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International Dynamics to Renovate Climate!

The International Dynamics are originated from the HOA's Dynamics and HOA's Dynamics are originated from basic ideas I continued to develop, since the seventies of the twentieth century.

Well, that was a long time through which some ideas succeeded brightly and others fail. The fall of the last ones isn't because these ideas are nonsense, but it is because the environment where I planned these ideas for has no sense of human sense and has no instinct, or any intuition, like what I got when I implemented the first ones in another very different environment.

The first ones were successful, because the inhabitants of that environment are more revolutionists and more open to bright ideas that they sense they have great assets in their society and that differentiate them from other folk in the entire environment, which is the Horn of Africa.

It makes sense to me every time I discover my instinct towards the Eritrean people I see that it is right and know that like those people are seldom else where in the Horn of Africa. This is not only because of their patriotism, but it is also of their transparency, honesty and the way they look at things so differently from a very open collective mind of nationalism.

For example, the national unity was the basic lesson the Eritrean People's Liberation from (EPLF) has educated while organizing the Eritrean societies into one strong society inside the revolution. That led the revolution to succeed dramatically compared with other national revolutions in the African continent.

In turn this has led to the stability and the strength of the Eritrean society all the way through the first years of independence and during the last Ethio-eritrean wars. Well, this hasn't happened by coincidence and far away from the principles of the "mass", the EPLF has used  during its first struggle against the Ethiopian colonization.

From the first Eritrean perception of the term "mass", I built the dynamic ideas of the "masses era", which is included in the International Dynamics to work out form it the other dynamic ideas.

The other ideas are such as the idea of the Eritrean Martyr's Tree, which I have developed from it the idea of the Sudanese Martyr's Tree and then the idea of the 3 mechanisms of the Sudanese Revolution, which has failed dramatically, because none of the two ideas have been implemented by the Sudanese revolution groups.

More insights on these ideas are below with the reasons of the failure of the other two dynamic ideas of the Sudanese Martyr's Tree and and the mechanisms of the Sudanese Revolution.

That leaves a burning lump in my throat.

The Eritrean Martyr's Tree ...

The Sudanese Martyr's Tree ...

The Sudanese Revolution ...

The Conspiracies of the Muslim Brothers against the Sudanese Revolution ...

The Muslim Brothers in Sudan have played the principle roles through the Sudanese history to make the Sudanese Intifada fail. They have succeeded constantly every time the revolution broke with cooperation of the Sudanese Sectarian Parties to get Sudan back to sectarianism.

They plotted so many times to stop any dynamic idea that could move the masses of Sudan to be more revolutionary radical with the help of conspiring Arab countries, as well. The surrounding Arab countries have economical interests in Sudan and they know that any radical revolution will through them out of Sudan.

All of these conspiring powers also play the role of hide and seek, or the role we call of the cat and the rat with international economical dynamics that seek also to preserve their interests in Sudan. So, while the international community know that terrorism is only made by the well-know groups in Afghanistan, they keep focusing on that era and consider the Muslim Brothers are under their control.

Despite the massive information those international powers have received and especially through criminal memoranda I continued to send to international human rights organizations exposing the fact that the Muslim Brothers are the founders of international terrorism, they don't take that seriously and keep on ignoring this solid fact.

The 3 Ignored Mechanisms of the Sudanese Revolution ...

Correct Language Mistakes on International Dynamics!

The International Dynamics along with all of the ingredients of the main project are in more than 90 languages. I have managed to translate some of the English version of the International Dynamics perfectly and failed a little with some difficult languages.

So, please if you are reading your mother language on International Dynamics and noticed some language mistakes, use the comments form below to write the paragraphs containing errors correctly.

I hope that you enjoyed International Dynamics in English and in your native language.

International Dynamics in Other Languages!

* German: Dynamischen Ideen: Die Ära der Massen als neues kulturelles, politisches und soziales Konzept meiner Schöpfung hat eine LPE. Es ist die Dynamik der Schaffung der Massensysteme.

The connotation of the German description is: The era of the masses as a new cultural, political and social concept of my creation has an LPE. It is the dynamics of the creation of the Masses' Systems.

* German: Deutsche Dynamische Perspektiven: Die Ära der Massen LPE ist das Rückgrat der Ära der Massen. Die Methode, die aus 3 Segmenten besteht, enthält einige Einheiten, die genau zum Aufbau der Massensysteme spezifiziert wurden.

The explanation of this German description is: The Era of the Masses LPE is the backbone of the Era of the Masses. The method, which consists of 3 segments, contains some units specified precisely to build up the Mass' Systems.

* German: Deutsche Dynamische Meinungen: Ohne die LPE der Massenära wird das gefährdete Leben auf der Erde durch die Politik der herrschenden Eliten klassischer politischer Parteien weiter verschärft. Das Leben wird auf diese Weise durch den Klimawandel, Epidemien nach dem Klima sowie wirtschaftliche, politische und soziale Krisen weiter verschärft. Nehmen Sie die LPE-Methoden von dem erfahrenen Aktivisten, Journalisten und Dichter Khalid Mohammed Osman.

The insights of the German description are: Without the mass-era LPE, the endangered life on earth will continue to be exacerbated by the policies of  the ruling elites of classical political parties. Life will continue in this way to be exacerbated by climate change, post-climate epidemics, and economic, political, and social crises. Take the LPE methods from veteran activist, journalist, and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

* German: Deutsche Dynamische Einblicke: Die Ära der klassischen politischen Parteien mit den herrschenden Eliten hat unserer Welt geschadet. Der Klimawandel ist nicht das einzige Ergebnis einer schlechten Planung. Wie kann man einen neuen globalen Prozess starten, um die Ära der Massen und damit die Systeme der Massen einzuleiten? Der erfahrene Aktivist, Journalist und Dichter Khalid Mohammed Osman beantwortet die Frage und beleuchtet den Weg der Massen mit der LPE der Massenära.

The interpretation to this German description is: The era of the classical political parties with the ruling elites has damaged our world. Climate change isn't the only result of bad planning. How can one start a new global process to usher in the era of the masses and thus the systems of the masses? The seasoned activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman answers the question and sheds light on the path of the masses with the LPE of the mass era.

* German: Deutsche Dynamische Ansichten: Die Massen müssen die Macht ergreifen und die klassischen politischen Systeme der herrschenden Eliten der klassischen politischen Parteien überall verändern, um das Klima zu heilen und die Gesundheit zu verbessern. Die wissenschaftlichen Methoden hierfür beginnen mit der Untersuchung der Besonderheiten der Massentreffen und der Massensysteme. Der erfahrene Aktivist, Journalist und Dichter Khalid Mohammed Osman lehrt dies den Massen, um die Ära der Massen einzuleiten.

The meaning of the German description is: The masses must seize power and change the classic political systems of the ruling elites of the classic political parties everywhere to heal the climate and improve health. The scientific methods of doing this begin with studying the specifics of the mass meetings and the mass systems. Veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman teaches this to the masses to launch the masses era.

* German: Deutsche Dynamische Gedanken: Die Segmente der LPE der Massenära mit den LPE-Einheiten garantieren die wissenschaftlichen Methoden zum Aufbau der Massensysteme und zum Beginn der Ära der Massen. Es gibt kein ehrgeiziges wissenschaftliches Projekt wie dieses auf der Welt. Der erfahrene Aktivist, Journalist und Dichter Khalid Mohammed Osman

The summary of this German description is: The segments of the LPE of the mass era with the LPE units guarantee the scientific methods of building the mass systems and launching the era of the masses. There is no ambitious scientific project like this in the world. Veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

* German: Deutsche Dynamische Einsichten: Wir sind die Massen, wir wählen Regierungen, solange sie nicht für uns arbeiten, also übernehmen wir die Macht und ändern JETZT die politischen Systeme. Wir tun dies, indem wir die politische Lehre mit den LPE-Methoden der Massenära umsetzen, die von dem erfahrenen Aktivisten, Journalisten und Dichter Khalid Mohammed Osman bereitgestellt werden.

The translation of the German description is: We are the masses, we elect governments as long as they don't work for us, so we take power and change the political systems NOW. We do this by implementing political doctrine using the mass-era LPE methods provided by veteran activist, journalist, and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

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