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How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future is not a personal matter, but rather in essence being the memory and consciousness of the people extend beyond individual experiences and become collective, shaping the future for everyone. That means, when you understand and learn from my memory and consciousness, you will become the memory and consciousness of everyone and live in the future.

How to Be the Memory & Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future isn't a personal matter, but rather a public matter that makes everyone just become that person & live in the future.How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future? This is not a personal matter, but rather a public matter that makes everyone just become that person and live in the future. So let the Secular Geopolitical and Environmental Strategies and Tactics of the Mass Era designed by veteran activist and journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman work for you. They will build the mass systems and usher in the Mass Era.

I am the memory and the consciousness of all generation and I am going to show you exactly how you can be the memory and the consciousness of all generations, so that you can live in the future. Don't you want to be immortal?

Listen up, ladies and gentlemen, we have some condensed issues in the paragraph you read above, so let me unfold it a bit for you.

First, it is not a personal matter for you only to be just the memory and the consciousness of all generations and live in the future and that is because everyone else uses my system by following your steps will be exactly like that and live in the future. So such a matter will not be personal.

Second, when I say "I am the memory and the consciousness of all generations," that is not speculation, but a matter of fact, because I am an experienced / veteran journalist. This indicates that I have considered journalism to be ethical journalism for a very long time and it is not made for fame and wealth. We serious journalists describe it as a profession of misery and fatigue.

Why we do that? That is because it endangers your life. It puts your life at risk and it does that because it is the profession of truth and honesty, which are values ​​​​that come with transparency and credibility. So, from this fact about ethical journalism you know that it is not for fame and richness / fortune. Besides, any journalist who puts himself or herself in this position is genius, genuine / sincere and helpful because he and she give their lives to the people.

Not only that, but as a matter of fact such genius / brilliant journalist knows that he or she has two ways of behaving and thinking, namely instinct and intuition. The combination of these two values in a person, assimilated through long observation, follow-up, connecting the outcomes with the reasons and analyzing all of that reveals a better conscience.

If you are still following these lines that means you are hocked up and you are interested of being the memory and the consciousness of all generations. Well, hocking up is not only about sex. Let's dive deeper.

Unfolded Steps about How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations!

Any journalist who's concerned about ethical journalism can say proudly, "I am the memory and the consciousness of all generations". So be wise, as long as you want to create and live in a safe world, a world that has no political power that creates disasters in order to benefit from such disasters, although at the end no one will benefit from any thing as long as there are ongoing disasters.

Again, when I say that I am the consciousness and the memory of all generation I am not claiming, assuming or making any indicative assumptions. I am only telling the truth after having followed and thoroughly analyzed the terrible changes that still happen in the world and endanger our lives, all together.

All of this is part of my commitment to the masses and by other words my commitment to the people of the world as a veteran / seasoned journalist and human rights activist and reformer who comes with the Dynamic Ideas of the Mass Era to change these bad situations and thereby change the world and make it better than one can imagine.

If you are not noticing this and observing how the world has been changed badly to have many dangerous circumstances that have arisen after global warming, then you should take a moment to rethink and reconsider all of these disasters that have befallen our world.

You will notice that nature and health problems caused by poor political planning are linked to political and religious problems such as international terrorism. If you combine these crises, you will find that they have begun in the 1980s with international capitalist plans to destroy communism and raise religious conflicts.

Through this learning process, which you can acquire from my intellectual observation for half a century, unfolded in the Dynamic Ideas of the Mass Era, you will also be the memory and consciousness of all generations, guided by the Action Guide of the Era of the Masses.

This Action Guide establishes / lays down the basis, or the fundamental steps to lay the groundwork for the Era of the Masses. It has been built scientifically to construct the manpower and developed over the years to ensure that every person in this world has the real power that determines the safety of everyone and the safety of the world.

Not only that, but it is also fundamental in the construction of what I describe as the rotating systems of the masses, with new names, new forms, new devisions, new mechanisms of distribution and sharing the power between all the intellectual elements that represent the sectors of the masses.

Let me give you only one example of sectors. The freshwater and marine resources will have a shared 7 forms in the new systems of the masses. The freshwater and marine resources include irrigation and freshwater supplies, transport, mineral treasury, seawater desalination, fisheries and transboundary waters.

In the governmental systems running nowadays, which I call classical governmental systems these resources are divided among a few ministries. We don't need ministries in the new systems of the masses, but only new forms of administrational devisions by specific names.

Why do I use the example of freshwater and marine resources? This is because water is the first essential for life and therefore freshwater is an extremely rare resource on Earth, as it is estimated to make up less than three percent of the water found on Earth.

This is not a hypothetically speaking, as you see, but rather scientifically speaking that reaches the point to say that classical systems have continued to exist for a long time, despite the fact that many other things in life are changing badly and among them even many silly trending issues that make the world boring, dull, or at this point shallow / superficial.

I wish I could reveal all of the elements of the Mass Systems. But, I could not and that is because I see every day that many people who have no clue of many things hunting for new ideas and some others who want to build wealth for themselves steal ideas from other people and they are not aware of intellectual property rights.

But, at the end of the construction of the manpower / labor force, when we reach the goal of some million people in every country, the elements will be laid out for those people to build the systems of the masses everywhere and establish the Era of the Masses to change the world. In this way, everybody will be the power and will be the memory and consciousness of all generations.

Please, read the International Dynamics of the Mass Era to know the problems we have in the world and learn how to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations! After doing this, implement the Action Guide to be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations!

The Global Dynamics Teach You How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future!

The Global Dynamics explore the world crises, come with perfect analyses and provide the way to solve the problems of the planet.

The African Dynamics Accede to the Demand of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Accelerated and advanced pioneering solutions to world's academic problems - world educational problems in the time of political illiteracy, which is a product of politics that create political adversity and political shallowness. The lessons save your life and they are accelerated and advanced on videos: How do you accelerate an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-1: A course with aesthetically amazing cultural, environmental and geopolitical revolutionary insights in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Asiatic Dynamics Accelerate How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Accessed aesthetic solutions to world's conceptual problems of anything that happens on the earth, in the time of world destabilization and shallowness, cultural and political superficiality, all of which caused by economical, political and religious wars. The lessons that enrich and save your life are accessed and advanced on videos: How to access a scientific process of an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-2: Aesthetics of the mind blows innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman

The Communist Dynamics Access How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Accomplished astonishing solutions to global health problems including global epidemics problems resulting from global environmental problems, world's ecological problems, world's eco-political problems, problems affecting global and local public health such as climate change, global bad medicine practices, global bad medical care and medical treatments, global medicine problems, world's medical errors, world's medical problems, world's medicine problems, world's pharmaceutical problems, the increase of medicine crises, the increase of medicine prices and the increase of privatization to public medical sectors. All the lessons are accomplished to save your life on the dynamic pages and on videos: How to accomplish an international progressive secular revolution? Episode 1-3: Aesthetically innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamic Concept Accumulates How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Accumulated astonishing solutions to global atmospheric problems - world atmospheric problems - problems of the world's atmosphere caused by policies that disturb the ecosystem to save your life are accumulated on the dynamic pages and onvideos: How to accumulate an international progressive secular revolution? Episode 1-4, aesthetically innovative cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics Concerning Corona Pandemic Activate the Mechanisms of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Achieved solutions to global beliefs problems - global problems of excepting something without proofs - world's doctrine problems - world's faith problems - world's religious problems, especially the ones that cause global conflicts and global peace threats. Most of such problems are caused by politics, which causes the problems of widespread conflicts. You can learn the lessons to acquire a sense of peace and to save your life. The lessons are acquired on the dynamic pages and through videos: How do you achieve an international progressive and secular revolution? Episode 1-5: Aesthetically innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics about World Crises Adjust the Methods of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Acquired creative secular solutions to global culture problems - world's cultural problems - world's literary problems - world's literature problems - world's literature arts problems - world's philosophy problems - world's problems of political culture - worldwide shallowness of minds and cultural political conflicts caused by irrational politics to save your life acquired on the dynamic pages and videos: How to acquire secular principles of an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-6: Creative eco-cultural and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Cultural Dynamics 1 & 2 Advance the Plans of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Adapted solutions to global ecological problems - global eco-political problems - global environmental problems - global nature problems - world's ecological problems - world's eco-political problems- world's nature problems - world's pollution problems - world's radiation problems caused by nuclear industry, or any other effects, and everything that affects the weather, which makes dangerous environmental issues and thus endangers public health. Many of these problems causing global warming and world's environmental problems are all evidences of political failure of classic systems. The solutions to save your life are adapted on dynamic pages and on videos: How do you adapt an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-7: Innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics of Ecology Advocate How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Adjusted fabulous dynamic solutions to global problems of private owning of a country's trade and industry - world's capitalism problems - world capitalists' problems including public sectors privatization, free economy, free markets and open markets policies caused by capitalism and capitalists' political corruption. The in-depth political lessons will save your life and they are adjusted in videos: How to adjust the movement of an international progressive and secular revolution? Episode 1-8: Revolutionary, cultural, environmental, geopolitical and aesthetic lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics of Economies Advocate How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Advanced fantastic solutions to the global problems of the new world order - global problems of ending the Cold War Era - global problems of destructing the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - world's problems of destructing the European Eastern Bloc - world's problems of million displaced people and refugees from the destructed lands - world's problems of lost generations because of the political scheme that has been planned by the global capitalism to destroy communism, all of which degrade the environment and the strike the world peace in the heart. The enlightenment comes to save your life. All these dangerous matters are advanced on articles and on videos: How to advance an awareness to spark an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-9: Revolutionary, cultural, environmental, and geopolitical aesthetic lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics of the MASS ERA Advocate How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Approached futuristic solutions to global problems of governments' bad planning - global problems of irrational politics - world's problems of capital acquisition to world resources - world's problems of growing wealth interests by any means - world's problems of corrupt elites in politics, power, a matter which evidently appears from time to time - world's problems of domination of capitalist countries over the poor world and manufacturing of octopus arms of international terrorism to serve this economical interest, which cause delusional minds and world shallowness and instability. All of these problems create chaotic situations. The mind-blowing orientation will save your life. It can be an assessment to your mind and it is already approached on dynamic pages and videos: How to approach the principles of an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-10: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons with aesthetic visions in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The European Dynamics of the Masses Affirm the Operation of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Assessed impressive solutions to global arts problems - global cinema problems - global documentaries problems - global film documentaries problems - global television documentaries problems - world's arts problems - world's artistic creativity problems - world's destructive arts problems and world deterioration of visionaries assimilated with monstrous creatures promoting violence, caused by hollow minds that interest in quick wealth and creating crimes and political backwardness. The lessons are assessed to save your life on videos: How do you assess the strategies of an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-11: Revolutionary aesthetic, innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The French Dynamics of the Masses Era Aggregate the Process of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Built incredible solutions to global global atmospheric problems - world atmospheric problems - problems of the world's atmosphere caused by policies that disturb the ecosystem. The lessons are built on videos: How do you build an international Secular and progressive revolution? Episode 1-12: Revolutionary aesthetic, innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamic Goals Approve the Programme of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Classified innovative pioneering solutions to global biological problems - problems of anything genetically related - problems of a substance of biological origin used as a drug, vaccine, or pesticide - world's biological substances Problems - world's biological weapons Problems - world's biology problems and microbial war problems caused by political conspiracies and causing soil degradation, spoiled food-plants and global warming to save your life. All is classified on videos: How do you classify and centralize an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-13: Aesthetically revolutionary innovative environmental cultural and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

HOA's Dynamics Assemble the Projects of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Comprised inventive solutions to chemical military industry - chemical weapons problems - global chemistry problems - world's chemical problems - world chemistry problems all of which degrade the environment and the soil and impose life on earth to danger. All of this is happening in addition to food chemical substances causing health crises. Comprised lessons to save your life on articles and on videos How to comprise secularity in an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-14: Creative eco-cultural and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamic Ideas Assess the Proposal of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Consolidated insightful solutions to electronics devices problems - global internet problems - electronics devices problems - problems of negative impacts on the environment caused by electronics - world's problems of young consumers of electronics spending all time on them, or spending all day playing with them, activities which produce double addiction of using electronics and taking a lot of beverages and food, a problems caused by capitalist companies. There is no such environmentally friendly electronics, or eco-friendly electronics. The solutions come to save your life and they are consolidated dynamic pages and on videos: How do you consolidate an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-15: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical creative lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics about the World Illusion Assist the Proposition of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Constituted knockout solutions to global bhang problems - global cannabis problems - global cocaine problems - global hashish problems - global narcotics problems - problems of Qat or cat causing craziness - world's drugs problems - world's hemps problems - world's marijuana problems - world's narcos problems - world's narcotics problems and political corruption funding some politicians by drug money during lack of credibility and non-control of the flow of the drug money. Rational awareness saves your life. Such awareness is constituted on videos: How to have secularity constituted in an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-16: Revolutionary creative secular geopolitical, environmental and cultural lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Italian Dynamics of the Mass Era Attract You to Know How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Constructed magnificent solutions to global ethics problems - world's ethical problems - world's moral problems - world's morality problems and the results of political games, which are creating global confusion and dissatisfaction to save your life constructed on videos: How to construct an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-17: Brilliant, cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Multilingual Dynamics Authorise the Scheme of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Contained marvellous pioneering solutions to global conspiring schemes - world's political conspiracies problems - world plots problems and political catastrophic schemes caused by clichés of democracy. In these clichés of democracy capitalism creeps to conspire and it has already created international terrorism in the 1980s through one of its conspiracies to break many united countries in the world (e.g the Eastern Bloc). The political awareness will save your life. It is contained on videos: How to contain a progressive international revolution? Episode 1-18: Brilliant, revolutionary, environmental, cultural and geopolitical lessons in English for veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics of "Mind You" Question Backup the Strategies of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Continued mind-blowing solutions to global journalism problems - global media resources and supplies - global media implausibility problems - global media impartiality problems - press media global problems - press media biased news problems - radio and television global problems - world's electronic social media problems - world's journalism problems - world's private media problems and economical political investment in media creating false public impression and political mess created by political fraudulent parties. The solutions will save your life and they are continued on videos: How to continue a global progressive revolution? Episode 1-19: Revolutionary, environmental, cultural and geopolitical brilliant lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics about the World Classic Politics Build the Suggestions of How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Customized miraculous solutions to global anti-ideological problems - global contra-ideology problems - global false media ideologies - opposed ideologies global problems - political ideology problems - world's ideologies problems - world's political ideology problems and political disasters creating world fragility and illusion. The insights come to save your life and they are customized on dynamic articles and videos: How do you customize a progressive international revolution? Episode 1-20: Dynamic, environmental, cultural and geopolitical revolution lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Press Media Dynamics Have Ethical Journalism of Mine & Cheer You Up to Know How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Dedicated phenomenal solutions to global superficiality problems - world's lack of depth problems - world's intellectual superficiality problems - world's lack of knowledge problems, as results of political games, which are creating global confusion and dissatisfaction to save your life dedicated on videos: How to dedicate a progressive international revolution? Episode 1-21: Creative revolutionary environmental, cultural and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics about the World Peaceful Revolution Coach How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Delivered pioneering creative secular solutions to global authoritarianism problems - global autocracy problems - global dictatorship problems - global domination problems - global fascism problems - global lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others - global problems of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom - global tyranny problems - totalitarianism global problems - world's authoritarianism problems - world's dictatorship problems, which are all caused by political interests of dominant groups and they are causing global insecurity and total catastrophes that put the people at great risks. The solutions come to save your life and they are delivered on videos: How to deliver an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-22: Pioneering innovative cultural, environmental, and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Russian Dynamics Construct How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Demonstrated powerful solutions to global absenteeism of world masses regarding politics - carelessness of world masses about politics - global lack of political understanding - world apprehension to bad policies - world's lack of political awareness - world superficiality concerning politics - world's political, shallowness - world's deterioration, which are all capitalist business demonstrated out on political scheme according to economical and political interests and focused by irrational politics. The turning points to turn down politics and save your life are demonstrated on a comprehensive network with videos: How to demonstrate the strategies and tactics of an international Progressive revolution? Episode 1-23: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical creative lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Scandinavian Dynamics Convey How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Designed radical solutions to capitalism international problems - global geopolitical crises problems caused by capitalism - global geopolitical problems caused by economical domination of capitalism - international geopolitics problems - international political disasters problems - international terrorism problems created by capitalism - world's geopolitical problems - world's peace threats and political havoc created by poor planning to save your life. Unlimited details are designed on dynamic webpages and on videos: How to design the architecture of an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-24: Innovative environmental, cultural and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamic Sense Define How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Detected rational solutions to global problems of space invasions - global problems resulting from violating the law of nature - global problems of insane marathons to observe every movement on the planet for capital security reasons - global problems affecting global and local public health such as climate change with coronavirus and poorly managed hazardous waste - global problems of science that its used to produce nuclear weaponry - global problems of science that its used to produce biochemical active weaponry - world's health problems caused by microbic production of biochemical weapons - world's problems of disturbed peace by science endeavours to gain power over other people and dominating economical capitalist's interests created by insufficient credibility and transparency of capitalist ruling systems. Intellectual awareness saves your life. The revolutionary solutions can be detected on videos: How to detect the principles of international progressive revolution? Episode 1-25: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Socialist Bloc Dynamics Demonstrates How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Developed rational solutions to global working class social problems - global exploitation of working class - global problems of exposing working class to deniers substances of military industries - global unfair wages - global privatization of facilities and services of public sectors - global privatization of public hospitals - problems affecting global and local public health by opening expensive private sectors clinics and small hospitals - world's health disasters affecting the working class. Intellectual awareness saves your life. The revolutionary solutions are developed on videos: How to develop the principles of international progressive revolution? Episode 1-26: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Spanish Dynamics of the Mass Era Describe How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Disclosed global remarkable solutions to global conceptual difficulties concerning classifying political ideologies - global intellectual problems of shallowness - global highbrows problems to differentiate between the good and bad in capitalism and communism - world's PhDs problems in front of political ideologies - world's mastermind problems of lacking the method to demolish capitalism - world's scholars problems to get rid of capitalism - world's thinkers political problems and political illusion caused by political misleading of the public. The breakthrough awareness saves your life. This is disclosed on webpages and videos: How to disclose the secret strategies an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-27: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics about the Classic Systems Develop How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Discussed extraordinaire revolutionary solutions to international terrorism problems, which have been created by capitalism to produce political insecurity, interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, fragment many countries in the world destruct the Eastern Bloc, destroy the global political balance of word's powers, end the influence of communism and end the Cold War Era. The resolutions come to save your life and they are discussed on videos: How to discuss the goals of an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-28: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Dynamics of the Theory of the Masses Educate How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Donated splendid solutions to global misery problems - the world's miserables' problems - world affliction - world deterioration - world discomfort - world misery problems - world's miserables problems - world pain caused by political domination madness and created by capitalist World Fund to save your life donated on videos: How do you donate to an international progressive revolution? Episode 1-29: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Action Guide Shows You How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future!

All the world's problems can only be solved if you use the Action Guide step by step to build the workforce. Immediately afterward, it shows you how to use that workforce to build the systems of the masses and usher in the era of the masses.

No need for political parties, parliaments and governments and therefore no need for military and wars. The equality of all people on earth depends on this.

You may not believe it and you may think that this is all a dream. Well, if you don't have dreams, you will not achieve anything at all. Imagination is powerful when it is combined with a prudent mind. It helps you to create systems out of it. Without great imagination, you will not achieve anything.

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Drafted unique staggering solutions to global illiteracy problems - literature global problems - political deficiency problems - political unconsciousness - problems of political misconception - political illiteracy problems - world's literary problems - world's literature problems and political mayhem created by political schemes to save your life drafted on webpages and videos: How do you draft a constitution and a manifesto for an international progressive revolution? Climate Justice, Episode 1-1, Insightful cultural, environmental and geopolitical revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

The Action Guide!

  • Join the HOA Network to learn the fundamental basics of the world mass principles that are in the mass era LPE with their overwhelming solutions to global political disasters:Join the HOA Network to be acquainted with it, know the basic foundation of the principles of world masses, which are in the LPE of the Masses' Era with its mind-blowing solutions to global political catastrophes:
  • To become a good activist and maybe a leader of one of the foundations of the world masses, as you learned from the slogans of the political campaigns on "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future", FOLLOW the Action Guide and then fill out the 'Contact Us' form to let me know you did that. Be sure to let me know that you've read "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future", as well as political shallowness and the Global Dynamics. Show me that you understood what you read about the crises of the world along with the highlighted solutions through "HOA's Dynamic Multicultural Concept Makes the World One Mind" and would like to create, or join one of the global masses associations. Let me know more about that you have learned well and so you decided to join and create the ERA OF THE MASSES.
  • Sign up for "Intelligentsia Multimedia Newspaper Revolutionizes Knowledge" by filling the form on this section of the "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future" and submit it. This is a double-opt-in list to prevent someone who knows your email address from subscribing you, without having you to know about it. Check an email with a confirmation link, I'll send you. If you didn't find it in your incoming emails, please check your junk folder and move it to your inbox folder.
  • Forward HOA Political Scene to your friends, including the link of "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future", as follows: Motivate them to read it and join the pioneering solutions to global crises, and take the same actions outlined in the "Action Guide".
  • You make your move, they make their moves with you, according to the steps of the Action Guide here on "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future". The point is that it is so important to work with them, so that more friends and “friends of their friends” will join the discussion about global crises, political shallowness, the lack of political depth and know the guidelines of the World Social Revolution, which is a reflection credibility of "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future". You should at least make a few hundred friends as contacts to explain to them everything you have learned and understood from "Build Yourself a System of Power".
  • Setup a time to work in this project and arrange your contacts systematically into lists with basic information about each one of your contact, such as name, age, gender, email address and location. In this way, you will guide, organize and teach them as you have been taught into groups to carry out the process to build everyone a system of power, inspired by "HOA's Dynamic Multicultural Concept Makes the World One Mind". I will let you know the specifications of these groups. Upon completion, please use the contact form to forward this information to me. You should have their consent, first. Then use the same "Contact Us" form to tell me you've done the first process and wait for further instructions.
  • Write your comments on "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future" and provide details on them. Don't feel that you can't write good, even if your language isn't good. Just write your comments in any language and I will edit and translate them for you to become a global writer and you will see a better result in the process of participating in the Global Revolution. Share your page when it is published.
  • Share the links on "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future" and share the pictures of the global political campaigns on good websites. Please don't do this on the social media of Facebook because it is a capitalist umbrella and more and if you want to know what's more, I will tell you, only when you ask and I will even show you methods to conquer any big social media, except Twitter. Read about it at HOA's about Facebook. The first link to it is in Arabic.
  • Distribute the videos you watch on "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future" and hang the posters of the Global Revolution in public places. It will be good if you or your friends have public places such as bars, cafes, cafeterias, clubs, hotels, mini-market places, public companies and restaurants.
  • Read about the nature problems that affect the world badly, including the effects of global warming on many countries and on people, as you read on the posters of "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future" at This is a site dedicated to the effects of global warming that you read about here politically on global problems.
  • Watch historical and political documentaries and films about the crises of environment and nature caused by poor planning, and documentaries about some of the topics you read on "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future" at This is another site oriented to the cinema and television that offers among documentaries cinematic analyzes movies and television series and lessons on how to install channels and watch movies free, so you don't need to pay for that.

** Please, if you find anything that does not make sense to you on "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations & Live in the Future", use the feedback form to write about it. I will answer your questions and reward you for that by offering you some good books to read and learn more about how to improve your life.

How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations and Live in the Future?: Educated wonderful distinctive global solutions to global science problems - world's science problems and the effects of politics on sciences related to spying on other countries through the air and related to military industrialization, which leaves harmful impacts on everything in life, a problem that's caused by political powers to dominate over other lands. All of this is created through irrational political planning, which creates instability in the world. The awareness that saves your life is educated on web pages and on videos: How to educate and unleash a progressive international revolution? Climate Justice, Episodes 1-2: A course with a revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical vision by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

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