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HOA's Political Prospects!

HOA's Political Prospects are three:

  1. The ones whom they are pointing at,
  2. The magnificent landscape from the inside and the outside,
  3. The future of human kinds and all existence on earth and the earth itself... a third prospect which has also some other prospects.

And... no, I am not intending to WOWing you!

I am just wanting to formulate you.

Let's take these three political prospects of HOA with its political orientation one by one.

1. The Human Prospects!

  • 1.1 That is you. You here become a mass of people, everywhere. Imagine, how many of you are reading this at this moment. You got the idea... you is also the masses of the world. The individual (you) is an asset of the masses' movement.

Not only that, but you are also an asset in human development. In a most classified term, you are a dynamic asset. So, you as individual is very important and you have a power that you didn't believe that you have, at least until this moment.

I am speaking to your clever mind... in other terms, your intellectual mind. If you didn't have that mind at the moment, you will get it through the learning phenomenon of my political lessons in the modules of HOA's Political Prospects.

These modules come by different names, as the lessons are large and the one webpage content isn't enough. Therefore, they are included in the sections of Global Dynamics in every political lesson, for you to take care of and smooth the way to learning better.

  • 1.2 You are affected or afflicted with... whether you know it, or not, whether you feel it, or not, and whether you get it, or not. See 2.1 the magnificent landscape from the inside and the outside.

The affection, or affliction has happened because of interior and exterior reasons. The reasons are not thought of scientifically as manufacturing elements, or human mental perception of technologies, or the perception of implemented policies in every field of technologies.

Any of these descriptions could have side effects on many things, including effects on humans... and that's you. See 2.2.

  • 1.3 When you look at your situation now such as living behind masks, socially isolated, prohibited from attending studies and work places, or any other group activities in personal contacts, you become mentally and psychologically affected.

You might even lose appetite for food you wanted to take, or desire for doing many things you wanted to do (e.g including having sex). What a mess? See 2.3.

2. The Landscape from the Inside and the Outside!

  • 2.1 This is precisely about the components of the landscape, as a city, country, environment and land and not as considered in terms of its aesthetic appeal. So, the landscape here is the earthy landscape and parts of it. There is not any landscape that has not components and that includes the celestial body, which runs with its own circle, or around the earth, or the earth runs around it.

The earth, which mostly concerns us because we are living on it rotates on its axis on a daily basis and that makes the day, with the sunrise and the sunset.

It rotates also around the sun, seasonally once and that means it completes one rotation in a year, precisely in 365 day, 6 hours and 9 minutes, which creates the 4 seasons of the year. More specific in this rotation is that it adds a day to February each 4 years.

The landscape, which is a place on earth is either dry / solid, or wet / watery. You can live on any place on the earth, whether it is dry or wet.

Some people live on boats, whether on rivers, or seas and others love in all-seasons snowy lands. They are affected by some changes on these places, as other people who live on earth.

All the places on earth have been affected or afflicted by either conflicts, or both conflicts and climate change and so you are also facing such situation.

  • 2.2 The manufacturing elements along with the technologies have results such as climate change and some of the technologies such as the weaponry have aroused conflicts in addition to their affects on climate and on the earth.

You see political powers and thus states competing on the nuclear weaponry which produces dangerous affects on both the earth and the atmosphere.

The industrial development whether it is civil industry, or the militarily has produced great emissions of carbon dioxide and hazardous waste. The weapons industry has produced biological and chemical affects in many places and thus toxic effects on humans, in addition to being used in wars and mass demonstrations.

  • 2.3 The waters and the food we eat are somehow exposed to the waste of the chemical industry. In addition, some foods we east has harmful chemical substances, or additives. Even ecological organic food is sometimes rotten by chemicals produced for storage, or something else, when it leaves its of organic farming place.

Try to cut the bulb of organic onion into small pieces and you might find it rotten from the heart (immature flower) or bud of the onion, while the outside (scale leaves) are fresh, or rotten from three scale and fleshy leaves and fresh in the heart of it, which is the sweetest part.

3. The Existence of Humans and Life!

  • 3.1 As you see from this review, the existence of humans and their earth are exposed to climate change, which is resulted from many factors produced either by the formal sector, or privately by individuals.

However, human causes of climate change are rare, specially during the time, from the facilities of individuals and that means the role of individuals in causing climate change is not comparable with the role of formal sector، which is supposed to orient and manage the behaviors of the public sector and the private sector.

This is not an assumption, as long as governments have failed to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide, make educational programs for the people to reduce the emissions caused by what they use, and stop industries that use the trees as raw materials, a long with real-estate companies that erase the forests to build houses, offices and supermarkets.

This is one of the free markets' policies, which are creating and enlarging the capital class. They are the core policies of most capitalist-oriented governments.

  • 3-2 Since one of the causes of climate change and I call this indirect cause of climate change is the massive erasing of the forests by the massive cutting of the trees, one of the most effective result is that the carbon dioxide will still be in the atmosphere, because there are not much trees to filter it from the air, absorb it and store it to use it and convert it into useful carbon compounds.

That is why environmental experts say, forests are the lungs of the planet, referring to what has happened to the Amazon rain forests. Anything affects the rainforests there and elsewhere, affects the world.

I am not here to discuss the causes of the carbon dioxide emissions, but this is a brief from some resources:

Cars, planes and trains contribute 45.1% of carbon dioxide emission.

Oceans produce 42.84% of carbon dioxide emissions through the exchange of carbon dioxide between the oceans.

Fossil fuel creates 33.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide.

87% of carbon dioxide emissions produced by humans from burning fossil fuels as coal natural gas and oil.

When you look carefully to such statistics you will wonder about the accuracy of it. You might think, how humans could be produce this amount, when we know that oceans alone produce 42.84% of carbon dioxide emissions?

There is something wrong in the statistics. That is not our concern as long as we know the first cause of climate change which is the heavy industries burn the forests, emit huge quantities of CO2 and produce huge quantities of dangerous waste.

  • 3.3 The exact and real cause of climate change, as you see is civil and governmental industries, especially the military industries of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, all of which contribute to damaging the environment and the earth and endangering the lives of humans and living organisms.

The huge emissions of carbon dioxide has already created the Ozone hole and widened it. Biological, chemical and nuclear weapons are also very harmful to humans and living organisms.

The most harmful part in these industries is privatizing weaponry and use weapons agents to make contracts with foreign states to fuel interior conflicts. Most of the militants in those under developing countries that fall on the poverty line do not even know the use of these weapons and what their components do to their environment.

  • 3.4 Policies that endanger the existence of humans, other living organisms and the earth itself should be the responsibility of the world's masses to work constantly and persistently to stop them and even change the makers of such policies.

This is why the Global Dynamics are here to educate the world's masses how to do that.

HOA's Political Prospects on the Global Dynamics of the Revolution!

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 1

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 1:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 2

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 2:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 3

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 3:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 4

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 4:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 5

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 5:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 6

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 6:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 7

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 7:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 8

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 8:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 9

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 9:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 10

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 10:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 11

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 11:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 12

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 12:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 13

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 13:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 14

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 14:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 15

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 15:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 16

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 16:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 17

Climate Justice Episode 1 - 1:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 18

Climate Justice Episode 1 - 2:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 19

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 1:

HOA's Political Prospects on Global Dynamics 20

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 2:

HOA's Political Prospects on Other Environmental Activities Like the Eritrean Martyr's Tree

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 3:

HOA's Political Prospects on Other Environmental Activities Like the Sudanese Martyr's Tree

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 4:
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 5:
How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 6:

HOA's Political Prospects on Multilingual Dynamics

How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 7:

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* You can read about many landscapes hit by climate change and how they face damages resulted from climate change in addition to what you read through HOA's Political Prospects at You can also watch movies on climate change crises and every political issue mentioned on HOA's Political Prospects at

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