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The Strategies and Tactics of the Masses Era come as you see in Arabic and English. This BILINGUAL approach is so important, as this network has both Arabic and English readers and therefore it is part of the Bilingual HOA.
However the strategies and tactics are now in more than 90 languages, for so many people in different linguistic worldwide regions to learn the Strategies and Tactics of the Era of the Masses.
So, dear readers, you need to scroll to the section of your language. Most importantly, subscribe to the HOA Political Scene Newsletter to get the map of the way to the Era of the Masses. Thanks.
The circumstances, which have produced this topic under the title "Strategies and Tactics of the Era of the Masses" have forced me, just as the severe weather climatic changes, following what is known as "Climate Change", or "Global Warming", which have produced a number of global crises.
The most dangers of all is the exacerbation of epidemics, such as this epidemic, which is known as "CPVID-19", I say these very bad circumstances have forced me to produce the dynamic idea of the "Era of the Masses", which is one of the basic "Dynamic Ideas" I have invented.
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 1: intellectual foundation from which these ideas were produced has its intellectual and literary sources in my personal biography, and where the idea of the "Masses" appeared first in the seventies, and developed over time, following the negative political events from that time until today, as I mentioned more than once.
This was as the same as the idea of the Eritrean "Martyr's Tree" I invented during the nineties, which was an important basis in the "environmental sustainment". It would have been good preservation of the environment in the "Horn of Africa" if it had been taken advantage of, especially after the production of the Sudanese "Martyr's Tree" after the outbreak of the "Sudanese Revolution". Now you have more details on the "Masses Era" and the "Dynamic Ideas" concerning the "Martyr's Tree" and the "Sudanese Uprising:
The Revolution in Sudan, however didn't take the "Dynamic Ideas of the "Masses Era" seriously, so the revolution has failed dramatically to come forward with fundamental solutions to the political problems in Sudan.
Sudanese could have done that by taking the 3 mechanisms I explained to most of the revolution groups, since the day the Sudanese Revolution stared to overthrow the military religious regime of the dictator Omar al-Bashir, and stop the conspiracies of the Arab dictators, kings, princes and sheikhs and other international intervention in Sudan.
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 1: rules Islamic and sectarian mentalities. It reflects on the combined thoughts of the masses and scratch deep in the unity of the revolutionary young people. Sceptic views are always present to hinder those youth from achieving fundamental solutions.
The Sudanese religious and sectarian parties have always played rules to increase this superficiality and spread the fear and the doubts about the abilities of the young people to achieve their political goals.
One of the important facts to remember, which has produced a messy situation in Sudan is that many of the new generations are afraid of fundamental achievements, although they have been subjected to severe fundamental civil and military and most importantly sever Islamist fundamentalism. They will never learn, at all from their own political experiences. I have much regret pain and sorrows and I am very sorry for these generations.
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 2: ideas with the components of the "Masses Era" have operational grassroots to start with learning the basics to implement the "Era of the Masses", correctly. Therefore, I have given many lessons through the "Sudanese Dynamics" in the content of the "Sudanese Political Sequences" ...
The examples of the lessons of the "Masses Era" could be used anywhere in the world to make it better. So, the indication is that there is not any difference between the masses, anywhere.
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 2: Strategies and Tactics of the Masses Era are provided through the components of the LPE of the Era of the Masses, so the masses could work the process to replace classic systems by the systems of the masses.
The Masses Era is the identity of the people everywhere. So, I have the articles translated into many languages. This page works as a bilingual category of the Masses Era and I started it alphabetically as shown below. The bilingual category continues on the People's Era and other pages, I will link to very soon.
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 3: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 4:* Albanian: Idetë Dinamike: Fushata gjuhësore masive për të filluar foletë e masave në të gjithë botën. Idetë dinamike të gazetarit veteran, Khalid Mohammed Osman.
The translation to this Albanian description is: Massive language campaigns to start mass nests around the world. Dynamic ideas of veteran journalist, Khalid Mohammed Osman. However, the "nests" is meant as "network", which is "rrjetet" in Albanian.
Dear Albanian reader, help us improve Albanian translation by checking the language mistakes and re-writing the paragraphs with errors correctly through the form, or the comments link. Thanks.
* Amharic 1: ተለዋዋጭ ሀሳቦች: ተለዋዋጭ ሀሳቦች-የዓለም ህዝቦች ክላሲካል የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች መንግስታት የአየር ሁኔታን እየለዋወጡ እና ወረርሽኞችን እያመጡ መሆኑን ማወቅ አለባቸው ፡፡ ዓለምን በትክክል ለመረዳት እና ለመለወጥ ።
This Amharic description in English is: The masses need to be aware that climate change is causing pandemics. You should read to understand correctly and change the world. It has details, extending into the following commentary page:
* Amharic 2: ተለዋዋጭ የፖለቲካ አመለካከቶች: “የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ” የ “ወረርሽኝ በሽታዎች” መንስኤ መሆኑን “ብዙዎች” ማወቅ አለባቸው ፡፡ ስለሆነም “ብዙሃኑ” የአየር ንብረት ለውጥን ያስከተለውን “የፖለቲካ ሥርዓቶች” ለማስወገድ መነሳት አለበት ፡፡
The interpretation to this Amharic description is: "Many people" should know that "climate change" is the cause of "epidemics". Therefore, the "masses" must rise up to eliminate the "political systems" that have brought about climate change.
Dear Ethiopian reader, help us improve Amharic translation by writing this page in the comments link at the bottom of it. When you press that link, it will open a form to write. Ethiopian female writer is required. Use the Contact Us form to apply.
* Arabic: - أفكار ديناميكية، أو أفكار دينامية:
أُكدُ أنا الناشط والصحفي خالد محمد عثمان من خلال أفكاري الديناميكية أن عهد الأحزاب السياسية الكلاسيكية قد انتهى بالفواجع والأزمات التي سببتها هذه الأحزاب في فترة ما أسميه "النُظم الكلاسيكية"، وأن "عصر الجماهير" قد حان وقته ويجب ان يكون العصر البديل لعصر الأحزاب السياسية الكلاسيكية، بحيث يجب على الجماهير في كل بلد تغيير نظامها الكلاسيكي بأنظمة جماهيرية حديثة، حتي يتم تغيير النظام العالمي بأنظمة جماهيرية.
The translation of this Arabic description is: I, the activist and journalist Khaled Muhammad Othman, affirm through my Dynamic Ideas that the era of classical political parties has ended with the tragedies and crises caused by these parties in a period of what I call "classic systems". I also affirm that the "Era of the Masses" has come and it must be the alternative era to the era of classic political parties, so that the masses in each country must change their classic system with modern mass-systems, so that the new world order would be changed by the systems of the masses.
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 5:* Bulgarian 1: Динамични идеи: Динамичните идеи казват, че ерата на класическите партии завърши на практика с непрекъснатия провал на правителствата, което доведе до икономически бедствия, климатични бедствия, природни бедствия, съпътстващи екологични бедствия и хуманитарни бедствия в целия свят.
The interpretation to this Bulgarian description is: Dynamic ideas say that the era of classical parties ended in practice with the constant failure of governments, which has led to economic disasters, climate disasters, natural disasters, accompanying environmental disasters and humanitarian disasters around the world.
* Bulgarian 2: Динамични политически мнения: Трябва да премахнем идеологическите си различия на международно ниво и да се сближим, за да се изправим пред опасностите, произтичащи от лошите политически тенденции и практики по света.
The translation to this Bulgarian description is: We must eliminate our ideological differences at the international level and come together to face the dangers posed by bad political trends and practices around the world.
Well, this is one step towards international meetings around one goal and that goal is how to achieve the Masses Era? I have the complete answer. So, be member of this network. Use the Contact Us form to be member.
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 6:* Chinese: 动态想法: 群众时代是什么意思? 为什么是群众时代? 大众一直是世界各地通过议会投票程序选举政府的动力,只有一些实行专制政权的国家例外。但是,尽管如此,群众从经典制度中所获得的无非是经济,环境,健康和人道主义危机。
The interpretation to this Chinese description is: What does the mass age mean? Why is the age of the masses? The public has always been the driving force for the election of governments through parliamentary voting procedures around the world, with the exception of some countries with authoritarian regimes. But despite this, what the masses get from the classic system is nothing more than economic, environmental, health and humanitarian crises.
* Czech 1: Dynamické Nápady: Zdravé tělo je ve zdravé mysli. Zdravé tělo je tělo mas. Chcete-li se o tom dozvědět více, přihlaste se k odběru novinek, abyste se naučili vést nebo se připojit k éře mas. Budete organizovat s místními organizacemi a připojit se k mezinárodním organizacím.
The translation to the Czech description is: A healthy body is in a healthy mind. A healthy body is the body of the masses. To learn more about this, subscribe to the newsletter, so as to learn to lead or join the masses' era. You will organize with local organizations and join international organizations.
* Czech 2: České Dynamické Perspektivě: My masy musíme nahradit zkorumpované vlády klasických politických stran vládami mas, abychom zachránili zájmy mas, nikoli zájmy vládnoucích elit.
The interpretation to this Czech description is: We masses must replace the corrupt governments of classical political parties with mass governments in order to save the interests of the masses, not the interests of the ruling elites.
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 7: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 8: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 9: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 10:* Write comments on the MASSES ERA and tell me exactly what you have learned from the dynamics. You are welcome of course to include your thoughts.
* You can watch the movements of the masses, but not the Masses Era on documentary films on the, as you can watch at the same time how Climate Change has affected so many beautiful places in the world at
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