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Facts that Led to Dynamic Plans!

I arranged some Dynamic Plans to change the world positively so very person in this world could live without fear of bacterial wars, chemical wars, conflicts, crimes, dangerous viruses, ecosystem damaged balance, environmental disasters, epidemics like Coronavirus (COVID 19), nature crises, nuclear wars and poverty.

All of the mentioned severe impacts on human life have happened following the ending the Cold War and after Climate Change. But, some of them are the cause of Climate Change, while Climate Change itself is the cause of epidemics. The war of ending the era of the Cold War has produced more wards and led to the destruction of the unity of big states and built some weak states lacking integrity and wellness.

What has happened to the world after ending the Cold War is still a tragedy and many folks out there don't want to realize the fact of deterioration and the causes of conflicts, diseases and poverty in so many places in the world.

This situation led me to think widely and research this topic and search for a global solution to such kind of human misery I se in so many places. It is a human mission for me to come up with concrete dynamic ideas on how to save the world and maintain its integrity, no matter what differences we have, no matter to the existence of different beliefs, cultures and ethnicities. We are one human race.

The values of Dynamic Plans are clear. Since this issue is big, so there are many dynamic pages with extended explanation to all the matters in question. This include the first time I reached these dynamics and the projects I led in their light to achieve some goals concerning the assembling and gathering of people around these dynamics, all of which you will go through on the sections below.

That get you the background about that regional implementation of these dynamics, which are now have developed to be global dynamics. The conversion of the dynamics from regional to global has been done after researching the heavy impacts on our world after the Cold War and Climate Change.

The significance of this shift also is that after Climate Change with the exacerbated melting of the snow we have got life harvesting epidemics. Both events have been caused by bad policies and poor planning of the authorities all of the world.

The authorities as you all know are led by ruling elites of classic political parties. They direct classic systems. You see everything changes in life, while there is no change to such systems, or the parties leading these systems. Aren't that strange?

This why the Dynamic Plans have come with the resolution to this specific matter... to change the ruling elites of classic political parties along with their classic systems, to end the era of ruling elites of classic political parties and the era of classic systems and to launch the era of the masses and build the systems of the masses to replace the classic systems.

The replacement will bring tremendous changes in today's politics and so far today's industry and thus economy. Economies should sreve the interests of the masses, not the interests of the rulers and the companies that drive the democratic process all over the world, with the exception of some totalitarian systems.


Go through the sections to get the complete lights.

Dynamic Plans Resulted in Planting More than 5,000,000 Eritrean Martyr's Trees ...

Dynamic Plans Mobilized the Sudanese Revolution ...

Dynamic Plans of the Sudanese Martyr's Tree ...

Dynamic Plans with 3 Mechanisms of the Sudanese Revolution ...

Dynamic Plans to Stop the Conspiracies of the Muslim Brothers, the Founders of International Terrorism ...

To fulfill  the Dynamic Plans and be active post the web-address of the global pages on great family oriented websites, post the posters there too and print them to fix in public places, everywhere. Sign up for the HOA Political Scene Newsletter and confirm your subscription to be part of this global project. When you do, right me a note in the form at Contact Us to let me know you are interested in the global dynamics of the masses and we shall be in touch with more steps to do.

HOA's Dynamic Plans in Other Languages!

* Persian: - Invitation to Comments 167: ایده های پویا: زندگی همیشه سرگرمی ، انجام انواع بازی ها ، مسافرت و انجام وظیفه خود برای تأمین معاش نیست ، به شرطی که خطراتی که بر همه جنبه های زندگی تأثیر می گذارد ، پایدار باشد. تغییر آب و هوا همراه با همه گیری های آن یک خطر جدی است و شما باید یاد بگیرید که برای حل یک مشکل جدی مانند این بدانید.

The connotation of the Persian description is: Life is not always a hobby, playing all kinds of games, traveling and doing one's duty to earn a living, as long as the dangers that affect all aspects of life are constant. Climate change with its epidemics is a serious danger and you must learn to know to solve a serious problem like this.

* Polish: - Dynamiczne PomysłyŻycie ludzkie jest zagrożone tak długo, jak długo trwają zagrożenia, które dotyczą każdego aspektu życia. Zmiany klimatyczne wraz z epidemiami są poważnym zagrożeniem, a masy świata muszą nauczyć się wiedzieć, jak rozwiązać poważny problem, taki jak ten. Weź lekcje od weterana aktywisty, dziennikarza i poety Khalid Mohammeda Osman z sieci Horn of Africa's.

The explanation of this Polish description is: Human life is in danger as long as the threats that affect every aspect of life last. Climate change and epidemics are a serious threat, and the masses of the world must learn to know how to solve a major problem like this one. Take lessons from veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman of the Horn of Africa's network.

* Polish: - Polskie Dynamiczne PerspektywyKażdego człowieka krzywdzi polityka elit rządzących klasycznych partii politycznych! Rozwiązanie zatrutej planety i naszych problemów jest w rękach mas! Weź lekcje od weterana aktywisty, dziennikarza i poety Khalid Mohammed Osman z sieci Horn of Africa's.

The insights of the Polish description are: Everyone is harmed by the politics of the ruling elite of classical political parties! The solution of the poisoned planet and our problems is in the hands of the masses! Take lessons from veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman of the Horn of Africa's network.

* Polish: - Polskie Myślenie DynamiczneZiemia płonie, a niebo i atmosfera są zatruwane przemysłowym dwutlenkiem węgla, niebezpiecznymi odpadami oraz bronią mikrobiologiczną, jądrową i chemiczną. Co zamierzasz z tym zrobić jako jednostka? "Myśl globalnie, działaj lokalnie". Połącz się z weteranem aktywistą, dziennikarzem i poetą Khalidem Mohammedem Osmanem, aby nauczyć Cię, jak ratować świat z innymi ludźmi takimi jak Ty. Połącz się z siecią Rogu Afryki.

The interpretation of this Polish description is: The Earth is on fire, and the sky and atmosphere are poisoned by industrial carbon dioxide, hazardous waste, and microbial, nuclear and chemical weapons. What are you going to do with it as an individual? "Think globally, act locally." Connect with veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman to teach you how to save the world with other people like you. Connect to the Horn of Africa network.

* Portuguese: - Ideias dinâmicasNós, as massas, resolvemos os problemas de planta fábrica, que foram criados pelas elites dirigentes dos partidos políticos clássicos, passando pelo LPE da Era das Massas para encerrar a era dos sistemas clássicos e construir a era das massas. As estratégias e táticas do LPE são fornecidas pelo veterano ativista, jornalista e poeta Khalid Mohammed Osman.

The meaning of the Portuguese description is: We, the masses, solve the problems of our planet, which were created by the leading elites of the classic political parties, going through the LPE of the Age of the Masses to end the era of classical systems and build the era of the masses. LPE strategies and tactics are provided by veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

* Portuguese: - Perspectivas Dinâmicas PortuguesasAté os céus estão envenenados! A MUDANÇA CLIMÁTICA é o resultado do mau planejamento das elites dirigentes dos partidos políticos clássicos. Como mudar esse fato bobo e ser o CIDADÃO DO MUNDO? "Pense globalmente, aja localmente" e conecte-se com o mundo para salvar o mundo. O ativista veterano, jornalista e poeta Khalid Mohammed Osman fornece o LPE da era das massas para um mundo melhor.

The summary of this Portuguese description is: Even the skies are poisoned! CLIMATE CHANGE is the result of poor planning by the leading elites of the classic political parties. How to change that silly fact and be the CITIZEN OF THE WORLD? "Think globally, act locally" and connect with the world to save the world. Veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman provides the mass-era LPE for a better world.

* Portuguese: - Pensamento Dinâmico PortuguêsPara que as massas conheçam e registrem as especificações da era das massas, elas precisam do LPE da era das massas, que contém segmentos com unidades que foram construídas para o lançamento global de sistemas de massa. O LPE e seus componentes são propriedade intelectual do veterano ativista, jornalista e poeta Khalid Mohammed Osman.

The thoughts of the Portuguese description are: For the masses to know and record the specifications of the mass era, they need the LPE of the mass era, which contains segments with units that were built for the global launch of mass systems. The LPE and its components are the intellectual property of the veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

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