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Abadmak Will Make You the Hero of the Revolution!

Abadmak will make everyone sincere. It will make every sincere national and every sincere revolutionist the hero of the Sudanese next revolution. Arabic readers can sweep down to the Arabic section.

Well, it is also better said, it will make anyone sincere, any national sincere and any revolutionist sincere to be the hero of the Sudanese next revolution. The specifications of the structural positioning of words and expressions are mine, as a methodological journalist.

It is important to stress on this enough, before you read the main topic about Abadamak. In fact there are three topics on this page and this is the first one here to get you guidelines to be the hero of the Sudanese revolution and I shall tell you why you need to do that and how to do it.

This is followed by the second topic, which is introduction to the name of the god Abadamac in the second section of the page by a title and its reflection in the Sudanese culture and also its reflection I used in the revolution, to fuel it and in the human rights field to get justice to abused Sudanese people.

It was for the first time in all Sudan, the name of ancient god has inspired human rights activities and revolutionary activities.

... and then this topic is followed by the third, which is about planning together by taking the inspirations of the Sudanese ancient god Abadmak to a further level.

As I said the inspirations of the ancient Sudanese god were used for the first time in all Sudan by me to inspire human rights activities and revolutionary activities, you will know exactly the outcome of the activities through the pages included with this article. Not only that but the inspiration of the ancient Sudanese god has inspired also the Sudanese People's Tigers Front, in Arabic Annumor al-Sudanyah.

Now, it is clear to you that the ancient Sudanese god as a symbol has positive reflections to better the Sudanese life which is completely destroyed and as we see until now the Sudanese face threats to disappear as a nation.

So, you must understand this, all of my advocacy comes from a long experience not only as a journalist, but also as the first Sudanese to work with the Eritrean revolution and write theoretically about its goals, philosophy and I even invented some of the philosophies of it in my articles, I wrote earlier and included later in my book "Political Tragedy of the Horn of Africa", or simply "Horn Africa's Political Tragedy".

The comprehensive experience regarding Eritrea since the seventies let me study and know everything about the progress of the Eritrean revolution led by the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) and I shared and organized many activities especially successful public activities to gather all the Eritrean nation to fulfill plans I arranged in a great project. Read about that at Environment and Environment Protection.

Even the idea of the Sudanese Martyr's Tree I came with during the first Sudanese revolution and the fall of martyrs is one of many reflections of the idea of the Eritrean Martyr's Tree, through which I led the Eritrean people through different named activities in different national occasions to plant more than 5,000,000 trees for martyrs.

The dynamics of my ideas are enough to implement these ideas in Sudan and you can see that through the reflection of the ancient Sudanese god Abadmak.

This let you know how far am I a methodologist.

Read and understand me right.

My ideas are the only way out for Sudan to survive, before it disappears because of the conspiring agreement signed by the power of freedom and change and the killer Janjaweed of the military council, which is a remnant of the terrorist regime to share power.

Read about the agreement at Invitation to Comment 111, Invitation to Comment 114, Invitation to Comment 115, Invitation to Comment 115 Comments, Invitation to Comment 116, Invitation to Comment 116 Comment, and the Janjaweed Banditry and the conspiracies at Conspiracy Theory, Muslim Brothers' Conspiracy Theory, Sudanese Conspiracies and Sudanese Political Conspiracies.

Don't be just like those careless, egoist, or envious who think that I am advertising myself for some personal gains and personal interests. No, I have not any personal gains out of these efforts. My online gain is to save Sudan by creating awareness for the real comprehensive revolution to take place. That is what I am glad for and I am doing since half a century. I am glad and satisfied by what I already have and by my freedom as a retired and I don't want any job.

So, let's us plan together, by taking the inspiration of the ancient Sudan god Abadmak.

Abadmak from Being a God to Being Inspirational in Culture and Revolution!

Abadmak, or Abadamak, or Abadamac the ancient Sudanese god was a god of the poor, unlike the aristocratic god of Egypt. He has always been the inspiration for a cultural event movement in Sudan, and a inspiring pawn for the modern Sudanese revolution movement.

In the 1960s, a group of Sudanese intellectuals chose him to be a name for the group. The group reflected the philosophy of the intercourse of the forest and the desert. This was a symbol of the Sudanese ethnic integration, with the nature of the desert being and the nature of the forest being, reflected in the culture of human beings.

From this historical breakthrough, we inspired him to call it a group of political and human rights activists who gathered in a group to work in the revolution, inspire the Sudanese, to work against the totalitarian regime of the Muslim Brotherhood, and to work in the international spheres of human rights.

The group has uncovered human rights violations in Sudan and has reported on them to the groups of international human rights organizations. The group wrote the first criminal memoranda on human rights violations in Sudan, distributed them to Sudanese opposition groups, and sent them to international human rights organizations. Hence, Abadmak is no longer only a name of ancient god, but a symbol of national struggles that inspire the modern Sudanese revolution.

Abadmak to Plan Progressive Activities!

Some of the activities are public and some are for the members of Abadmak and the members of the Sudanese People's Tigers Front. We share the public benefits on the Sudanese section of the Horn Africas Network and on the social media for those who are active there.

Think of a network that starts by grouping people under boards by specific names and then connecting these boards. This makes the grassroots of the revolution to move forward on the grounds. The plan is as the same as the plan of the alleys and squares committees, I suggested building, prior to the Sudanese revolution, and yes the same committees working now and they are working wrong. People even don't know whose idea was the idea of the squares committees!

*** The new plan composes the following activities:

** Notice: You are required to have a doc folder, for files by the titles of the actions, including list of members with full contact information.

* Building the RSBs.

* Getting the most secured connection. (e.g .... is better than WhatsApp).

* Gathering sincere activists you know who have the same opinions to yours. 

* Making your list.

* Securing your list.

* Arranging the Execs of the RSBs.

* Equipping them by all required particulars to upgrade and takeover when time comes.

* Making the RSBs a net.

* Connecting the RSBs.

* Structuring the daily schedule by two parts.

* Making frameworks for the two.

* Planning the actions in the daily schedule.

* Fulfilling the actions in the daily schedule in two areas.

Details of all mechanisms on the entire project are available to members only. However, the complete framework is good for everyone opposing the terrorists in Sudan, angry from the recent outcome of the agreement and not agreeing to the conspiring agreement of the power of freedom and change and the killers of the military council and the Janjaweed banditry in whats called sovereignty council. We had not any sovereignty in Sudan at all, since independence.

Read the Arabic version at Abadamak.

Most of the activities of Abadamac is on the bottom navigation bar.

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You may find documentaries on ancient Sudan on documentary film at

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استراتيجيات في اطار فعاليات سبتمبر للقضاء علي الارهابيين في النظام السوداني| Invitation to Comment 32: شجرة الشهيد السوداني| Invitation to Comment 33: كلمة اتحاد "ابو دماك" في وداع أم السودان فاطمة أحمد ابراهيم| Invitation to Comment 34: شهيدة الوطن المختضّ| Invitation to Comment 40: اتحاد ابو دماك الثقافي السوداني يبدأ فعاليات القصاص للشهداء السودانيين في سبتمبر، عيد الشهيد السوداني| Invitation to Comment 59: اتحاد ابادماك الثقافي السوداني يشيد بجماهير الشعب السوداني التي خرجت الآن الثلاثاء 16 يناير 2018م ضد النظام الشمولي| Invitation to Comment 61: The Good Positive outcome of the Sudanese Revolution - المعطيات الايجابية الجيّدة لثورة يناير السودانية| Invitation to Comment 63: يا شباب أي أحزاب سودانية تدعونها لتشارك في حوار وطني؟| Invitation to Comment 63 Comments: يا شباب أي أحزاب سودانية تدعونها لتشارك في حوار وطني؟| Invitation to Comment 69 - السودان أرض بلا شعب لشعب ضاقت به أرضه.| Invitation to Comment 71: دا شنو دا في السودان?| Invitation to Comment 74: إنتفاضة 19 ديسمبر 2018م تدقّ أبواب القصر الجمهوري السوداني| Invitation to Comment 74 Comments: إنتفاضة 19 ديسمبر 2018م تدقّ أبواب القصر الجمهوري السوداني| Invitation to Comment 90: تنسيقية تيار الثورة السودانية القومية (معارضة) في خدمة السلطة Political comments on January 2019 intifada in Sudan| Invitation to Comment 91: ماذا ينبغي علي الثورة السودانية في يناير ٢٠١٩م والتي هي إمتداد لثورة ديسمبر ٢٠١٨م ان تفعل؟ Political comments on January 2019 intifada in Sudan| Invitation to Comment 91 Comments: ماذا ينبغي علي الثورة السودانية في يناير ٢٠١٩م والتي هي إمتداد لثورة ديسمبر ٢٠١٨م ان تفعل؟ Political comments on January 2019 intifada in Sudan| Invitation to Comment 92: Seven steps towards a new state in Sudan. سبع خطوات نحو دولة جديدة في السودان Political comments on January 2019 intifada in Sudan| Invitation to Comment 92 Comments: Seven steps towards a new state in Sudan. سبع خطوات نحو دولة جديدة في السودان Political comments on January 2019 intifada in Sudan| Invitation to Comment 94: About the modern Sudanese uprising in December 2018 and January 2019. حول الإنتفاضة السودانية الحديثة في ديسمبر ٢٠١٨م ويناير ٢٠١٩م| Invitation to Comment 94 Comments: About the modern Sudanese uprising in December 2018 and January 2019. حول الإنتفاضة السودانية الحديثة في ديسمبر ٢٠١٨م ويناير ٢٠١٩م| Invitation to Comment 97: About Sudanese December 2018 - January 2019 Intifada! حول الثورة السودانية الممتدة من ديسمبر ٢٠١٨م الي يناير ٢٠١٩م| Invitation to Comment 102: "سودان يسع الجميع" عبارات متداولة بسذاجة، حتي في بيانات الشيوعي السوداني| Invitation to Comment 102 Comments: "سودان يسع الجميع" عبارات متداولة بسذاجة، حتي في بيانات الشيوعي السوداني| Invitation to Comment 103: شباب السودان من أجل التغيير "شرارة"| Invitation to Comment 104: سوء الإستخدام السوداني للسياسة Sudanese abuse of politics| Invitation to Comment 105: لابد من تغيير جذري حاسم لميكانزمات الثورة السودانية Mechanisms of Sudanese revolution must be radically changed| Invitation to Comment 106: فشل الفعاليات السياسية الشعبية لإسقاط النظام السوداني| Invitation to Comment 107: لماذا فشلت النشاطات السودانية في إسقاط النظام السوداني الشمولي?| Invitation to Comment 108: فشل النخب السودانية السياسية الحاكمة سابقاً| Invitation to Comment 110: حميدتي رئيساً للسودان ببيعة سعودية رأسمالها مرتزقة حرب اليمن ومصالح أخري| Invitation to Comment 111: إتفاق الخيانة الوطنية بين مفاوضي الثورة والقتلة| Invitation to Comment 111 Comments: إتفاق الخيانة الوطنية بين مفاوضي الثورة والقتلة| Invitation to Comment 112: ما يُسمي لجان المقاومة الوهم الذين لا يعرفون حتي معاني عباراتهم| Invitation to Comment 112 Comments: ما يُسمي لجان المقاومة الوهم الذين لا يعرفون حتي معاني عباراتهم| Invitation to Comment 114: الثورة السودانية ثورة شباب وهم وحدهم الذين يضحون وينتصرون ويقررون| Invitation to Comment 114 Comments: مفاوضو ثورة أدعياء، جهلاء ناكوا أم حِلتها| Invitation to Comment 115: محاولة إغتيال الثورة السودانية بالإتفاق السياسي لإنشاء هياكل ومؤسسات الحكم| Invitation to Comment 115 Comments: محاولة إغتيال الثورة السودانية بالإتفاق السياسي لإنشاء هياكل ومؤسسات الحكم| Invitation to Comment 116: ثُلّةُ المتهافتين علي السلطة ليسوا ثواراً وهم يبتلعون الثورة| Invitation to Comment 116 Comments: ثُلّةُ المتهافتين علي السلطة ليسوا ثواراً وهم يبتلعون الثورة| Invitation to Comment 117: ما يُسمي قوي الحرية والتغيير باعت الثورة ودم الشهداء معاً للعسكر القتلة بجنجويدهم من أجل السلطة| Invitation to Comment 117 Comments: ما يُسمي قوي الحرية والتغيير باعت الثورة ودم الشهداء معاً للعسكر القتلة بجنجويدهم من أجل السلطة| Invitation to Comment 118: بقية نشرة مشهد القرن الافريقي السياسي ٥٣| Invitation to Comment 118 Comments: بقية نشرة مشهد القرن الافريقي السياسي ٥٣| Khalid Mohammed Osman| October is an Occasion for the Sudanese Revolution| Sudanese Martyr's Day| Sudanese Martyr's Day Comments| Sudanese National Anger Day| Are You Intellectual: We Need Revolution in Sudan| WhatsApp Conceptual Dialogue| WhatsApp Cultural Chat| WhatsApp Memories|
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