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How to Do Environment Protection?

This is an invitation on Environment Protection page to protect your environment with millions like you, who are doing that right now. It shows you exactly how to get involved with environmental sustainment.

You get to know how to involve in actions to create your green peaceful world! Here are eco-practical examples to show you how I created an environmental organization in the Horn of Africa. Join the Masses' Era project, be green and spread the word.

Well, before I shoot the following examples to answer this question and help you protect your environment, read this useful preamble.

There are many dangers that face the environment right now you may be aware of; deforestation is not the least of them.

Global warming becomes a fearful fact that causes some crises of the nature in some parts of our world today. Storms and draughts have increased as the result of global warming. The United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says aviation causes 3.5% of global warming and the figure could rise to 15%.

Studies made to figure out dangers of climate warming estimate that global warming could cause massive food and water shortages and make large areas of the world uninhabited by people. According to the Encyclopaedia of Earth, global warming refers to the documented historical warming of the Earth's surface based upon worldwide temperature records that have been maintained by humans since 1880s.

The term global warming is often used synonymously with the term climate change. However, the two terms have distinct meanings. Global warming is the combined results of anthropogenic (human caused) emissions of greenhouse gases and changes in solar irradiance.

Climate change refers to any change in the state of the climate that can be identified by changes in the average and/or the viability of its properties (e.g. temperature, precipitation), and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. See results using the following search. Enter global warming + crises, or + causes.

How to Carry Environmental Protection to Save Your Earth?

How to Create Generic Ideas to Involve the Mass?!

People always need some motivators to influence them. That's their nature. Just when you live among people, you'll learn about them and know them better. You'll probably get into the way some kinds of knowledge and know how those people are thinking. You'll know what kinds of ideas that can influence them and how could they implement those ideas.

While I was in Eritrea sharing the Eritrean people their country rehabilitation and reconstruction after the independence of the country in 1991, I thought of "How to create generic ideas to involve the people?" more than thousand times.

Why I did that? The answer is simple! I love those people whom I gave 10 years of my life to prove my love to them. Once you work among any society, even yours, people around you will feel how sincere you are to share something useful with them or to help them do something well. That is the nature of building strong public relations, whether you build such relations in your society or in any country you live among its people.

People actually feel how honest you are, when they see your efforts, know how you really live and know further you could have better life in other countries if you were a guest in that country.

That means, when people feel you are sacrificing for them instead of bettering your life, they will believe you and listen to you as one of their leaders.

Well, gaining trust, recognition and love is the first step to influence the people. True leaders always depend on gaining such methods to influence the people. You could see from those lines, a glimpse of ideas to work your way to influence your people to do something useful whether having it connected to the environment protection or anything else.

I followed this method to achieve my goals and carry out my environment protection project ... as my personal story indicates it ====>> Follow the rainbow to complete this story here at the second Environment page.

more great environmental sustainment ideas...

... and all of them are dynamics and beyond environment protection ...

The Eritrean Martyr's Tree Developed to the Sudanese Martyr's Tree ...

The Dynamics of the Masses have been Created from the Environment Protection ...

It Became Necessary While Continuing with Environment Protection to Make the Dynamics Bilingual ...

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Many places are damaged by climate change. See those places at 100 Beautiful Sites in the World.

Watch environment protection on documentary film at

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No Environment Protection in Sudan! 
There is no environment protection in Sudan. Since 1989, the environment in the biggest country in Africa has deteriorated badly in the north, central …

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