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Humanitarian Network to Support Humanitarian Issues!

This is the Humanitarian Network Section of the Horn of Africa's Political Scene.

Support this Network

It is the sitemap 13, which meant as a section in this website to help you navigate all those pages on humanitarian cases easily, because the website is getting huge.

The HOA Political Scene website has begun to evolve humanitarian sections since the establishment of this network. It stared in two websites before this one some years ago.

However, I have started those humanitarian efforts earlier offline while I was journalist, before the Sudanese coup d'etat of what was called the National Islamic Front "NIF" brought the military dictators onto power in 1989.

Therefore, this section is clearly intended to carry on with some humanitarian networks I am sharing; and support those fundamental human rights, until I move it to its own network online, which will stand, on its own website.

Until this move the Humanitarian Network Section here at the HOA Political Scene Blog will continue to support, project and protect the environment, children, women's securities, political refugees and some multicultural projects I am running.

It is necessary to mention here that securities evolve on top priorities resettlement, food security, personal security, educational security, industrial security and health care.

The needs for all kind of securities remain urgent whenever any person exposes to dangers because of natural crises or human made crises (i.e. wars, coup d'etat, conflicts, and other crises).

Humanitarian Network to Support Humanitarian Issues!

This Humanitarian Network at the Horn of Africa's Political Scene includes some pages which fall in this humanitarian area of concerns.

It supports some charities like Save Our Souls (SOS), Care and fundamental human rights organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch by providing information about abuses and analyzing the political development in the area.

Some pages are off-site pages that I have built through different networks to support this humanitarian network. Those pages give you the opportunity to support human affairs and help us maintain strong presence online. They provide you also by some highlights to maintain any human network if you thought of building such network.

The Humanitarian Network highlights some combined and related issues to children, kids and parents in East Africa, or that part of the world we call the Third World.

It provides information about people who are living in special circumstances, and enlightens people to know the way they cope to settle their problems.

It aims through this enlightenment to provide lessons in addressing some problems. Then, suggests how to contact, keep in touch with those concerned bodies to provide any support needed to children, women, refugees and human rights.

So, your activities count to support this network and spread it. That means by only getting involved with it, either by visiting regularly, reporting abuses and commenting, or by taking other actions at the cultural and literary sections on the HOAs Cultural Project, you will support people in need of help.

The Humanitarian Network Includes!

The Main Pages in the Humanitarian Network / Sitemap 13:

This Humanitarian Network begins with the following:

Humanitarian Network - Children's Section

  • A Goodbye Kiss: COMING SOON HERE. Will move it from another website here.
  • Awassa - Here's a children's village in Ethiopia to read some touching stories about those orphans and the challenges SOS children's village faces every day to fulfill building good lives and bright future for orphan children. I sponsored this village earlier, as one of the terms I take in the humanitarian network and the children write me letters every year about their progress. I added this phrase lately, when I came to update and rebuild the page after so many years. I published this page the first time at the start of this century. The SOS has brought up many good children, some of whom are now young people performing good jobs in Ethiopia and abroad. You can also help children in Ethiopia, or open and help children's villages in other states in the Horn of Africa, or around the world. Here you go SOS.
  • Awassa Children's Village - What's special about Hawassa Children's Village is that, productivity factors are high amongst instructors, mothers and children, despite insufficient interior help. However, SOS makes it possible for the village to coup with the challenges. Fathers and mothers like you make it so easy for those children to survive hard circumstances.

ALL OF THESE PAGES ARE COMING SOON HERE. Will move them from another website here:

  • Child Abuse: 
  • Child Care: 
  • Child Labor:
  • Child Love: 
  • Children Refugees:
  • Child Safety: 
  • Child Slavery:
  • Child Soldiers: 
  • Child Trafficking:

Humanitarian Network - Political Refugees' Section

  • Eritrean Refugees - Extensive detention, torture of citizens and prolonged military conscription prompted increasing numbers of Eritrean to flee the country, human rights watch says.
  • Ethiopian Refugees - Behind the lines of misery at the Sudanese eastern borders: International Aids Agencies are seeking to help 90,000 Eritrean and Ethiopian Refugees in eastern Sudan out of hunger. Who MAKES IT? Of course, that is not the humanitarian organizations' job to seek the cause!
  • In conjunction with this space above, all those who are concerned of building charities and maintaining their networks and supporting people in need can design some products and offer them from free stores. Anybody can use those free stores to design some ready-made products and sell them for charities.

Humanitarian Network - Environment's Section

  • Environment - Could personal environmental experiences influence you to invent some ideas to share with people in your surroundings and protect your environment? Absolutely!
  • Environment Protection - This is a page to read about environmental activities. You will discover personal experiences that light the way for you, so you could get involved in actions to create your green peaceful world! Here are practical examples to show you how I created an environment organization in the HOA's Political Scene here.

Some Commentaries on the Humanitarian Network!

Thanks to the readers of the HOA Political Scene Newsletter and other loyal visitors we have now great numbers of commentary pages on this network, all of which you could reach through the pages below, or through the site maps.

About Darfur and About Darfur Comments:

What has happened in Darfur and is still happening will always be a human shame on the faces of the personnel of the military religious regime of the criminal dictator Omar al-Bashir. The shame is also on Hassan al-Turabi the leader of the National Islamic Front (NIF), which has brought this bloody regime into power in 1989.

* African Political Refugees:

Lately everyone in Africa and his cat, just in any country wakes up on a dream to leave his homeland for America, Australia, or Europe. Every African national damns his homeland. This is not a misconception, when we look deeply into the daily life of poor societies, some of which are way beyond the poverty margin and when we just get into many public places to hear the chat of the people.

Who's to blame?

I personally blame the leaders and of course not the people, as long as many development projects failed to fulfill the dreams of the average African person.

African Refugees' Influx to Europe:

So, the hard economical situations encourage everyone to seek for ways to Europe. Some of them might even try the very ways that they believe they might die of the way before they can fulfill their dreams. In reality, the hard ways always have victims, as what we see when some people smuggle their way down with some smugglers without having any insurance about safety, or just get into the bottom of big ships to hide.

Thanks to our reporter, the comment entry about this issue worth your time along with its commentary at African Refugees' Influx to Europe - Comments.

Alarming Secret Deportation of 12 Eritreans:

If the dreamers can't make it with smugglers, or by getting into the bottom of any ship, then they might think of smuggling their way across the borders of their homeland to the most beneficial neighboring country that have other ways to get a second country on the Mediterranean overlooking Europe to find a way across the narrowest part of it to Europe by a small boats.

But unfortunately, they might be caught there in any of the cross-borders countries, as what has happened to the Eritrean refugees in Libya. The worst thing that could happen is to deport them, and the worst of the worst is to exploit them humanly as some males encounter and sexually as some females have not only been sexually harassed, but raped by forcing them to have sex for some benefits.

Gracias our reporter for this comment entry. It has a comment at Alarming Secret Deportation of 12 Eritreans Comments.

Army Torturers in Sudan:

Nearly every decade the Sudanese army officers make coups, assume power from weak and selfish Sudanese sectarian parties to get the power and wealth. In fact there's a conspiracy between them and the religious sectarian parties to do this dirty job every decade.

During the operation of this scheme, the people revolt and the army officers torture them. That is still the old habit of the Sudanese Halimah. Read more to know about a ridiculous habit that costs the lives of more than 5 million people, whether they are dead by torture and pullets, or disappeared, or suffering inside the devastated state of Sudan, or lost hopes and became psychological sick abroad.

Danke schön to our loyal members of the HOA Political Sense Journal, this one of the C2 Comment Entries has a commentary at Army Torturers in Sudan Comments.

Asylum Seekers in Libya Under Great Fear:

Many Eritreans don't get it nationally. I should stress enough on this on the HOA's Humanitarian Network. They don't get that their land is so small and the Eritrean people themselves are few compared to the biggest antagonizing countries at their borders. So, instead of following the national anthem to continue their training in Sawa, they prefer to mount dangers along dangerous escape way to get into what they think the American dream, or the European dream. They don't know that Europe isn't the same Europe of the late 60ties, 70ties and 80ties.

The Eritrean government from its part don't get it to do all that in its power to engage these young in development projects that pour profits into their pockets to support their power families, so there wouldn't be any need to escape too Europe.

谢谢 to our loyal readers and regular visitors we have comments on this entry at Asylum Seekers in Libya Under Great Fear Comments.

Blind world around the European frontiers:

There should be of course blind world around the European frontiers, as long as Europe has gotten enough of the refugees influx that has contributed to so many problems in the European peaceful societies and shifted all of the systems in many states, where many regulations have been taken because of this influx to affect the lives of the European people.

I at the HOA's Humanitarian Network never wonder when I see some resists in these societies. They have all the rights to function as long as all of the problems have been occurring and escalating because of this influx of refugees. 

Ευχαριστώ to our readers, this comment entry has a comment at Blind world around the European frontiers Comments.

Crimes Committed By Sudanese Dictators:

No one has conducted a research for the crimes committed by the Sudanese dictators, since independence on 1956 and until now. But, the fact to be said said is that those crimes are parallel by none, even the crimes of the Nazi. Millions of Sudanese lives have been destroyed partially or completely, following of the crimes committed against innocent people who have demanded only their rights to good lives and their welfare.

शुक्रिया to our readers this entry has a comment at Crimes Committed By Sudanese Dictators Comments.

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