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In Denmark They Violate Human Rights for Money!

In Denmark They Violate Human Rights for Money! There are some serious matters included here. No one pays attention to such serious matters and many people really do not care. Such sort of (passivism) increases the level of exploitation of real estate companies to profit more by absorbing 40% of a customer's income.

A conspiracy to drive a resident crazy and out of his home, which he reported to the housing company / real estate and the police and they did nothing, since January 2023 until October 2024.A conspiracy to drive a resident crazy and out of his home, which he reported to the housing company / real estate and the police and they did nothing, since January 2023 until October 2024, when the housing company rented the apartment to a woman and installed an alarm on the door. The same privacy violations and human rights violations that have started in January 2023 continue until this moment.

However, this topic is not specifically focused on this financial matter, but, rather on violations of privacy and human rights practiced by one housing company in Denmark with a noteworthy that some other property associations may be doing the same human rights violations, or causing problems between neighbours.

The first in this series of reports, which is related to the housing violations of human rights is about abuse of authority and the abuse of justice and the law. Regarding this specific issue take a note that three official administrations (e.g municipality, police, housing companies) collaborate with each other, so if any thing that break the law and order will not subject any of them to be accountable. What a silly procedure?

The second, which is this one you are reading on this page is about the privacy violations and human rights violations, which may include a sort of a conspiracy orchestrated by 3 official directions (namely, the municipality, the housing company and the police).

The third is about the dirt of a place in Denmark, in which some residents always make it dirty by improper conducts and by doing some acts that reflect they don't pay attention to the order of the place they live in and they don't care about other residents.

The fourth is about the credibility and transparency of human rights organizations nowadays and how they procrastinate on some individual issues although some of them have driven innocent people insane, caused them instability in their new homes and insecurity and killed some of them.

How Do They Violate Privacy and Human Rights for the Money in Denmark?

First, please be assured that there is no offence in such matter and that is because many people take such phrases like accusations this country or that is being corrupt, while the fact is that it is only a critique to bad situations in the country, that should be observed, managed and adjusted to clean the country from such corruption.

This is a journalistic job, at the time that we see official administrations started to contact the press and other media not to publish any issue that comes with such hard critique. Well, no authority in the world is able to hide facts for ever, provided that if we still have citizen ethical journalism in place. To know about this definition of journalism I have created read Intelligentsia Multimedia Newspaper Revolutionizes Knowledge.

Privacy violations and human rights violations indicate that the involved housing company / real estate / property association doesn't care about such values, but it cares about the money. It is very perfect to insinuate that there is a strong relations between the housing companies and the municipalities. The police, as an authority is not far away from playing a roil in these relations.

The report published on April 18, 2023 at Are Odense Municipality, CIVICA Housing Company & the Police Corrupt? will give a background story that exposes the relations between these three so called authorities and reveals not only privacy and human rights violations, but also abuse of authority, corruption, gender discrimination, race discrimination, a sort of defined racism and terrorism.

There are many insinuative in this case, in addition to collective incentives belonging to race and religion working as the cultural backgrounds of those Bats of Darkness in Denmark. Here are the proofs.

Home Spying and Stalking!

The first human rights and privacy violations report at gets you the story about the human rights and privacy rights violations under the eyes and noses of the law from the first of January 2023 until few months later, as it has been reported to the real estate company and the police many times and they did nothing about it.

The story is not ended at that date, but it is still continuing by taking another shape, that confirm the existence of a conspiracy against a UN' Convention Political Refugee. This should first concern the UNHCR, as it is the UN agency that sends refugees to new resettlements and second concern the other human rights organizations.

Att: Human Rights Organisations, from Veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Osman: In Denmark, They Violate Human Rights for the Money. Some acts here may get you to ask is the justice insufficient and the law is paralysed in Denmark. This report will show you also how representatives of law could use the law for their benefits and the benefits of their relatives. Is this Denmark, or Saudi Arabia?

This short REMINDER at the side, may give you an idea about how some muslim Arabs in these three public administrations collaborate with each other and with their relatives. The area in which this case continues is inhabited mostly by foreigners, whether they become Danish citizens, or not.

Lately, the authorities wake up to the mistake they have done by grouping and housing foreigners from the same cultural backgrounds together in areas like this one. Aarhus municipality has waken up earlier to this issue and made a renovation plan to move some related residents to new areas and mix the first area with original citizen.

The housing company in this question is doing the same thing right now. As I said they lately wake up. In 2001, I brought this issue to attention, when I criticised what they call "integration program" in a school's cultural house in Holstebro and said, "this is not integration, but inflation."

What I have said can of course rightly be described as "involution", i.e. a process of complication achieved by the first ill-considered steps towards settling foreigners in Denmark, which has complicated the situation.

Precisely, What are the Housing Privacy Rights Violations?

So, from the last lines you will understand how things are going in such areas. This specific area is know for crimes. Mafia gangs compete with each other and shooting between them occurred many times, young people targeting aged, gangs wanted by the police jumped their balconies and ran from the police through corridors of other apartments, boys cast the police with stones and so on.

In 2001, I remember that I mentioned in the cultural house of one of the schools, when they spoke about the good integration they have, I said, "this is not integration, but only inflation". I explained that they cannot group all the people from one culture in one place and then speak about good integration. What the municipality of Argus has done and now the municipality of Odnese do came too late.

Some renovation is understood, no matter how is it too late. At the same time the renovation can possibly be that the housing company has waken up to the privacy rights and the human rights violations in their apartment.

The privacy rights violations are caused by renting apartments at the back of original apartments that have large kitchens balconies with corridors for the residents of apartments at the back to go through to their apartments and through the kitchens balconies of other residents.

The whole long building consists of 5 floors with apartments rented out with illegal apartments included and other 2 floors above them in which the municipality has offices along a long corridor. The long building has seven sections in 5 floors. Each section should have 15 apartments. But, they are 20 apartments in each section with the 5 illegal apartments included.

So, that means each section of the long building has 5 illegal apartments, which count to 35 illegal apartments in the whole building in the complete L address of the compound. All these 35 flats violate privacy rights and thus human rights.

The Warm Secrets Between Neighbours!

There are very thin ceilings that serve as floors of other apartments made out of wood and very thin walls between the sitting rooms and the kitchens in these apartments. The walls between the legal apartments and the illegal apartments in this building compound are not thick or soundproof walls. Neither are the ceilings. They all violate privacy rights and make problems between neighbours.

What I describe as L section is made out of flats to add a fourth flat to the floors, which primarily contain 3 flats, not 4 flats. These flats in the L section, which each of them makes an address to each flat like that are at the back of the legal flats at the right of the floor.

Neighbours can hear any thing even whispers and when neighbours have sex. A resident's daughter waken her dad many times after midnight to tell him that she cannot sleep, because there are a lot of "ahhhhh" in addition to sexy words and the sound of the bed coming from above in her sleeping room.

Anyone who says they don't hear such things are liars. When any neighbour walks on his floor, the other hear footsteps, because the floors are made of wood. Most of the floors have no carpets to decrease any sound. Anyone can define from where the sounds of the footsteps come and thus from where the disturbance comes, or where the spying occur.

When the first complaints made by a resident to the housing company and to the police, they lied about hearing any disturbance, as the police heard. The first complaints were not about this sexual matter, but they were about young gangs living illegally in an apartment that should be empty in that long period, before the rental company rented it.

When the reports continued to the police they claimed that the complainant hear voices inside his head, although he had forwarded many evidences he recorder to them. The continuation of this case proves that they know very well the disturbance comes from a flat above the resident's flat to drive him crazy and out of his home.

This reveals a close coordination with Muslim Arabs working in the municipality, the housing company and the police. So, such conspiracy against the complainant is very clear and it continues in a deliberate attempt may be be to incriminate him, by some admissible evidences, which are illegally obtained evidences.

The woman to whom the real estate rented the illegal apartment a year and some months ago has so many customers and other guests who come by so often day and night. So the neighbour resident of the legal apartment has no privacy in his apartment.

In the hot long summer caused by global warming, he cannot go naked if he wanted to. The real state thinks he can have a curtain. He never used a curtain in more than 60 years. The only one he made when his daughter wanted him to put it where she used to work to prevent the sunlight from coming in.

He likes open spaces to the sky and nature and rented his apartment long ago because the kitchen provides a wide open space to nature and sky. And here is another indication, when anyone wants to rent an apartment s/he has an opportunity to come and see the apartment before renting it.

Now, with for example a muslim person, when that person comes and sees an apartment like this illegal apartment (of course he or she doesn't know about this) he or she must not agree to have it, because there is a corridor he or she should go through in and out and the other neighbour can see any passerby.

And specially when that person has a cocking food service she makes as a business in the apartment and there are a lot of people who are coming bye to take food (the neighbour resident counted more than 30 people coming in and out in that period) that must have been for her a prompt to get another apartment not like this one.

So, the housing company has complicated such situation by dividing, or separating big apartments and making illegal apartments at their back to get more money. Even if they didn't do this, renting apartments like these ones in the L address in every section of the large building is privacy violations and human right violations.

Residents Irresponsible Behaviours!

Sarcastically, when the housing company observes wrong behaviours of residents it sends, or issues an alert that the rent will be increased if residents continue to do these irresponsible acts. The rental company has surveillance at the entrance door and it can see who does this to send them a fine to pay. But, instead of that, it issues such alert and says that such bad doings will result in increasing the rent for all residents. What the F*k?

More to In Denmark They Violate Human Rights for Money

A Short Note

If you thought that In Denmark They Violate Human Rights for Money is not a true story of human rights violations for the sake of the money, you are welcome to explain yourself. This is a freedom of speech and a freedom of option web place. Since this is about a housing company and how In Denmark They Violate Human Rights for Money you may find other privacy and human rights violations in other companies. If you believe so, then write your beliefs down.

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