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Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference!

The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference encompass extraordinary activities that you and people in your circle of influence and other humans should undertake to create a new world and a new era! In a nutshell, you work for others in public affairs and others work for you too at the same time. There are many dynamic examples I am doing for you to get through to know the dynamics of such actions.

Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference to a New Era: Your frame of reference is explained by the way you look at something happening and the way you understand anything that happens in front of you, or happens in other places in the - Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference to a New Era: Pioneering Secular Geopolitical and Cultural Environment Strategies and Tactics of the Mass Era of Veteran Activist, Journalist and Poet Khalid Mohammed Osman: Your frame of reference is explained by the way you look at something happening and the way you understand anything that happens in front of you, or happens in other places in the world.

When I work hard for you since a very long time thinking and writing new dynamic ideas I do that to help you think of a frame of reference. I do not specifically mean the frame of reference that Albert Einstein has come with in his Special Relativity and General Relativity, both of which constitute the Theory of Relativity.

But, I mean the structure of my concept "Dynamic Ideas", which has been developed to the "Global Dynamics", with its values, views and influence that empower you as an individual and empower the group of people you get togather and organise, in specific methods to build yourself a system of power. As I said before4, you build it in fact to everyone in your group.

That is power sharing, as you can simply understand and that is wealth all of you will share. The relativity of my concept is that it flashes the LPE wide between people to know how to do that together and together the world will be better, without having to organise any frame of politics.

We will put this word "politics" and all its construction in the garbage to begin a new history in the world. I said, "I mean the structure of my concept "Dynamic Ideas", which has been developed to the "Global Dynamics", with its values, views and influence".

Now, here are two things to know from this phrase. The rate at which time passes in which I first came with the "Dynamic Ideas" in the early 1990s concerning the idea of the Martyr's Tree in Eritrea was coincided with two global events, one was environmental and the other one was political and since then the world is still living the tragedies of these two dangerous events, which are global warming and international terrorism. Am I right?

Well, I even don't understand this sort of physics theory completely and I don't have to. This is only a general understanding to the theory.

I said, "the Dynamic Ideas, which have been developed to the "Global Dynamics" empower you, the individual and empower the group of people you gather and organise. Think deeply about this. You are not just you, as there will be many of you here. Man, do you know what does that mean?

Be ready to be blown away. I said in one of the dynamic pages, which is linked above "YOU BECOME WE". But, the wonder is not only in this. The wonder is in the groups, as they are not just like any other groups of people. The group of people you get them together here will build scientific groups by some (well, let me say plans now). This is like nothing that has happened in history before.

When you collect me in your mind, you collect yourself to avoid any nonsense you are engaged in right now like chatting in social media, wasting time playing games, running after get rich schemes, wasting your time with a new electronic thief called AI and so on. Hold fast in my dreams, which are yours.

When you get sophisticated people together in a group, you will educate them every lesson in the World Dynamics. You won't need any lecture to do this job. It is all done for you, so you simply target your audience to the relevant pages of the World Dynamics, which most of them are in the sections of the World Dynamics below.

Through these sections, you and your audience learn about everything that has gone wrong in the world since the early 1990s, know why wrong things have happened that way, acquire a sense of why such consequences are still continuing and then build a frame of mind to absorb the dynamic solutions to the world dilemmas.

This way you get your frame of reference perfect to reflects on the frame of reference of each of your audience. You and they will understand the necessity and the requirements to change these hard circumstances that affect the world and make it exactly not the world we dream of.

Frame of Reference to World Catastrophes!

The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference work together to realise the catastrophes we all experience in our world with referencing events that led to these catastrophes. You will notice that a catastrophe is not usually a sudden damage or suffering with the continuation of it from the day it has been generated.

The frame of reference, which is a way of looking at the world and making sense of it. It reflects the coordination between these events in which some policies have played a role in the development of these catastrophes. The coordination centres have their time, as they were all founded in the 1990s.

They began with the capitalist policies that targeted big political powers in the world like the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) along with the Eastern European Bloc to dismantle these strong states and destroy communism. The process was started in Afghanistan and coordinated in Sudan and Saudi Arabia. In fact the coordination has started during the 1940s.

The frame of reference regarding this coordination reflects that the power of world capitalism has begun to cooperate with Muslim political parties in North Africa and the Middle East to to prevent the growth of communist parties in the two region using religion as a motive, as long as they all believe in a religion, no matter how these two religions are different and communism is atheism.

Have you ever thought of how leaders of muslim parties like the Sudanese Hassan Abdullah al-Turabi, the leader of the Sudanese Muslim Brothers and the Tunisian Rached al-Ghannouchi the leader of the islamic party An-Nahda have been graduated from the Sorbonne in Paris?

Each party in this coordination abided by its rules, but it has a mindset that suggests the enemy of my enemy is my friend. From this point on, future conflicts and manoeuvres between capitalist powers and muslim parties are inevitable to some extent.

Beside religion, and in this case (Christianity and Islam), your intelligent frame of reference will instinctively and intuitively lead you to understand the economic coordination between capitalism powers and Muslim parties and to know that the Muslim parties are also capitalists.

The thing that you do not know about these muslim parties is that they are capable of destroying the treasury of the state in which they operate through what are called the marginal markets (frontier markets), which are all currency markets (exchange markets) coordinating with Islamic banks to absorbe currency from the State Treasury and create inflation. Some of these islamic banks are owned by individuals, like Bank Faysal. Isn't that exactly a capitalist thing?

The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference Work Together with the Action Guide!

The Action Guide is a fundamental grassroots process to lay the foundation for the Systems of the Masses to change our world!

The continuation of all the catastrophes in the world imply non-perfect solutions to the crises the world face yet. Here comes the Action Guide to step you forward to mange the world decay step by step beginning from building the required manpower to launch the Mass Systems and begin the Mass Era. It immediately after that shows you how to ensure this manpower share power and wealth.

We do not need any political party, any parliament and any government. At the same time when the requirements are met to change the world and not too long after the construction of new world systems, there will be no need for militaries and wars. Employees of these forces will all be disbanded and appointed in development projects.

Maybe you don't believe it and maybe you think that this is all a dream. Well, if you don't have dreams, you won't achieve anything at all. Imagination is powerful. It helps you to create systems out of it. Without great imagination, you won't achieve anything.

Think seriously about becoming a good intellectual activist and intellectual leader of one of the foundations of the world masses, as you have learned from "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference".

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  • When you make your move, they make their moves with you, according to the steps of the Action Guide here on "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference". The point is that it is so important to work with them, so that more friends and “friends of their friends” will join the discussion about global crises, political shallowness, the lack of political depth and know the guidelines of the World Social Revolution, which is a reflection of credibility of "Hoarded Political Sense Can Dissolve Parliaments and Develop Life". You should at least make a few hundred friends as contacts to explain to them everything you have learned and understood from "Build Yourself a System of Power".
  • Setup a time to work in this project and arrange your contacts systematically into lists with basic information about each one of your contacts, such as name, age, gender, email address and location. In this way, you will guide, organize and teach them as you have been taught into groups to carry out the process to build everyone a system of power, inspired by the World Dynamics on "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference". I will let you know the specifications of these groups. Upon completion, please use the contact form to forward this information to me. You should have their consent, first. Then use the same "Contact Us" form to tell me you've done the first process and wait for further instructions.
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  • Share the links on "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference" and share the pictures of the global political campaigns on good websites. Please don't do this on the social media of Facebook because it is a capitalist umbrella and more and if you want to know what's more. Read HOA's about Facebook on the first paragraph at the top of "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference", or on the page.
  • Distribute the videos you watch on "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference" and hang the posters of the Global Revolution in public places. It will be good if you or your friends have public places such as bars, cafes, cafeterias, clubs, hotels, mini-market places, public companies and restaurants.
  • Read about nature problems that affect the world badly, including the effects of global warming on many countries and on people, as you read politically on the posters of "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference" at This is a site dedicated to the effects of global warming that you read about here politically on the sections of the International Dynamics.
  • Watch historical and political documentaries and films about the crises of the environment and nature caused by classical regimes, and documentaries about some of the topics you read on "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference" at This is another site oriented to the cinema and television that offers among documentaries cinematic analyzes of movies and television series and lessons on how to install channels and watch movies free, so you don't need to pay for that.
  • ** Please, if you find anything that does not make sense to you on "The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference", use the feedback form to write about it. I will answer your questions and reward you for that by offering you some good books to read and learn more about how to improve your life.

Resources of Global Dynamics!

The Relativity of World Dynamics Opens and Enlarges Your Frame of Reference!

You get the resources of the Global Dynamics in Arabic Sections, English Sections and Multilingual Sections. This is just to reach many people in large landscape in the world. Implementing the Action Guide after good reading, close attention and good understanding comes next to changing the world.

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The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference Advanced In Videos - How to accomplish an international progressive revolution? Episode 1 - 3: Aesthetically innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

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The Relativity of World Dynamics and Your Frame of Reference Delivered In Videos - How to assess the process of an international revolution? Episode 1 - 10: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons with aesthetic visions in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

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