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Environmental Scene!
The announced and hidden Environmental Scene foretell of dangers that are intolerable to humans and intolerable to the Earth. Coronavirus disease is not the last of these risks, which the world has been exposed to since the operations of Western capital to end the era of the Cold War with the dismantling of the Soviet Union and the other Eastern Bloc countries.
What the CNN announced recently as that the world will witness what it has not seen before, in terms of the displacement of a billion people from their lands as a result of climate change, is something I have been alerting to for many years.
It is very surprising decade after decade to see most people acting like hypnotists, as they do not think seriously about for example from where did the climate change and epidemics originate and who caused them and how to solve such dangerous problems that directly threaten their lives.
They are busy with their work, collecting money, their lives in their homes, and their entertainment, as if they do not know that all these facilities will not exist in their lives, in the future, or their lives may be exposed to the enormous risks that climate change has contributed to and is still contributing to.
The wise with the sign understands, not to mention the direct and frank speech. What I am saying here is not a rhetoric that is difficult to solve, but rather direct, clear and understandable speech. But why do so many people seem indifferent to the serious climate and environmental problems that threaten their lives?
If it is due to indifference, then indifference is mortal and fatal in some cases. If these conditions are the conditions of the climate and the environment, indifference to them will not leave people with an environment in which they can enjoy stability, comfort and peace of mind.
Did I say stability?
O my mind, how much effect does this word have on human lives?
How much has stability become threatened by many factors other than climate and environmental risks?
And exactly how much has the environment become threatened by factors other than climate change?
Do you want to read my mind inhabited by this stable direction of thinking?
Ah, stability again, but in mind! Perhaps you have understood the magic of this word of stability, which inhabits all the things we do and which dwells and settles in other places in the human body, even in the mind and its way of thinking. If you reach me like this, then this is the first step on the right path towards stability and thus happiness.
Perhaps you realized from here that stability is one of the causes of happiness. But what happiness can a person perceive in conditions of dangers threatening the environmental scene in which we live with the crises of climate change and the effects it carries on the environment?
Such questions become a fundamental focus, with the dynamics they carry in the relationship of stability and happiness.
Such conceptual elements of stability are only felt by:
those who have lived instability,
those who have lived homeless in exile throughout their life,
those who have been exposed to the dangers of Hurricanes, Tornados and Tsunamis, and ...
those who have lived with a mask on their face to prevent the Coronavirus disease that climate change contributed to.
From here, private instability and its relationship to the place turns into psychological instability. This is a natural cause of what the spatial instability does to the human being. Psychological instability also becomes a cause by the threats of climate change and its consequences from the environmental risks to the human being.
Are you aware of all these risks that affect your spatial stability and your psychological stability?
Do you know where all these dangers that affect your spatial stability and your psychological stability arose?
Do you know where all these risks that affect your spatial stability and your psychological stability started from, and when did they start exactly?
Do you know from where they arose and how did all these risks that affect your spatial stability and your psychological stability develop?
Do you know who caused all these risks that affect your spatial stability and your psychological stability and why?
Know What Engagers Your Spatial Stability and your Psychological stability!
When you know what endangers your spatial stability and your psychological stability and the spontaneous relation all of that has with the environmental scene where you live every day you will think of how to manage your life better.
Let's start with these dynamic axes to get you, noble person, out of the circle of all these dangers that affect your spatial stability and your psychological stability.
The primary reasons from which all these risks arose that affect your spatial stability and your psychological stability go back to the period of the Cold War and the political and military operations carried out by the powers of Western capital to dismantle the Eastern Socialist Bloc represented by the Eastern European countries led by the Soviet Union.
Therefore, those operations were part of the policies that have continued to harm our planet, until this moment.
The end to the era of the Cold War, and thus the beginning of the upheaval of the global political balance in order for the Western capital to isolate the Eastern Socialist Bloc and control the world has been followed by other policies, which have produced most of the global problems we see nowadays.
Getting out of all these dangers that affect your spatial stability and your psychological stability requires a lot of political awareness. It also requires that you properly read and understand history. This also requires transparency and honesty with oneself.
Such requirements are necessary for awareness, and from them we have the control of mind set to produce solutions to the risks facing the environmental scene and all other risks that threaten your spatial and psychological stability.
For all of this, it has been a human obligation for me and for many years to think about getting people out of all these issues that cause spatial instability and psychological instability and threaten the entire global environmental scene with instability as a result of fundamental problems caused by the policies that targeted climate change and aimed at changing the world in order to proceed according to strong policies of Western capital.
The example of that thinking accomplished Global Dynamics for solving world problems.
BUILD YOURSELF A SYSTEM OF POWER! You do that by learning the EQUATION OF POWER from, so you & your pals will solve the global crises.
Political Culture: الثقافة السياسية: تعمل كديناميات ثقافية على زيادة الوعي حول التهديدات المختلفة لحياة الجميع وتساعدك على إنقاذ نفسك وخدمة العالم ، في نفس الوقت
Power Dynamics: ديناميات السلطة تلهمك على تنمية عقل يمكنك القول أنه ديناميكي لتعني ببناء أنظمة جماهير علي ضوء أسس علمية موضوعة من أجلك لحل مشاكل الدنيا
We need Cultural Revival to revive our lives after global warming and its pandemics. We need the revival to solve the problems we face since the end of the Cold War.
The Strategies and Tactics of the MASSES ERA are provided through the LPE of the era of the masses so they could work the process to replace classic systems.
La cultura multiculturale ti rende intelligente per conoscere molti segreti che peggiorano la tua e la nostra vita e si muovono per risolvere le crisi del pianeta.
Cultural Influence: Reviving life after coronavirus disease requires dynamic brains that think of the real causes of it, which are political to eliminate the causes.
We need global Mass Systems to replace the classic systems of the ruling elites of classic political parties! To build the systems of the masses we need this...
Una Persona Cosmopolita normalmente si interessa al mondo e ai suoi problemi. Si alzerà sempre, quando la crisi globale si inasprirà per salvare il globo.
Cultural Reform is intended to evolve popular culture and make ordinary people more educated, be wise and take salvation process to solve world's crises.
The Classic Political Systems damage our world by destructive policies, since the end of the Cold War. Discover how to save your world & build masses systems?
Sea una persona multicultural ilustrada con interés en el mundo. Aquí te ayudamos a iluminarte y a iluminar tu camino para resolver los problemas del mundo y reformarlo.
The learning curve of Dynamic Perspectives provides you with a rare opportunity to better understand today's global problems and share the solution with others.
HOAs Ideas are dynamics taught by veteran activist and journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman. See how you can save the glob and change it to the one you love.
Cultural Obscuration: التعتيم الثقافي الذي تمارسه وسائل الإعلام والسياسيون لن يمنع جماهير العالم من معرفة الحقائق الخاصة بمسببات والمتسببين في مرض كرونافيروس ومشاكل البيئة والصراعات السياسية
HOA's Dynamic Thoughts are about the world biggest problems, their origin and causes and how to solve them. Be part of the solutions. Subscribe to newsletter.
Ein Kosmopolitischer Mensch interessiert sich normalerweise für die Welt und ihre probleme. Sie wird immer steigen, wenn die globale krise eskaliert, um den Globus zu retten.
Cultural Effects: التأثير الثقافي: نحن بحاجة إلى إحياء ثقافي لإحياء حياتنا بعد الإحتباس الحراري وجائحاته. نحن بحاجة إلى النهضة لحل المشاكل التي نواجهها منذ نهاية الحرب الباردة
The Theory of Masses raises awareness & leads the masses to victory. It's practical to take classic systems of political parties down and lunch masses' systems.
Is gnách go mbíonn suim ag Duine Cosmopolitan sa domhan agus a chuid fadhbanna. Ardóidh sé i gcónaí nuair a bheidh an ghéarchéim dhomhanda ag dul in olcas chun na cruinne a shábháil.
Cultural Renaissance: نحن بحاجة إلى النهضة الثقافية لإنعاش حياتنا بعد إنهيار توازن النظام الدولي والإحتباس الحراري والأوبئة. النهضة تحل مشاكل إنهاء الحرب الباردة
Multicultural Culture makes you clever to know many secrets that make your life and ours worse and move to solve that. It helps you help yourself and the world.
HOA's Political Insights... a dollar in the corona time is nothing, but your life is a valuable thing. How pandemic relates to climate change & economic downturn?
HOAs Political Theory proves that it is scientific and so applicable from within its mechanisms. It is the only political theory that can save the world.
Kosmopolitisk Svenska räddar världen! Lär dig den globala dynamiken från veteranaktivisten, journalisten och poeten Khalid Mohammed Ottoman för att rädda världen.
Thaqafa Mutaeadidat Althaqafat: تجعلك الثقافة متعددة الثقافات ذكياً تعرف الكثير من الأسرار التي تجعل حياتك وحياتنا أسوأ، ومفيداَ للعالم. هنا تساعد نفسك والعالم
HOAs Theory will build you a new world, a world without all that contributed to climate change, conflicts, economic crises, health threats, pandemics et cetera.
International Korean is a Cosmopolitan Korean: 세계적인 한국인들이 지구를 구합니다! 베테랑 활동가이자 저널리스트이자 시인인 칼리드 모하메드 오스만(Khalid Mohammed Ottoman)으로부터 지구를 구할 글로벌 역학에 대해 알아보세요.
Multiculturalism in Russian - Мультикультурализм в русском языке: Мультикультурная культура: заставляет вас познавать множество секретов, которые делают вашу
La culture multiculturelle vous rend intelligent pour connaître de nombreux secrets qui aggravent votre vie et la nôtre et agissent pour résoudre les crises de la planète.
Dynamic Statement reveals serious matters that affect our lives daily & suggests the solution of complicated matters through basic process to shift all systems.
La cultura multicultural te hace inteligente para conocer muchos secretos que empeoran tu vida y la nuestra y se mueven para resolver eso. Te ayuda a ayudarte a ti mismo y al mundo.
HOA's Economical Forums: How Do COVID-19, conflicts & economy prove the failure of international governments? The global mass must take classic systems down.
HOA's Videos enrich your political knowledge & teach you how to lead the revolution anywhere and why you are required to join the mass international revolution.
Australia Cracks Down on Freedom of Speech! The government to legalize restrictions banning the media, if it publishes what government describes as defamatory content.
Multikulturelt kultur gør dig klog til at kende mange hemmeligheder, der gør dit og vores liv værre og bevæger dig for at løse kriser. Hvordan redder du verden?
Coronavirus Variants Breed because of policies that made the weather worse, since the last decade of the Cold War Era, as they made the global balance of power worse.
HOA's Global Alerts aren't intended to sit you in state of being watchful for possible dangers, but they set you up to prevent such dangers by building a system.
COVID-19 Conspiracy: Coronavirus pandemic, plus crises, conflicts & economical shrink prove the failure of classic systems. The global masses must change that.
مؤامرة COVID-19: فيروس كورونا (Coronavirus)، بالإضافة إلى الأزمات والصراعات والانكماش الاقتصادي تثبت فشل الأنظمة الكلاسيكية. الجماهير العالمية يجب أن تغير ذلك
Post-Cold War catastrophes are capitalist disasters awaiting you to solve. As individual you will want the scientific solutions I provide for people to work together.
Multiculture in Languages helps varieties of beautiful people to make sense of their problems and the global problems and then cooperate to solve them.
Wujuhat Nazar Diynamikia: وجهات النظر الديناميكية وآراء دينامية للنظر بعقول جديدة لمشاكل العالم ومعرفة أسبابها ومسببيها الحقيقيين وبالتالي العمل علي حلها
World Governments Mess is great & dangerous. Protests, or strikes against irrational policies of governments work no more these days. You'll need my scientific system.
Dynamique Globale pour rénover les esprits du monde collectif. Cela nettoiera les esprits des ordures des médias lors du reportage des problèmes mondiaux.
Environmental Justice: يجب ان تحققها الجماهير وليس الأنظمة السياسية من خلال العمل بطرق سلمية أخرى، غير المظاهرات المناخية، والتي لم تنتج شيئاً مفيداً للإنسانية حتي الآن :العدالة البيئية
World Powers Chaos فوضى القوى العالمية خطيرة ومستمرة في نزاعات وإرهاب دولي وتدهور المناخ وأوبئة. الاحتجاجات ضد السياسات غير العقلانية لم تعمل. جرِّب نظامي نظامي
Russian Multicultural Dynamics include world's saving dynamics that hasn't thought of before. The Savior process is methodologically & scientifically systematic.
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The Horn of Africa, a region historically marked by conflict, instability, and political turmoil, stands as a stark example of how a combination of colonial
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A Friend in Need is A Friend Indeed!
How many times have you fallen like a mountain, because you were great with your inspirations, guidance and professional teaching and later on found some people you made professional drawn in luxuries and never cared about you?
A hand up is better than a hand down. Share a link of a page you liked in great sites, but please not FACEBOOK. I am a man of principles.
A Man is Known by the Company he Keeps!
True, don't you think so? I can tell you stories and stories about that. Can you tell me one in details with the original cultures of the world it refers to? Take the cultural section by a huge and write that in the comments form.
Healthy Citizens are the Greatest Asset any Country can have!
It's true. But, he didn't know what ill governance can do for healthy citizens, or how ill monarchies can bring healthy citizens into miseries, or why great powers play by the fates of so many healthy citizens in the world.
Know any similar situations where healthy citizens are broken by the ruling elites in any country? Bring that into readers' attention through the comments form at Are You Intellectual?
Look for the top 100 Google most searched terms globally in 2021. You will not find any single thing that any person looks for and wants to know about, or use in daily life, such as food, health, education, cinema, tv, news, developing qualities and qualifications, playing, traveling, and even what causes Coronavirus and other pandemics, which are real threats to all people lives etc... You will find only search terms used for top social media, Youtube, search engines and Amazon. Political illiteracy is what matters to me to educate. See Global Dynamics & signup for the newsletter.
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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان
احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي
Climate change with its epidemics, hazardous waste and bacterial, chemical, microbial and nuclear weaponry harm planet and threaten the masses everywhere. The global masses should put an end to all of this. The LPE of the masses era is the global dynamics (solution) to all of this. It is the only process to make the world better. Veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman provides it.
What’s in it for me?
Signup for the HOA PoliticalScene Newspaper Intelligentsia. You probably have asked that question. It might not be a selfish question, or self-serving-interests and that's because you are looking for values. So, the value of subscribing to Intelligentsia newspaper is political knowledge. If you are not concerned of politics, then you should know that it has severe impacts that reach you at home. Just look at Global Warming, which have resulted in pandemics, such as Corona virus disease. The value of Intelligentsia newspaper is that it empowers you to protect your life and even save the world from irrational policies. Signup now.
Where is the fairness of search engines?
The top hit sites will always be the same top websites of big capital like facebook, dictionaries, Microsoft, organizations and governments in any search term relevant to definition, environment, politics, or technical in top search engines as Bing, Google and Yahoo. But, it is unfair that these top websites occupy the search result pages until 5 and sometimes 7, without any presence of any small business, or niche websites. Publishes Stolen Content in Arabic! publishes stolen content in Arabic and it doesn't notice it because they don't know Arabic. The thieves know this fact. Wikipedia doesn't provide a direct and clear link to contact it. This could possibly be a process to not be reached about any plagiarism.
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Any article published on the Horn of Africa's Political Network does not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the founder of the Horn of Africa Political Scene. We here work according to the rules of the media and journalism in particular, as we believe in freedom of publication and freedom of expression / freedom of speech. Essay writers are solely responsible for their writing and not this site.
Want to express your political opinions, or to express yourself in any way, without fears? Write to Me.