Sudanese political series.

It is worth to mention that all of the episodes are helpful for college students, if they are studying political science, as well as journalists and researchers, if they are specialized in the political issues in the Horn of Africa.

What about international human rights organizations, international justice units and international political observers?

Well, the episodes are good for them too.

I have a book about this area titled "Horn of Africa's Political Tragedy", in Arabic of course, and you can find it at the top of the third column at the right.

It is remarkable to mention that the episodes make a perfect index of their own, added to the HOA Index. So, you might find yourself not willing to skip the political sections in the index of the episodes, including the Sudanese abilities.

Index I, Episode 1: Sudanese Abilities!

* Episode 1, Sudanese Abilities: Are You Intellectual?: Political ignorance of the Sudanese question - الجهل السياسي للمسألة السودانية!

How do I define political ignorance?

That means, what political ignorance definition do I have?

And for most, why do I have it?... How did I have it?

Well, this issue, as well as the intellectual definition thing, are all-in-one my lifetime experiences with many political issues, including  the politics of myth inside Sudan and in many countries I fled to in the Middle East and East Africa, notable of course the Horn of Africa.

It is for this reason, as to highlight political things in the mentioned areas, I published the HOA Political Scene Blog, to use it to publish political articles I wrote half a century ago. Quite long time, isn't it?

At the same time, well I should say before the website I published also some topics from the articles in the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Watan, the London-based Ad-Dastur Magazine, Haddash Eritra, the Eritrean official newspaper and then in my book "Political Tragedy of the Horn of Africa", or the "Horn Africa's Political Tragedy", in Arabic of course.

Arabic was my primary language to use for my work and for publishing and I am so good at it, as a columnist, critic, journalist, poet, short story writer, political writer, and novelist.

When we speak about political ignorance by definition, in the Sudanese abilities, we do, indeed mean knowing nothing in politics concerning some political, or even economical and social issues.

The understanding capacity of some people who have this kind of mental defect, is not because of that they are ignorant.

Not, at all, as we see this political ignorance even between university graduates. So, it has nothing to do with eduction, especially in the Sudanese case.

When we say the Sudanese case, we indicate that it is so different from anything else we see in other states in the world, even in what's called the third world.

Well, buddy... as we speak about the political ignorance in Sudan, we speak also about the political ignorance of the Sudanese issues abroad, between some political characters in the decision making circles in some states, even in Europe.

What about international human rights organizations, international justice units and international diplomats?

The episodes are also good for them to understand the Sudanese political issues well.

The HOA indexed page (linked in Arabic, above) is all about that to know. Even some European politicians have this political ignorance thing, so why do normal people bother?

Well, normal people in Sudan bother, because such sort of political ignorance of serious political issues has caused the Sudan a lot.

The one million square miles land is already divided and deteriorated. The military religious regime exploits this situation to sell the land of Sudan in pieces to some Arab and Turkish opportunists.

What's worse than that?

This is why we have Sudanese Intifada, which is in fact the political synonym expression of Sudanese Revolution... well, Sudanese Protests, or as all of that is defined as Sudanese Rising and Sudanese Uprising.

Enjoy, the revolution in Sudan, guys... I cheers for your victory, whether in Sudan, or everywhere, as victory is for the masses and it always belongs to the masses. So, cheers for your victory... It's mine.

This page is yet to complete my views in the Sudanese political scene... so keep visiting and you'll see it growing bigger, just like your little daughter, or your little sis. Smile.

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* Episode 1, Sudanese Abilities: Are You Intellectual 1: Chicago and the Sudanese Indians شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون

In this comment entry, I wrote about the combination between the Indians, as an old term for natives and how they moved from Chicago and why they grew onion.

As if inspired by a native's ethics, I had the feeling that the (place) has natural components and human components that makes it one of the beautiful places in the world.

The Natives place has a topic of sins against the locals, similar to what the Sudanese intruders do right now, because they are in a totalitarian regime that confiscates everything the locals in Sudan have, even their identities and lives.

Growing onion in Chicago in the past has outcomes we see in the cleverness of Natives and their wisdom.

This has a gesture to what the Sudanese people might need to have good sights with sharp eyes to see the perspective from different Sudanese angles.

Not only that, but they need onion to look deeply into the real causes of their misery and become more clever and persistent to solve the political problems in Sudan.

Although the page is in Arabic, this introduction makes it understandable. Besides, those readers who like to read the Arabic HOA will get the beauty of their literal language to be assimilated perfectly and therefore they will be inspired by it to move forward towards their freedom. 

The causes of aggression in Chicago, which is almost as the same in nature as the aggression in Sudan is parallel by none. That is because burning the people, as it has happened actually, in Chicago, is the same policy as burning the people of Sudan and burning their land.

We get such lessons from the experiences of other people too. No matter how the invaders are different.

This topic has a commentary at Are You Intellectual 1 Comments: شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون.

* Episode 1, Sudanese Abilities: Are You Intellectual 2: Memory invisibility leads to the unloading of demonstrations: تغييب الذاكرة يؤدي الي تفريغ المظاهرات

Most people actually don't know of memory invisibility that has been planned politically. The description also refers to something else.

First, the invisibility of the Sudanese memory means the "absenteeism of the Sudanese memory", you read in Arabic at the linked page.

Second, the memory invisibility in Sudan gets worse, when it is planned.

This is more explained as we could possibly know, when we think of what democracy lacks in our world. When we look at the standards of the public apprehension of democracy, or even politics, we see political ignorance.

So, we understand that "Democracy begins with the libration of the mentality from political ignorance". This is the first necessary step.

But, the political elites have never wanted to do that. They were unwilling to have well educated and smart people, because they wanted to keep their interests in power and wealth. The situation of illiteracy was good for them.

The literacy situation was just like that, because the ratio of ignorance, political illiteracy, roofing, mental trance, and other things in the sad Sudan have all proved to be very high. See Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 135: نسبة الجهل، الأمية السياسية، التسقيف، التغييب الذهني، وأشياء أخري في السودان الحزين

This is why we do have political tragicomedy in Sudan and absenteeism of national memory in Sudan, as I have written in the articles titled:

"Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 134: المأساة / الملهاة في السودان، تغييب الذاكرة الوطنية، وتسليم البشير للمحكمة الدولية وما بين كل ذلك" and "Are You Intellectual 12: On the sidelines of celebrating the mental absenteeism of the Sudanese citizens throughout the Sudan علي هامش إحتفالات التغييب الذهني للمواطن السوداني في كل أنحاء السودان".

These articles could be translated into "Tragedy / Comedy in Sudan, the invisibility of national memory, the surrender of Omar al-Bashir to the International Tribunal and all of that" and "On the sidelines of celebrating the mental absenteeism of the Sudanese citizens throughout the Sudan".

Freeing the Sudanese mentalities and memories from superstitions, is as necessary as freeing them from political and religious myths. Political healing should be the first job to achieve among the people.

I explained this also half a century ago when I wrote the article titled "Get rid of political superstition, so the Sudan will be save": Invitation to Comment 1: تخلصوا من الخرافة السياسية يسلم السودان.

That was before I involved in hard journalist struggle in Asmara with some people who have the same mentalities, as the other people I described in Sudan. To my surprise those people in the Eritrean periscope were working that time in the system, although they were hating it.

In the Sudanese analyses and the Eritrean analyses, I described them as hypocrites. They all have become happy, when I "felt down like a pull, so they sharpened their knives to get the meat out of me". This phrase is an interpretation to a Sudanese proverb.

What catastrophic and tragic was that?

They didn't believe I would rise from my aches, just like the phoenix, rising young and smart to continue fighting such ignorant mentalities, whether they are in Sudan, or in Eritrea, or in the entire Horn of Africa. Well, I consider this as one of the Sudanese abilities, I always have.

The mentality absenteeism is politically planned in Sudan since the independence of Sudan from Britain in 1956.

I am the journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman who is in fact the first and only person who said this long time ago and explained in details why and by whom it has been done.

As the details are in the linked page with my name, but, since the page is in Arabic, I should also say that in English here as this:

Sudan has three so called democratic periods and three military dictatorships. I called democracy in Sudan by the term "civil dictatorship", because it hasn't proved to be real democracy, through history.

I called it also "disocracy"... and as such word isn't found in any English, so take it as a "Sarcasm of the Sudanese Political Theatre", as I wrote in the linked description.

After the Sudanese analyses in the combined articles, I said the independence of Sudan was a mistake and we should look into the problems since the independence.

Then I called to prosecute the political leaders we know as they are the causes of these problems and with that call came another call to prosecute the history of Sudan.

Why not real democracy?

Because, the so called Sudanese political parties have proved to have misconception of democracy. That means in fact democracy has always been for those parties I call the "Sudanese Sectarian Parties".

If you believe in religion and sects and to use all of that in politics, you are safe. If you criticize any thing, you are in great danger.

So, what democracy is this?

Continue to the answers on episode 2 of the Sudanese political sequence at Sudanese Absence.

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Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

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