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The Global Theory is a new world's theory. You can call it the Theory of the Masses and the Theory of the Masses' Era too. It works the LPE of the masses era out to launch the masses systems and begin this new era. Whatever its name is, the theory is all mechanisms. The mechanisms are of veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman's creation. Pay attention to intellectual property rights.
It is a mental product created out of DYNAMICS. The dynamic ideas have proved through long decades that they are practical by involving the masses in some public projects I hav planned and led the masses all the way through to implement these projects, regionally.
When I discovered the objectives of the practical process, I turned the ideas to be international. There are reasons for this turn. The main reasons are the crises that continued to happen after, or during two eras. These eras are the era of the Cold War ad the new era which called the New World Order and it is still running with all of the mistakes done by the rulers of this era.
I use the same methods I implemented regional with additional strategies and tactics in the Global Theory to maintain positive and good global understanding and smooth the process of shifting the classic systems of the ruling elites of the classic political parties to the systems of the masses.
How the Global Theory could be practical is obvious. It consists of the LPE of the masses' era with its segments, which include units. The units include scientific methods. The methods are well-explained through all the components of the LPE. The methods are also the mechanisms of the masses' era. The masses's era runs by the masses' systems.
Primary steps:
Build a system of thinking of global issues that impact your life daily. You must put that system is well-organized document.
Go through all of the pages about the dynamic ideas to read facts and absorb the dynamics and register important dynamics.
The system must include your own opinions about every aspect of life that has been threaten by development after the Cold War and Climate Change. You will come up with your own new dynamics.
Discuss all of that with your group of people privately and through direct contact on chatting apps. I recommend Skype for more privacy, as it has no pages like for example What's App.
Subscribe to HOA Political Scene Newsletter, confirm your subscription and register as a member through the form on Contact Us. Explain what are you registering for, as the form works with other goals too. Let your friends do that too.
Be open-minded to absorb the strategies and tactics of the masses' era. You get this through direct contact.
You take the orientation with your group of friends and then get further to implement everything that has been decided to make a positive move in the movement of the masses in your area.
Arrangements would be made to connect with international frameworks to move on the strategies and tactics of the masses' era.
You keep developing your position as a frame work leader. But, you will come to have leaders for each of the units of the LPE. That is because all of the units are specialized by positions.
So, let's learn from the regional dynamics what the dynamic ideas have achieved through the following sections and continue to learn more about the Global Theory from the linked pages.
It is your mind that will lead you to embrace the Global Theory. You see the way through it with the given sections of the page and the linked resources. Become a believer. Subscribe to HOA Political Scene Newsletter and confirm your subscription. Use the Contact Us form to write your acceptance, Thanks.
* Slovak: - Dynamické Myslenie: Problémy, ktorým čelí naša planéta, sú veľké kvôli skorumpovaným vládam klasických politických strán. Ako to všetko riešite ako jednotlivec? Vezmite techniky LPE, ktoré vás urobia viac než len individuálne. Prihláste sa na odber bulletinu a pripravte sa na to, že vás bude učiť skúsený aktivista, novinár a básnik Khalid Mohammed Osman.
The connotation of the Slovak description is: The problems facing our planet are great due to the corrupt governments of classical political parties. How do you do all this as an individual? Take the LPE techniques that will make you more than just individual. Subscribe to the newsletter and prepare to be taught by the experienced activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.
* Slovak: - Slovenské Dynamické Perspektívy: Existujú metódy, ako dostať vlády klasických politických strán z moci na riešenie problémov planéty. Prvým krokom je spojenie v dôvernej sieti a štúdium dynamických myšlienok veteránskeho aktivistu, novinára a básnika Khalida Mohammeda Osmana. Prihláste sa na odber noviniek a získate ďalšie propagačné akcie.
The explanation of this Slovak description is: There are methods to get the governments of classical political parties out of power to solve the planet's problems. The first step is to connect in a confidential network and study the dynamic ideas of veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman. Sign up for the newsletter and get more promotions.
* Join the Global Theory and raise the sea. You have the lights to see your way. Write comments on Global Theory on the comments form below and fill the required fields of the form to keep in touch.
* As for climate change, which is one of the motives of Global Theory, see how many places has been endangered by it at Watch some Global Theories at
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