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World Governments Mess with Us! What to Do about It?

World Governments Mess With Us A Lot! What are you going to do about It?

Get mad, become a psych, confused, disappointed, insecure, perplexed, or unsure of anything?

Damn everything a lot, drink spiritus a lot, eat a lot, play a lot, have sex a lot, or kill someone? 

Demonstrate, or protest on the streets and workplaces, or strike?

All of these public actions against irrational policies of governments work no more these days. You need other mechanisms, other methods, other strategies and other tactics, before doing any of these public actions. Straight forward, you'll need my scientific system, which is well-built and integrated in the LPE of the Masses Era.

I know all these requirements for positive changes are difficult and they might be strange to you, the beautiful and nice individual in every place in the world. But, if you accepted a word of wisdom from a wise man, then know that no demonstration, or protest on the streets and workplaces, or strike will encourage, or force any world government to comply to your rights and sincere demands.

Climate Protests Demands & Slogans!

To make sure of this, look for example, at the logos of the international demonstrations, or protests on the streets to demand the following:

  • Bla, Bla, Bla, Act Now.
  • Blow Me.
  • Change the Politics, Not the Climate!
  • Climate Change Kills (Friends of the Earth).
  • Climate Justice.
  • Climate Justice, NOW.
  • Copenhagen must succeed for a fair climate protection agreement (Kopenhagen muss gelingen Fur ein faires klimaschutzabkommen)
  • Cut CO2
  • Grib udfordringen - prøv selv at spare et toni år
  • Nature Doesn't Compromise.
  • No offsetting.
  • Planet, Not Profit.
  • Save our Snow.
  • Stop CO2 Lonialism. Support A Moratorium on New Fossil Fuel Development in Indigenous Territories.
  • Stop Fueling.
  • Så meget fylder 1 Ton CO2.
  • There is No Planet B.
  • The World Wants Real Deal.
  • 20 kg CO2 per kg... 4.9 kg CO2 per kg Roast Steak, Stew
  • Our Planet.

These are all only few examples of slogan and demands. For the climate change political campgains, you cam also say: banners, emblems, logos and mottos, although there are slight differences between these words. There are a lot.

Have all the climate protests changed anything, at all?

To put the question right, have all these demands met?

What Does Meeting the Demands of Climate Protests Mean?

You know the answer. If the demands are met, we will have no any exacerbation of global warming with serious rising of global temperature. Climate change would not have continued to cause epidemics like Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and this epidemic will not reproduce itself in many variables.

Moreover, meeting the demands of climate protests, will also prevent from other crises and ensure the safety of the world from conflicting interests, economical downturn, political and religious conflicts, the deterioration of many societies and the rising of international terrorism.

How would that be?

The demands of the climate protests necessarily indicate the necessity of changing many of the policies run by the capitalist forces that directly affect the political decision-making in many countries of the world with changed and developed financial capabilities.

A Deep Look into the Problems of World Governments that Annoy Us!

To take a deep look at the problems of world's governments that bothers us, we must go back a little to the changes that took place in the world after the ending of the Cold War Era. I say the ending of the Cold War era, not the end of the Cold War Era, because the end of the Cold War happened for political reasons to achieve specific political goals.

The political reasons included economical reasons to change the economies of the world in a way that serves capitalism. From here, you understand that there are high political parties that contributed to that ending of the Cold War Era.

You have got the indication and from it you will realize what these higher political parties are, what their differences are, and why such differences affect the political decision of those higher political parties that were managing and directing the interests of the world during the era of the Cold War.

I call those higher political parties supreme political powers, or governments and thus international decision-making circles. This also means that the economical interests of the world were balanced during the Cold War Era.

Do you like the political history of the world? Return to it for an in-depth look at how these supreme political actors have influenced the interests of the world, and you will know precisely how world's governments have troubled us since the end of the Cold War Era.

Understand How World Governments Mess with Us!

However, when you go back to the history of the political world, do not rely entirely on everything you read, or watch on documentaries, because some of the political history has been manipulated by the sources that wrote it and by the references that refer to it. It is manipulated even by scholars and observers hosted on big television channels in the world.

This indicates that the owners of those television channels and the pens that wrote political history and that those sources and resources used in highlighting, or writing the history of the political world, or those researchers and other so-called experts who tell about it in documentaries, have political and economic interests in showing the history of the political world according to what serves their political and economical interests.

So, what that political vision they own looks like?

You should therefore depend on your prudent mind, political intuition and your political sense to understand the world political history and know exactly how World's Governments mess with us.

The specifications and descriptions of the world's governments determine that they vary between capitalist governments, socialist governments, conservative governments, totalitarian civil governments, totalitarian military governments and ruling monarchies.

In between these classical ruling systems, monarchies vary. Some classic monarchies have no influence in the decision-making and the other some rule.

So, we should consider the last monarchies among the classic governing systems. That is because each of them forms a government in which the supreme authority is based in the hands of a single hereditary person from the ruling family. What kind of totalitarian system is that?

* You will have more information, when you browse the Global Dynamics sections and read Classic Systems, which is translated into Arabic on Classic Political Systems, Political Parties Systems, Capital Power and Free Market Capitalism, which is translated into Arabic on Free Market Policies.

In a general way, the political description is done by saying that there are two world systems, the socialist or communist system and the capitalist system. Therefore, we will rely on these two descriptions and well... classifications in dealing with how the world's governments tamper with us.

The Cold War Era Between Capitalist and Socialist Systems and...

the Impacts They Pose on World's Governmental Mess!

The capitalist system was and still is in conflict with the socialist or communist system in the Cold War period and beyond. This is normal in the directions, or the orientation of both world systems. However, it is not intense as used to be during the Cold War Era.

It is not normal for conflicts to include conspiracies, or plots to dismantle one another, especially when these conspiracies, or plots result in millions of deceased and displaced persons and resettlement of refugees in the Western countries, such as what happened to the Eastern Bloc and when the establishment and spread of international terrorism, such as what happened in Afghanistan at the beginning of dismantling the Soviet Union and the Socialist Bloc.

The remarkable thing is that the establishment of international terrorism has happened through the Afghani gate to facilitate the process of dissolving the Soviet Union and the Eastern Socialist Bloc and then using that international terrorism as a scarecrow or a cat's claw to interfere in the affairs of other developing countries in the world, in order to exploit their apparent and hidden economic resources.

This political-economic conflict between the capitalist system and the socialist or communist system was not necessarily an extreme matter that occurs internally in the countries ruled by either of the two systems, but rather externally in the orientations of each of the two political and economic systems in influencing the other world countries, especially those strategic countries with raw economic resources buried under the soil or in the depths of the seas.

NOW, just tell me, have you ever read like such political analyzing to the World's Governmental Mess anywhere?

USE the comments form at the bottom of World's Governmental Mess with Us to answer and write political commentary observation to this specific political topic.

World's Conflicts Make World's Governments Mess with Us!

It is very interesting that the world's conflicts make World's Governments Mess with us. That is because top world's governments have created worldwide conflicts that started from the main conflicts between the capitalist systems and the communist, or socialist systems. Continue on World Maelstrom.

The Global Dynamics Explain How World's Governments Mess with Us and ...

Take You Step by Step to Save the World!

The International Dynamics highlight World's Governments Mess with Us by analyzing the causes of world catastrophes and make your mind prudent, by getting you back through history to reach the reality of the world today.

They attract the minds to think rationally about the disasters of the world and know precisely how irrational development of technologies of World's Governments that Mess with Us, like bacterial, carbon dioxide, chemical and nuclear weapons, hazardous waste, along with the space invasion and erasing large rainforests for economical interests worsen our world.

Global Dynamics 1 Analyze World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess with Us on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 1, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 2 Brand New Political Analyses on the Adversities of World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess with Us on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 2, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 3 Categorize World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 3, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 4 Chronicle World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 4, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 5 Clarify World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 5, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 6 Classify World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 6, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 7 Comment on World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 7, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 8 Construe World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 8, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 9 Criticize World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 9, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 10 Decipher World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 10, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 11 Decry World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 11, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 12 Define World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 12, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 13 Delineate World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 13, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 14 Demonstrate World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 14, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 15 Denounce World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: Videos on How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 15, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 16 Depict World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 16, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 17 Describe World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 17, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 18 Destruct World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 18, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 19 Detail World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 19, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 20 Disapprove World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 20, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 21 Discuss World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 21, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 22 Elucidate World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 22, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 23 Evaluate World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 23, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 24 Examine World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 24, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 25 Explain World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 25, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 26 Explicate World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 26, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 27 Explore World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 27, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 28 Expound World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 28, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 29 Highlight World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 29, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 30 Interpret World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 1, Arabic video lessons by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 31 Investigate World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 2, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 32 Monitor World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 3, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 33 Rationalize World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 4, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 34 Report World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 5, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 35 Research World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 6, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 36 Resolve Simplify World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 2 - 7, Revolutionary lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 37 Review World Governments Mess

World's Governments Mess on Videos: Climate Justice, Episode 1 - 1, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 38 Sort out World's Governments Mess

World Governments Mess on Videos: Climate Justice, Episode 1 - 2, by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:

Global Dynamics 39 Spell out World Governments Mess

Global Dynamics 40 Study World's Governments Mess

The Suffering of World Governments Mess on Multilingual Dynamics 1

The Torture of World's Governments Mess on Bilingual Dynamics 2

The Tragedies of World Governments Mess on Multilingual Dynamics 3

The Trauma of World's Governments Mess on Bilingual Dynamics 4

The Tribulation of World Governments Mess Encouraged Me to Inspire and Guide the Masses to Plant More than 5,000,000 Martyr's Tree in Eritrea

The Troubles of World's Governments Mess Energized Me to Create Environmental Activities Like the Sudanese Martyr's Tree 1 from the Idea of the Eritrean Martyr's Tree

The Unpleasant World's Governments Mess Fired My Imagination to Create Additional Environmental Activities Like the Sudanese Martyr's Tree 2 to Spark the Sudanese Revolution

The Vicissitudes of World Governments Mess Influenced Me to Create More Environmental Activities Like the Sudanese Martyr's Tree 3 to Support the Sudanese Revolution

The Woe of World's Governments Mess Inspired Me to Mobilize the Sudanese Revolution through Long Years and It Failed

The Wrath from World Governments Mess Motivated Me to Create 3 Mechanisms for a Progressive Sudanese Revolution Neglected by Sudanese, so the Revolution Failed

The Wretchedness of World's Governments Mess Persuaded Me to Uncover the Muslim Brothers, the Founders of International Terrorism with Other Global Elements

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