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Multiculture in Languages!

What is Multiculture in Languages? First thing to clarify: There is no word as such as "multiculture" in English, though there is a use of multi-culture and that's strange. In writing apps with automatic spelling correction, the subject "multiculture" changes automatically, while typing from the subject "multiculture" to the adjective multicultural. This is also strange as how there is an adjective for a subject that doesn't exist?

If you have any clue about this, fill it in the comments form. Thanks. ❤️

Second thing to clarify: We are not about language grammar on this multi-cultural thing here. We are about big worldwide concerns in matters that change our lives dramatically in a negative way and mostly psychologically and in health matters. This means that such negativity is dangerous. In this regard, there is not only one danger there in the world, but multiple dangers in every aspect of life.

These concerns come in multiple languages, so this is a gesture to the multicultural thing, from whereas the subject "multiculture" stems. As such, when these dangerous matters I describe as negativities endanger our lives, there should be a comprehensive explanation for them all.

Not only that, but there must be a genuine concern and a genuine thinking and genuine efforts to solve the issues that cause these dangerous situations in the world. A genuine concern, a genuine thinking and thus genuine efforts must have dynamic minds. That means they must emerge from extraordinary minds.

Hey, nice guy, isn't that what supposed to be you?

According to scientific facts, there are not many extraordinary minds. When a nation has extraordinary minds, and consequently when the world has so many extraordinary minds, the world's problems diminish and vanish. That is also a reference to the second thing that should be explained here.

In this way, when any individual in the world has a person who thinks of him and his interests in an unusual way, the first thing he must do is to understand what that person is saying and follow his advices.

This requires respect and adherence to any directives that come from the rational mind of that person who is concerned with the affairs of the other individual and therefore interested in the affairs of the world, as a whole.

There are explanations for the issue of multilingual education, which is certainly one of the cultural dynamics in this sphere of network concerned with the affairs of the simple human being anywhere in the world. They are in multiple languages ​​in the global dynamics sections on hundreds of dynamic pages, which come explaining the problems of the world and providing fundamental solutions to these problems.

As such, sincerity and honesty are required. They are summarized in taking care of this dynamic source of information, sharing the links of the dynamic pages, distributing all the posters that come in this context and installing them in public places for the benefit of the world.

Multiculture in French Language: La multiculture en langues!

Les raisons de publier la culture multiculturelle!

Les raisons de la publication de cet article sont qu'il éclaire la voie pour que le lecteur comprenne toutes les influences anormales qui ont donné de nombreux problèmes dans le monde et a ainsi une idée claire de la façon de résoudre ces problèmes.

Non seulement cela, mais l'article donne au lecteur une compréhension profonde de ce qu'on appelle la culture politique. Ainsi, cela le rend intelligent et l'éduque, y compris les influences culturelles liées à une bonne compréhension.

C'est parce que les problèmes du monde ne sont pas des problèmes ordinaires, mais au contraire, ce sont des problèmes qui conduisent à des difficultés dans la vie auxquelles tous les gens de cet univers sont exposés.

Par conséquent, une culture multiculturelle est requise en premier, et il y a d'autres exigences que j'ai couvertes dans les lignes suivantes et beaucoup d'entre elles se trouvent dans les sections de dynamique culturelle de la dynamique globale à la fin de la page.

Les exigences pour qu'un individu ait une culture multiculturelle sont déterminées par l'exigence que cette personne connaisse au moins deux langues afin de pouvoir lire et comprendre les problèmes du monde d'une manière correcte.

Quant aux autres revendications, elles se résument en ce que la prise de conscience réelle de l'ampleur de ces problèmes auxquels le monde est exposé et qui nuisent à tous, où qu'ils soient, rend la personne désireuse de résoudre ces problèmes et de les éviter en l'avenir. Ici, une personne peut ne pas avoir une idée de la façon de résoudre ces problèmes.

Sur cette base, l'article culturel multiculturel inspire le lecteur et propose même des solutions à ces problèmes grâce à sa dynamique globale qui éclaire de nombreux contextes de ces problèmes et leur nature au fur et à mesure qu'ils ont commencé à se produire, pourquoi, ce qui les a causés et qui les ont causés.

Pour cette raison, la dynamique internationale existe dans de nombreuses langues mondiales, de sorte que de nombreux lecteurs ont des solutions scientifiques à leurs problèmes mondiaux.

Cela signifie également que la culture multiculturelle reste une valeur vitale dans le développement de ce monde dans lequel nous vivons, qui, je crois, est une seule société, même s'il compte de nombreux pays et sociétés.

La seule société que je veux dire est la société humaine, où l'homme vit dans un univers, qui est la Terre, et non sur plusieurs planètes.

Cela indique également que cette société terrestre est une société, même s'il existe de nombreuses races, langues, cultures, traditions et croyances.

Sur cette base, la culture du multiculturalisme ouvre la voie à ces différentes races humaines pour parvenir à une formule originale d'unification de tous en un, créant une nouvelle société globale sur terre.

Ce sujet n'a pas été clairement abordé par la dynamique globale, bien qu'il soit le résultat d'une théorie globale consistant en une dynamique globale. Cette théorie globale est la théorie des masses, construite d'idées dynamiques pour faire du monde un véritable village.

Pour lire en plusieurs langues, faites défiler vers le bas, puis vers les sections de la dynamique globale. Si vous avez repéré des erreurs de langue, veuillez les corriger en entrant les mots corrects dans le paragraphe complet. Vous le faites dans le formulaire de commentaires. Merci.

Multiculture in Spanish Language: ¡Multicultura en idiomas!

¡Las razones para publicar la cultura multicultural!

Las razones para publicar este artículo son que ilumina el camino para que el lector comprenda todas las influencias anormales que han dado muchos problemas en el mundo y así tenga una idea clara de cómo solucionar estos problemas.

No solo eso, sino que el artículo le da al lector una comprensión profunda de lo que se llama cultura política. Por lo tanto, lo hace inteligente y lo educa, incluidas las influencias culturales relacionadas con la comprensión adecuada.

Esto se debe a que los problemas del mundo no son problemas ordinarios, sino por el contrario, son problemas que conducen a dificultades en la vida a las que están expuestas todas las personas de este universo.

Por lo tanto, primero se requiere una cultura multicultural, y hay otros requisitos que cubrí en las siguientes líneas y muchos de ellos están en las Secciones de Dinámicas Culturales de Dinámicas Globales al final de la página.

Los requisitos para que un individuo tenga una cultura multicultural están determinados por el requisito de que esta persona sepa al menos dos idiomas para poder leer y comprender los problemas del mundo de manera correcta.

En cuanto a las demás demandas, se resumen en que la conciencia real de la magnitud de estos problemas a los que está expuesto el mundo y que perjudican a todos, sin importar dónde se encuentren, hace que la persona esté ansiosa por resolver estos problemas y evitarlos en el futuro. En este caso, es posible que una persona no tenga idea de cómo resolver estos problemas.

Sobre esta base, el artículo cultural multicultural inspira al lector e incluso brinda soluciones a estos problemas a través de su dinámica global que ilumina muchos de los antecedentes de estos problemas y su naturaleza como comenzaron a ocurrir, por qué, qué los causó y quién los causó.

Por esta razón, existen dinámicas internacionales en muchos idiomas globales, por lo que muchos lectores tienen soluciones científicas a sus problemas globales.

Esto también significa que la cultura multicultural sigue siendo un valor vital en el desarrollo de este mundo en el que vivimos, que creo que es una sociedad, aunque hay muchos países y sociedades en ella. La única sociedad a la que me refiero es la sociedad humana, donde el hombre vive en un universo, que es la Tierra, y no en varios planetas.

Esto también indica que esta sociedad terrenal es una sociedad, aunque hay muchas razas, idiomas, culturas, tradiciones y creencias. Sobre esta base, la cultura del multiculturalismo abre el camino para que estas diferentes razas humanas alcancen una fórmula original para la unificación de todos en uno, creando una nueva sociedad global en la tierra.

Este tema no fue abordado claramente por la dinámica global, aunque es el resultado de la teoría global que consiste en la dinámica global. Esta teoría global es la teoría de las masas, construida con ideas dinámicas para hacer del mundo una verdadera aldea.

Para leer en varios idiomas, desplácese hacia abajo y luego a las secciones de Dinámica global. Si detectó algunos errores de idioma, corríjalos ingresando las palabras correctas en el párrafo completo. Haz esto en el formulario de comentarios. Gracias.

The Global Dynamics are All Multiculture in Languages!

The Global Dynamics come multicultural because of that we have extraordinary circumstances in the world through which dangerous problems like climate change with its epidemics and the escalation of conflicts and terrorism threaten the lives of everybody in this world.

The ordinary individual does not know the backgrounds and the real causes of all of these problems and the international political media plays a role in keeping that nice innocent continue to remain innocent. By the aesthetics of my profession as journalist, I am obliged to put that nice innocent individual in the knowledge to save her/his life and mine too.

So, for this reason, you will find that every segment of the International Dynamics is a multicultural education based on Multiculture in Languages. The global dynamics have historical backgrounds of creation, which has begun by political Dynamic Ideas. This is very clear to learn from in some of the dynamic sections.

Through the historical backgrounds of these dynamics, you will know how I planned the dynamics regionally first, guided by the motto "THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY" to do experiments with "multi-culturing" the masses environmentally and politically and seeking the best methodology of gathering the masses together around a new ideology to achieve some projects I planned out of these dynamic ideas.

You will also learn how I converted the regional dynamics into Global Dynamics and why.

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 1

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 1, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 2

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 2, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 3

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 3, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 4

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 4, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 5

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 5, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 6

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 6, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 7

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 7, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 8

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 8, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 9

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 9, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 10

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 10, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 11

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 11, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 12

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 12, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 13

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 13, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 14

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 14, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 15

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 15, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 16

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 16, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 17

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 17, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 18

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 18, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 19

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 19, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 20

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 20, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 21

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 21, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 22

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 22, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 23

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 23, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 24

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 24, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman: Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 24, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 25

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 25, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 26

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 26, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 27

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 27, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 28

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 28, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 29

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 29, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 30

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 1, Arabic video lessons by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 31

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 2, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 32

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 3, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 33

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 4, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 34

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 5, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 35

Multiculture in Languages on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 6, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 36

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 7, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languagese on Global Dynamics 37

Climate Justice, Episode 1 - 1, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 38

Climate Justice, Episode 1 - 2, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 39

Multiculture in Languages on Global Dynamics 40

Multiculture in Languages on Multilingual Dynamics 1

Multiculture in Languages on Bilingual Dynamics 2

Multiculture in Languages on Multilingual Dynamics 3

Multiculture in Languages on Bilingual Dynamics 4

Multiculture in Languages Brought about Ideas I Used to Inspire the Masses to Plant More than 5,000,000 Martyr's Tree in Eritrea

Multiculture in Languages Came to Convert the Idea of the Eritrean Martyr's Tree to the Sudanese Martyr's Tree 1

Multiculture in Languages Fired My Imagination to Create the Sudanese Martyr's Tree 2 to Spark the Sudanese Revolution

Multiculture in Languages Generated the Sudanese Martyr's Tree 3 to Support the Sudanese Revolution

Multiculture in Languages Inspired Me to Mobilize the Sudanese Revolution through Long Years and It Failed

Multiculture in Languages Motivated Me to Create 3 Mechanisms for a Progressive Sudanese Revolution

Multiculture in Languages Uncovered the Muslim Brothers, the Founders of International Terrorism with Other Global Elements

Multiculture in Languages is a Brain Dynamic!

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