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The HOA Political Scene Blog has INSIGHTS gained from long political experiences and political knowledge and it teaches readers how to analyze modern politics.
HOA is an abbreviation for the Horn of Africa and the Political Scene Blog makes the political news absorbed through deep political analyses. It calls activists to join the USHA project to bring about good future to this miserable regional area.
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Horn of Africas artists, poets, and song writers join the HOAs Poets Project. Here are two parts of the project, one for simple people who just want to write at this page and the other for fighters for civil rights at the Squadron of Poets.
Horn of Africas columnists, playwrights, scenarists and short story writers use the HOAs Cultural Project and other cultural pages to write some of your literary works. Use the political pages to write about your state and then forward all of that to your friends. It is that simple.
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If you are not just average citizen in East Africa and the Horn of Africa, but intellectual who is more interested in developing great awareness to work constantly to break the borders between averageness and intellectuality, so many people become intellectual too, then this is your right cultural ethical and political umbrella.
As you see, each of the projects are designed to get you involved with a sincere political platform to achieve great correction to the way we understand politics and the way we practice politics. The development of such political situations in the area proves that after independence many states have lost their way. You might think there somehow might be exceptions in some areas. Do you see any?
Intellectuals' greatness is to care about other people who are eager to develop their lives better. They are concerned of what has become a tradition in politics carried by the leading political parties to implement the methods of democracies found in great countries in the world. They know the leaders of political parties have missed their way between the theory and practice, so they revert in many countries to be just ruling elites to serve their own political interests.
They have forgotten everything about the masses and even their obligations to the simple masses who brought them to power by voting for them in elections. The political situations in many countries indicate this. The simple masses know the simple fact, but they don't have the power, even when they express their disappointment, until intellectuals take actions by taking their responsibility to work hard for the masses.
This is why the HOA Political Scene Blog is important to play a role and important one to get yourself together and work in its framework for the masses... your masses.
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How to Write a Short Story? Discover new concepts in the short story writing and get the guidelines from the lessons, which are explained in texts and videos.
Continue reading "How to Write a Short Story? Use the Guidelines of HOA Political Scene!"
The Horn of Africa, a region historically marked by conflict, instability, and political turmoil, stands as a stark example of how a combination of colonial
The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference entail extraordinary activities that humans should undertake to create a new world.
Continue reading "Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference to a New Era!"
Intelligentsia 59 Shows You How to Ally Yourself with Socialism. Is it because it's Humane & we're all humans, or what? A process to rebuild your mind capability to save yourself & the world & rebuild it.
Continue reading "Intelligentsia 59 Shows You How to Ally Yourself with Socialism & Why?"
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises to help you first realise the world crises that threaten your life and then work with others to save the planet.
Continue reading "Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises to Secure Your Life!"
How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations is not a personal matter, but rather a public matter that makes everyone just become that person and live in the future.
Continue reading "How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations?"
How does the political ideology of the media damage our world? ፖለቲካዊ ኣተሓሳስባ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ንዓለምና ዜበላሽዋ ብኸመይ እዩ? ነቲ ንዓለምና ዜበላሽዋ ፖለቲካዊ ኣተሓሳስባ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ብኸመይ ኢና እንቃለሶ?
Continue reading "ፖለቲካዊ ኣተሓሳስባ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ንዓለምና ዜበላሽዋ ብኸመይ እዩ?"
Hey Khalid, Was a nice Hour Train Ride with u. I‘m trying to find my Passion in this moment and i‘m very thankful for your advices! I let u know, if
Continue reading "Train Ride from Hamburg to Hannover, on Tuesday, February 20, 2024"
Intelligentsia 58 opens your mind into the period from the late eighties until now and rebuilds the capabilities of your mind, so you can see what's gone wrong with the world.
Continue reading "Intelligentsia 58 Opens Your Mind into the Late Eighties Up to Now!"
I have never in my life imagined this could happen in Denmark. A mafia of residents in one of CIVICA apartments use the housing company to occupy an empty
Are Odense Municipality, CIVICA Housing Company & the Police Corrupt? More than seventy years of foreigners presence in Denmark has corrupted Denmark.
Continue reading "Are Odense Municipality, CIVICA Housing Company & the Police Corrupt?"
Possession is the Foundation of Capitalism! وبما أن هذا الاستحواذ الرأسمالي على الموارد يعني الهيمنة، فإن القواسم المشتركة الكبرى للبشر تتعلَّق بمحاربة الاستحواذ الرأسمالي.
Continue reading "Possession is the Foundation of Capitalism الحيازة هي أساس الرأسمالية!"
HOA's Dynamic Multicultural Concept Makes the World One Mind! It gets you a prudent mind to solve the issues of the world and make it think by one mind of what develops life.
Continue reading "HOA's Dynamic Multicultural Concept Makes the World One Mind!"
Hoarded Political Sense Can Dissolve Parliaments and Develop Life! You might be wondering how it does that. By reading, understanding and following its steps.
Continue reading "Hoarded Political Sense Can Dissolve Parliaments and Develop Life!"
Political Sense: يساعدك الحس السياسي العام على تطوير شخصية ذاتية إيجابية. ويهدف أيضا إلى مساعدتك في تطوير الشخصية الوطنية والعالمية لحل المشكلات السياسية
Continue reading "Political Sense: الحس السياسي يطور الشخصية الذاتية والوطنية والعالمية"
How Your Intuitional Sense Could Improve Life? You first learn to improve your intuitional sense, so that you can improve life. These life threatening matters help you improve it.
Continue reading "How Your Intuitional Sense Could Improve Life? Here's How!"
HOA's Mastermind Says International Terrorism is a Capitalist Industry! He founded the network of solutions that resolve global terrorism, manage crises & foster world peace.
Continue reading "HOA's Mastermind Says International Terrorism is a Capitalist Industry"
Acquisition is the Basis of the Policies of Capitalist Systems! As this capitalist acquisition of resources mean domination, the greatest common denominators of humans relate to fighting capitalist acquisition.
Continue reading "Acquisition is the Basis of the Policies of Capitalist Systems!"
Intellectuals' Newspaper of Intelligentsia 57 Improves Intellect! جريدة المثقفين الآلية انتلجنسيا 57 تعمل على تحسين الفكر من خلال جذب عقلك لتنمية قدراتك على التفكير ، حتى تتمكن من رؤية ما هو الخطأ في العالم وتصححه.
Continue reading "Intellectuals' Newspaper of Intelligentsia 57 Improves Intellect!"
Intelligentsia 57 captures your mind to develop your thinking capacities, so you can see what's wrong in the world and make it right.
Continue reading "Intelligentsia 57 Captures Your Mind to Make You Intuitional!"
Citizen Journalism Can Save the World From Political Catastrophes! How can CJ save the world from political catastrophes?
Continue reading "Citizen Journalism Can Save the World From Political Catastrophes!"
Too many Eritreans, with the exception of veteran Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF), boast of their knowledge of the Eritrean cause and of the
Continue reading "Important Stations in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence!"
The Lack of Vision on the Eritrean Presidential Side has brought Eritrea into hard situations. The EPLF's revolutionary spirit should have never be changed.
Continue reading "Lack of Vision on the Eritrean Presidential Side. How to Avoid It?"
HOA Eritrean Political Forums Online Bring You Back to Nationality & rationality too in new style to enjoy political discussions & build a new socialist political vision.
Continue reading "HOA Eritrean Political Forums Online Bring You Back to Nationality!"
L’illusion politique des médias de masse détériore notre monde est un jeu politique joué par le pouvoir du capitalisme dans les régimes.
Continue reading "Comment l’illusion politique des médias de masse détériore notre monde"
What are the Principles of Press Media that Make You a Professional Journalist? They are ethical and professional. You should know them, before even thinking of doing journalism.
Continue reading "Principles of Press Media that Make You a Professional Journalist!"
BUILD YOURSELF A SYSTEM OF POWER! You do that by learning the EQUATION OF POWER from, so you & your pals will solve the global crises.
Political Delusion Results of Pseudo Politics: الوهم السياسي ينتج عن السياسة الزائفة، فكيف نعالج ذاك وكيف نعالج هذه؟
Continue reading "Political Delusion Results of Pseudo Politics: وهم سياسي سياسة زائفة"
The Political Illusion of Mass Media is a political game played by the power of the capital in regimes that deteriorate the world. Do you know how to manage it?
Continue reading "How Does Political Illusion of Mass Media Deteriorate our World?"
Revolucion Socialista Mundial: Por Que el Mundo lo Necesita? Si no lo sabes, conócelo. Cuando lo sepas, sigue los pasos para salvarte a ti mismo y al mundo.
Continue reading "Revolucion Socialista Mundial: Por Que el Mundo lo Necesita?"
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