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Ethiopia's Rough Way to Prosperity!

Who Makes the Political, Business and Love Problems in Ethiopia?

There are always some reasons to any political, business and love problem in this country, as there are always some doers to these problems. Problems in Ethiopia or in any place never happen alone! Are they?

Well, this is the sitemap 4 on this country. The answers to the political, business and love problems in the country are bigger than one page, or even bigger than one website to include. However, some reasons are included in this site map.

So, what you think, if I told you that you could include all the political, business and love problems in this country in the entire HOA's Political Scene Network to make many websites in this network gratis and share discussing these problems. We may find solutions in the website you will build here.

I have built the sitemap 4, for this reason and for many other objectives. First, through this site map you reach all the pages about this country on this network. Therefore, the sitemap is obviously a website organizer. Second, you can reach also all the pages visitors to this website and readers to the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter have built on this network.

This will give you ideas and make it easy for you to navigate through this network and share with it your opinion that counts in developing a positive look to the future of this country.

You can reach all the pages about Ethiopia through the primary and secondary sitemaps here below.

Enjoy your visit and take your time to read and comment on the political, business and love problems in Ethiopia. If you do not wish to write in politics, you can write about your city, town or village through Any Beautiful City in the world here. See at the same time the beautiful Gondar here.

In Brief:

The media describes the political situation in the country as in "tense but calm" every time and then when the government harasses opponents and send them to prisons.

In the lights of the coming elections scheduled in the country to take effect on 23 May 2010, political observers criticize the treatment of the government to political opponents and the press in the country.

In addition, the human rights records are not yet improved and that raise reviews from international human rights organizations.

The late to attract worldwide attention and respect is Judge Birtukan Mideksa, the prisoner of conscience who serves a life sentence in Kaliti prison in Addis Ababa since December 2008, when the authorities arrested her for the second time.

The first was in November 2005 following the dispute over the elections by the party she leads, Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) and the demonstrations that led to the killing of 187 people, 6 police officers and 765 people wounded. Birtukan charged and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Fears of the incidents that followed the last election escalate and the opposition leaders have discussed possibilities of harsh election season in the country since nothing has improved in regards to freedom of speech and open democracy in the country.

What continues to happen in the country is that, the government always fudges a plot against it prior to the election to arrest opposition leaders.

The people become used to it and may laugh on it. They sometimes describe it as new game the prime minister plays to continue in power and decide on who will lead the country as his party wishes.

Not only the opposition that thinks this way, but the people also become aware that the government always thinks that even from the opposition there should always be some people who favour the TPLF.

As for the opposition, what happened in Sudan could influence it to boycott the 2010 election as the Sudanese opposition did.

However, the opposition groups both inside the country and in the diaspora always lack solid ground to stand on it. There are different reasons in addition to the lack of free movement and free and adequate political campaigning.

The First Pages on Ethiopia in HOA's Network:

* Awassa, Hawassa _ This page is about Awassa children's village in Ethiopia. Help children in this country. Open and help children's villages in the Horn of Africa. There's another page to support this humanitarian mission. I sponsor this children's village, through the SOS, which I knew from the date I conducted interviews about children and orphans, beginning with the children of the Eritrean martyrs, some orphanages throughout the state and the SOS children's village in Asmara.

* Awassa Children's Village, Hawassa _ Taken only by the faith and generosity of somebody like you, those children are smiling to life! SOS Children's Villages Moms and Dads make one of the SOS Children's Villages in the country a happy home for 46 orphaned and abandoned children.

* Ethiopia _ This is what you are reading now. It is the site map 4. There are always some reasons to any political, business and love problem in the country, as there are always some doers to these problems. Problems in this country or in any place never happen alone!

* Ethiopia and Eritrea _ The Ethiopian regime continues penetrating Eritrea now and then. The Ethiopian offense puts the entire Horn of Africa at risk. In fact that has happened since the dispute between the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) took place at the mid of the nineties.

* Ethiopia Country Profile _ This Profile is about the geo-political features, demography, population, environment, natural resources, cultures and political system.

* Ethiopian Elections Violence _ Ethiopia fears the elections violence in 2005 to reflect on the coming election in 2010! However, the decision makers do not need somebody to remind them to take care of bad expectations.

* Ethiopian Eritrean Dialogue _ A page added after many years from the first date I published this page, as a site map for Ethiopia and I added it when I updated the site map. The dialogue ran concerning the hope of preparing the broken bonds between the two parties, because of the disputes between the TPLF and the EPLF.

* Ethiopian Political Problems _ Read more about the Political Problems to understand the nature of the political problems in this country. Discover the history of the country, the politics, the people and the land.

* Ethiopian Political Scene _ has different kinds of political impacts on people. The wide and open political perspectives work wrong sometimes to produce political crises, instead of the fact that they shouldn't.

* TPLF _ This is the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF). It makes as ethnic political party the core of the political decision in the country because it makes the ruling coalition of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).

* Ethio-Eritrean Wars _ This page falls also in the Eritrean Sitemap 3. The last wars are results of the insanity! The last wars deepen the sadness and create human borders between two nice people. Are they leadership elites' wars?

Ethiopian Refugees _ WFP Struggles to Feed 90,000 Ethiopian and Eritrean Refugees in Eastern Sudan. Ethiopian and Eritrean refugees - vis-à-vis hunger. In addition to the political system, the famine and the wars have contributed to raise the numbers of Ethiopian refugees. The famine in 1984-1985 and in the years after the fall of Mangistu Haile Mariam's regime have resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands Ethiopians.

Readers of the HOA Political Scene Newsletter and visitors to this network have built many pages about Ethiopia. You can reach those pages through the sitemaps here.

The 14 Primary Site Maps on HOA Political Scene:

* Additions:

The 13 Secondary Sitemaps Readers and Visitors have Built on HOA Political Scene:

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