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This is the Arabic Poetry Posters with Arabic poetry designed on free posters. You can print these beautiful posters, share with friends and use them to make your place beautiful, or to decorate your home and any public place you own, or enjoy.
THAT is not the only goal, however. You'll enjoy reading some poetry both in Arabic and in English on the HOA Political Scene linked from within the Arabic poetry on posters and other Arabic HOA such as the HOAs Animation Gallery, the HOAs Design Gallery, the HOAs Gallery and the HOAs Photo Gallery.
أنسيت دارَكَ...
أم كنت تسرق الليالي
ستارَها القديم؟
يطلعُكَ الصبارُ والعوسج
إمرأةٌ تمدّ بؤسَها إليك
وجذعَها الشطائر
ديكُ الفجرِ يعلنُ الصباح
فيجرحُ النداءَ والرياح
And that is also not the only goal, but you can see while reading how to discover new aesthetic usage of poetic phrases in your writing. That would be improvement to your writing skills, indeed.
في كفك إمرأةٌ
ما رأت غيرك في جـُرحِ الأشواق
حملت شبقَها القديم
رسمت علي كفك رغبةً
خالستك مغـبـةً
ما أفاقَ العزيزُ علي الجنوح
إنشق الثوبُ أمامها
تساقط الرماد...
غاب الحقلُ، الشوكُ، الظل
I mean here (you might already know this) that when you read inspiring phrases, you will come to a point of that inspiration to compose your own intelligent phrases.
تنزلين الربوةَ الفيحاءَ
وادي الزرع
"انتِ، نحن" لي "بنا"!ا
So, the Arabic Poetry Posters page and other poetic posters pages at Arabic Poetry, Bilingual HOA, English HOAs Poetry, HOAs Arabic Poetry and HOAs Imagery Poems have the insights you need to write good prose (see HOAs Arabic prose too), as well as poetry.
اختيارك العظيم سوسنه
الشمسُ برتقالةٌ
ونحن في مدارِ عشقنا
يديرُ الألسنهْ
The free poetic posters might even be designed with your fans, cinema stars and places you like, so you can use them to decorate your place. Most of the beautiful pics on the Arabic Poetry Posters are taken from some resources including 100 Beautiful Sites in the World and TV Cinema App.
طيفُك الـ "وهبْ"
فعلنا الـ "ذهبْ"
رائعٌ، مشاغبٌ
وثورةٌ غضبْ
In addition to all of that, you'll also discover many beautiful ways of poetic expressions to use in daily life, even with your beloved ones to create great happiness around.
هلا جمعتِ للسـُـري عطــرنا
بجــوفِ المــاءِ سيدتي
يذيبـُـك قَطْـــرةً
ويـطـْلِقُني أنــا
If you haven't heard the HOA Calls, so do that now to connect and be part of the Horn Africa's Network. It includes some interesting projects you'll love to be part of any of them.
آتيك في اليوم الذي خَطَ الغرامُ به
حلماً بدارِ الشمسِ
يا نشوةَ الألقِ المقرقرِ
في إفترارِ الهمسِ
The projects on the HOA Political Scene Blog are included in the HOAs Comprehensive Projects.
أعرف حباً
يرقدُ بين الجرحِ
وبين الوردةِ
يسكنني الموجُ
ويعلو بي
حتي لكأني بين الموجِ
وبين البردةِ
أعانقُ بدءَ الأشياء
وأزيحُ ستاراً
لحياةِ الكائنِ بين الدمِ
ونبضِ الماء
They are cultural, humanitarian and political projects with each of them detailed in its corresponding page to let you know and choose the project that interests you.
اليومَ هواك أعاد المجدَ و عانقه
و"حلّمني" –
أن أحمل هذا الجرح
أن أشهد أن الوردةَ
كبيراً كان كجرحٍ في الوجدان
بندول الساعةِ يدق’ الـ...
The cultural and literary projects together are included also in the HOAs Cultural Project and they are: HOAs Journalists| HOAs Journalists Project| HOAs Poets| HOAs Poets Bookshop| HOAs Poets Project| Horn of Africa's Bookshop| HOAs Self-Publishing| Squadron of Poets|
نحن واليّم في سفرٍ
عشية الوجوم
الي لغةٍ بالداخل
للعشيات الحزاني
والعشق المظلوم!
The Humanitarian and political projects are at the following pages: The Humanitarian Network includes HOAs Refugees with their HOAs Refugees Project. There are also many pages about refugees.
ها أنتِ ترتحلين
يغرِسن ميعادَ حضورك،
في جسدي
ميقات سوسنةٍ وسنا،
تُسْقِطُ العمائم.
The political project include USHA with the USHA Framework, which is your framework to add to it and build with us.
It is recommended to follow the HOA poetic inspirations on pages like the following: HOA Index| HOAs Images| HOAs Image Scripture| HOAs Literary Scripture| HOAs Literary Works| HOAs Literature| HOAs Love Poems| HOAs Lyrics| HOAs Photo Scripture| HOAs Picture Gallery| HOAs Poems|
Some other galleries are also important as they have many poetic posters with poetry snippets at: HOAs Poesy| HOAs Poetic Pictures| HOAs Poetry| HOAs Poetry Aesthetics| HOAs Poetry Scripture| HOAs Poets Gallery| HOAs Political Poetry| HOAs Sacred Poetry| HOAs Sacred Scripture| HOAs Scripture| HOAs Verse|
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Use this form whether you are intellectual, writer, essayist, playwright, researcher, poet, novelist, screenwriter, songwriter, journalist, freelancer, sculptor, painter, caricaturist, decorator, musician, dancer, caricaturist, acrobat's player, scenarist, actor, performer or critic.
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احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي
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TweetFree poetry picture book on Apple Books. You can use the images on public places for your customers to enjoy, while taking coffee.
You can work the French versions and the Spanish versions of the two books above with me on, one on one bases. Contact Us.
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