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HOA Calls Pastime Classmates, Friends & Teachers to Join the Network!

HOA Calls Pastime Classmates, Friends & Teachers to Join Network! Here is where you can enjoy reading HOA's culture, poetry and politics, among other issues in the Horn of Africa. So, HOA Calls you and all pastime classmates, journalists and teachers to join the Horn Africa's Network and read the literary and political insights to improve literary, political issues and the living standard of everyone. This call has already started with the literary pages and this is one of them.

رجالٌ يأتون

كالأفراحِ كالصباح

كتلاحم العشق في العيون

نمدّ الأيدي نصافحهم فجأةً

نملأُ الأحضانَ منهم فجأةً

نأخذُ الفلاحَ عنهم فجأةً

وفجأةً … يتبخرون

We cal all colleagues, friends, lovers and interested HOA citizens to join the Horn Africas Network, create, write about the political development in the Horn of Africa, discuss the political problems, write to each other and create and share the network.

This page on the HOA Political Scene is only for people from the HOA, whether they live in any of the miserable lands in the Horn of Africa, or abroad. Read the HOA geopolitical abbreviation.

طيفُك الـ "وهبْ"

فعلنا الـ "ذهبْ"

رائعٌ، مشاغبٌ

وثورةٌ غضبْ

As you see from the scripture of the HOAs political poetry on the HOAs images and below them, you can get the impression that we'll never develop the area, without having to look deeply inside the political problems to solve them. We should get together to do this.


حرام وهجكِ المجنون

هنا دنيا

غدا قلبي بها مُعْتل

وهناك أوديةٌ مشاعيةْ

يحفرُ فيها القلبُ أغنيةْ

فقط عسكر...

أحالوها "تُرابية"!

فهل نسمع غناءَ الرحلةِ الأولْ؟

So, the calls of HOA are intended to get you active, not only politically, but also literary to raise an awareness and to make the citizen of HOA sure of the secular concept of the state, as it is the only solution to get the area out of religious dilemma.

نيفاً وعشرين يا "نمولي"

يطاولُكِ الليلُ بالتساءل

يُغْرِي فيكِ بالطللِ

فتبعثين السحرَ ايقاعا

في رعشةِ الخلخالِ والخُصَلِ

وترسلين الحبَ أرباعا

فتحمله علائل’ بَحْرِنا الجَبَلِ

As you see from the HOAs animation gallery, the HOAs design gallery, the HOAs gallery and the HOAs imagery poems that our involvement cover the literary area, because it is important to erase the political absenteeism created by leaders of sects and religous militias almost in many states in the Horn of Africa and East Africa.

أخرجُ من بيتي ممتزجاً بالدمِ






- استباحَ يقيني وعانقني -

The Sudan is only an example you see through the poetry snippets on those pages and at the HOAs literary works, the HOAs literature, the HOAs love poems, the HOAs photo gallery and the HOAs picture gallery.

أللحفاة يلهجُ هذا الفجر؟

ألابن السبيل؟

ام الآلم الجميل...

لا يكفي،

حتي يرفع الاحزان جيل؟

Even love, as you see through love poems on the HOA Political Scene Blog will never be perfect in such environment controlled by military dictators and the religious madness of sects.

The sects have been developed through the fiftieth to make the population politically absentees and caused the military coups, while the religious madness continues to develop religious militias, such as you see in Sudan and Somalia.


حملتُ هواكِ جُرْحاً شقيّا

انتبذتُ به مكاناً شرقيا

فطلعتْ من هواي زهرةٌ

خجولةٌ ولغةٌ حييه

How to respond to the HOA Calls and be active politically?

If you liked the message of the Horn of Africa's Network, don't just read and appreciate the efforts we make to put political things into their right place.

لا تصدمي الرياحَ

لحظةَ الشقاءِ والتعبِ

لا تجهشي، زمانُ إرثنا

في الموتِ والشغبِ

زمانُ آدمٍ جديد

Do more than that through the activity pages on this network outlined here within. It is more better than taking thee actions in the social media.


Because you don't own the social media. But, you will absolutely own your pages here. In addition, the social media will never serve your political social goals. We serve these goals and we don't have any kind of censorship.

اغتالوك في الحياةِ

ربابنةُ السياسةِ...

ام كان طيفُ الغبارِ

يعلو عليك

ويرميك وراءَ النهارِ

أيهذا الذي كان عظيمَ القرارِ

انهض لنفسك، شأنُ الحياةِ

ان تفك حصارا تلو حصارِ

There are also many differences, such as that you will get it easier when working with people you know and trust in the network, when all the goals of HOA Calls are met and we gather the socialist people we want to make this network strong.

Political engagement in the HOA Calls is basic element in the HOA Network and it has two different language platforms. The starting pages are the HOAs Comprehensive Projects, USHA and the USHA Framework. The Arabic platform is at the Arabic HOA Political Scene.

Read the main pages linked above with some other political pages with the updates at the HOA Political Scene Blog and the Arabic version of the blog. Then, if you liked the topics we cover, comment on them, forward them to concerned friends and keep visiting the network.

أُحَدِثُكم بهذا البَوْح

عن جلدٍ يخرجُ منه القوتْ

عن بيتٍ ممتلئٍ...

بالرحمةِ والخبزِ يموتْ

اجتثوا منه الصوتْ

To enrich this medium concerning the HOA Calls, there are variety of cultural activities to open the minds of the natives in many states in East Africa and the Horn of Africa and to erase the political misconception and to manage the situation of static minds of "politically absentees".

من يبقي علمَ الأمةِ مرفوعا

سيسمعُ هذا الصوتَ المهموس

يسمعُ هذا الجرسَ المهموس

يعلمُ ان شموس

في زمانِ الطلقِ تجوس

تبحثُ عن وطنٍ محبوس

As you see through the HOA Calls, the pages are for artists, journalists, literates and poets. The pages for literates are at the HOAs Cultural Project.

هل ولّتْ أزمنةُ الشعوبِ؟

أين زماني...

من زمان ِارتدادِ القلوبِ؟

The collection on this page includes: HOAs Image Scripture| HOAs Literary Scripture| HOAs Photo Scripture| HOAs PoemsHOAs Poetic Pictures| HOAs Poetry| HOAs Poetry Aesthetics| HOAs Poetry Scripture| HOAs Poets GalleryHOAs Sacred Poetry| HOAs Sacred Scripture| HOAs Scripture| HOAs Verse|

من أبلغ هذا النهر

ان الفجرَ، الفجر

علي الأبواب

ينضو الثوبَ

ويعري كالبرق؟

My goodness, I really am so impressive and I get some more impressions when I reread my own poem. I assure you, without any assumption, no one in my language can write such poetic expressions.

Just imagine, how could the "dawn" come at the doors? How could the "dawn" strip? and not just strip, but strip like lightning? How could the sky lightning strip?

Pictures! It is all about pictures and the way you interpret pictures in your mind and in your memory. When you call these pictures, let them dance even surrealistically.

That is art in poetry. And, it is my own poetry school and my own poetry movement. Follow it and expose it.

هو الحزن... نصيبُك

ان تحزنَ حزناً شفيفا

وتعشقَ عشقاً شريفا

وتبقي نظيفا

في زمنِ البذاءةِ وحدك

The journalists pages are at the HOAs JournalistsHOAs Journalists project and Horn Africa's Journalists. The poets pages are at the HOAs Poets, the HOAs Poets Bookshop, the HOAs Poets Project and the Squadron of Poets.

The Arabic HOA Political Scene include the following literary pages in Arabic:

Arabic Short Story| Asmara| Caligula the Sudanese| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| Freedom Bells| Suakini Cat| The Frame|

 شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون| تغييب الذاكرة يؤدي الي تفريغ المظاهرات| أدبيات التعليق السياسي حول سياسات القرن الافريقي| إذا الشعب في السودان أراد الحياة| للكذب ثلاثة ألوان| كيف أحصل علي مدونة كمدونة القرن الافريقي| علي هامش إحتفالات التغييب الذهني للمواطن السوداني في كل أنحاء السودان| مسرحية العرائس السودانية المثيرة| تراجيديا المحاكاة والشبه بين تشاد والسودان| كيف وضعوا وطنا كاملا وشعبا كاملا داخل برواز؟| العشق زمن البرتقال والسحب الأليفة| كاليجولا السوداني| علمني هذا الإنسان النبيل| الكويت واحدة من أهم المحطات الصحفية في حياتي| القطّ السواكني| البرواز| تخلصوا من الخرافة السياسية يسلم السودان| السياسة… أه السياسة! الثقافة… آه الثقافة! الشفافية… آه الشفافية| من سرق حياتي؟|

The literary works in English are on the eNglish version of the website at:

Directive| Etiolate Life| Her Lips Draw the Dream| HOAs Self-Publishing| Horn of Africa's Journalists| Love Spice| Political Articles Tips| Superstitions| The Hangover| The Need to Lead| The Sudanese Song Poetry| The Superlative|

How to respond to the HOA Calls and be active literary?

Read the Arabic and English versions of the literary pages and contribute providing your ideas and writing about your own literary works.

You can provide literary works too to be included in the literary network and then forward your production to your friends through Forward HOA PoliticalScene to join in and share the network you create.

نأتيك فرادي

قبل الجرحِ فتفتحين

نحلمُ وتحلمين

نري منكِ ما يهزّّ بوحَنا

يندي جرحَنا

فنهوي كالذبابِ مجندلين

You may get many ideas from the poetry you read on the pictures associated with the HOA Calls. For more similar pictures with snippets of poetry from my poetry collection, see the HOAs Photo Gallery.

We have more than 1000 pictures in this production line you can print out from the HOA Calls and the other pages to decorate your room, share with friends, hang on locations on your city and fix them on your automobile.


ان أكونَ ناركِ

ونوركِ القصي

يشعُ في مداك

أعلنتُ ان يصبَ شاعري

قصائداً، قصائدا

ليعتلي علاك

That seems like my love, I am singing for on this poem, with the same title that takes the title of the poetry collection, is not a female, but the modern secular state.

HOA calls all those socialist people in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda, or from these states but they live in some countries in the Diaspora.

If you feel they are not doing well concerning politics, you can however, use the forms in the relevant pages to write about that.

In the other hand, when you get into this website through the HOA's Calls, or other pages be active and keep in touch with this website by becoming a friend at the Horn of Africa's Friends. Use the form to register basic information and be sure that this is so confidential.

In addition to the call of HOA, you may also be interested in the following pages:

HOA Search| HOAs Arabic Prose| HOAs Data Analyzing| HOAs Political Business| HOAs Refugees| HOAs Refugees Project| HOAs Self Publishing| HOAs Videos| Horn Africas Bulletins| Horn Africas Ezines| Horn Africas Journal| Horn Africas Newsletters| Horn Africas Political Newsletters|

In addition, you have the HOA PoliticalScene Newsletter archives at the following pages to get back to the history of this network and the political issues we have published until now from the HOA Political Scene 23 to the HOA Political Scene 51.

Make this page your home page following these steps: Open Internet Tools in your Internet browser window and scroll in the small window to the last written words there that read as "Option". You will find a link there already highlighted.

Copy this link, paste it there and click OK.

Take the free version of the picture book and rate it on the iTunes at Rising Phoenix Picture Book.

Use the following form to write HOA News, comments, articles about those countries or just to respond to the call and connect with the network. You can invite your friends to this page too when you Forward HOA Political Scene to them and encourage them to discuss political issues with you here.

Have a Great Story about or from the Horn of Africa?

Do you have a great story about or from the Horn of Africa? Share it! Note that you can use the forms in this platform to comment and write about political topics in the Horn of Africa. Some pages about other countries may fall out of this map. However, they may have some impacts on some countries in this map. You can use the same forms anyway to comment or write about them too.

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Beautiful Existence is in Kindness, Love and Unity in the One! Not rated yet
A man married a beautiful girl. He loved her very much. One day she developed a skin disease. Slowly she started to lose her beauty. It so happened that …

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HOA's Political Scene| HOA's Political Scene Blog| Djibouti Country Profile| Djiboutian Political Scene| Djiboutian Political Problems| Eritrea Country Profile| Eritrean Political Scene| Eritrean Political Problems| EPLF| Eritrea and NGOs| Eritrean Refugees| Red Sea Paradise| Ethiopia Country Profile| Ethiopian Political Problems| Sudanese Conspiracies| Sudanese Political Scene| Muslim Brothers' Conspiracy Theory|

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي

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