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The Somali Political Scene is made out of the mixture of the Somali clans and the religion in Somalia. It is obviously that the composition of the Somali clans and religion in the Somali society has created many of the Somali political problems and the other economical, humanitarian and social deterioration in the country since the independence in 1960.
But, there are roots to the followed unrest in Somalia after a break of 22 years. Somalia has already been divided by the clans-based agreements of the colonial powers, which are all in common have contributed to the tribal divisions in Somalia and other places in the Horn of Africa.
When the first governments formed after the independence, they followed the same tribal notion to build the political systems trying to give most of the influence on the decision making formula to the biggest clans in the country and to some elites leading some family houses.
The first principle of the military coup of Siad Barre in 1969 was to rebuild Somalia on a socialist base. But, again the composition of clans and religion in the Somali political scene proved to be strong and continued to cause the recent crises and the political deterioration.
Mohammed Sia Barre, the president of Somalia and the de facto leader of the government of the coup changed the state from socialism to capitalism and followed his clan to dominate and build a strong security system based on his clan to eliminate other clans from the decision making circles and dominate for ever.
So, the Somali political scene has witnessed economical deterioration, social injustice, hard years of dictatorship based on the clan's dictatorship combined with religious orientation and he waged some wars against the revolting Somali regional areas and against Ethiopia on the Ogadin, the Somali occupied region in Ethiopia.
Therefore, many fronts based on the clans have been formed to work against the military dictatorial regime of Mohammed Siad Barre. So, the mistake was that the leaders of the Somali opposition have formed these groups based on the same composition of clans and religion in the Somali political scene.
They didn't look to the fact that the social injustice could be solved by forming modern Somali political parties based on secularism and composed of the national elements in Somalia regardless to their clans, or religious hierarchal position in the Somali society.
That is the problem. Without that, the Somali political scene could have witnessed good process to build modern, civilized and secular state. Such principle could have been the inspiration for all the Somalis to see the values of the national elements in their struggle and get together to build the modern state and reunite the other Somali regions.
The civil war broke to engulf and destroy the state and the Somali political scene has witnessed something that has never happened before in Somalia even during the colonial period, despite the fact that the colonial powers have planted the roots of the tribal disturbance, as bombs to explode later.
The Ethiopian interests in the Somali regions have started earlier accompanied by the presence of the colonial powers whose interests in the Red Sea led each of them to seek a position in this strategic area, even before the construction of the Suisse Chanal.
Ethiopia needed the Somali lands to get to the Red Sea and control the trade taking most of the routes that lead to the Red Sea through the Somali lands and signing some agreements with some of the colonial powers. Most of the agreements were with France in Djibouti before the existence of Djibouti as a state.
So, the behaviors of the colonial powers dominated the Somali political scene to form such different agreements with the Ethiopian emperor from one side and with the Somali clans on the other side according to their economical interests in the Horn of Africa.
When the colonial powers fought against each other in the Horn of Africa, the Somali political scene witnessed more devastation to the Somali lands. A part of Somali has been given to the Ethiopian emperor and France used the Somali land it controlled to create Djibouti and thought even of giving Djibouti to the Ethiopian emperor.
More about this background is on my book, "The Political Tragicomedy of the Horn of Africa", which is in Arabic. But, most of this background is good to understand the national struggle and the foreign interests in the Somali political scene.
It is what makes the current Somali political scene harsh enough to indicate that (once again) the composition of clans and religion is used badly to destroy Somalia.
So, the Somali political scene may continue this way despite all the efforts to rebuild the state unless generous Somali leaders wake up to think hard enough of a way to get Somalia out of this deterioration.
They should think wisely to prepare for good salvation period to re-integrate the clans, carry out good education programs at the levels of every house and let all the Somalis know that the modern and secular state doesn't need any control of the clans or even the religion.
The religion is for God and the state is for all.
In addition to the Somali political scene you may also be interested in other Somali topics at the Somali site maps, the Somali main pages and the Somali commentaries below:
The Somali Site Maps:
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The Main Somali Pages:
Abdurrahman Ali Ahmed Tuur| Brief History of Somalia| DAFI| Omer Sharmarke| Somalia Country Profile| Somali Archives| Somalia's Political Problems| Somali Composition Clans Religion| Somali Displaced People| Somali News| Somali Political Scene| Somali Political Situation| Somali Refugees| Somali Troublemakers|
Somali Humanitarian Commentaries By Visitors:
African Refugees' Influx to Europe| African Refugees' Influx to Europe - Comments| Drought and War Devastate Somalia| Drought and War Devastate Somalia - Comments| Famine Plus Foreign Troops Against Somalia| Famine Plus Foreign Troops Against Somalia - Comments| Human Rights in Kakamega, Kenya| Human Rights in Kakamega, Kenya - Comments| Refugees without Borders in the Horn of Africa| Somali Famine is Over| What to Educate Somali Refugees| What to Educate Somali Refugees - Comments| Why Somaliland Denies Refugees Rights| Why Somaliland Denies Refugees Rights - Comments| World Refugee Day, June 20|
Somali Political Commentaries By Visitors:
A Kind of Insanity in Somalia| Change Somali Prime Minister| Congratulations, Somaliland for Democracy| Congratulations, Somaliland for Democracy - Comments| External Interference in HOA| It is Painful and Shameful in Somalia| It is Painful and Shameful in Somalia - Comments| Joint American Yemeni Troops Operate in HOA| Joint American Yemeni Troops Operate in HOA - Comments| Kulmiye Leads Somaliland| Kulmiye Leads Somaliland - Comments| Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke| Somali Civil War is Madness| Somali Civil War is Madness - Comments| Somali Clans and Religion in Somalia| Somali Pirates have Real Estates| The Economy of Somaliland| Wars in the Horn of Africa Create Complicated Future| Wagosha Movement of Somalia|
Somali Arabic Commentaries:
Arabic HOA Political Scene| الصومال تئن من الأثار المستمرة للحرب والجفاف| فهم سياسي صومالي جديد قد يسهم في انقاذ الصومال| مفارقات البؤس في السودان و الصومال|
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