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A Third World War is Predicted in Middle East and Horn of Africa!

by Admin

A third world war is predicted to start from areas in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa!

Third world war is predicted to engulf the Middle East and the Horn of Africa amid American, Chinese and Russian manoeuvres in the area, along with other moving troops from Arab Gulf States, China, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Turkey. Turkey has failed to address some political problems, when called to present a solution. See هل تنجح تركيا في معالجة التدهور السياسي في الشرق الأوسط?

In November 2015, China stared to discuss the Horn of Africa's security issues with the Djiboutian president Ismail Omar Guelleh suggesting to have a base in Djibouti a request which is welcomed by the Djiboutian president. Djibouti borders Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somaliland and Somalia, which is the main land Djibouti is cut off to be a French protectorate in the Horn of Africa.

Chinese military ships are active on the Red Sea paradise and the Gulf of Aden monitoring the Horn of Africa and the nearby area in the Middle east since the wars against the Somali pirates. France and the United States have already military bases in the country.

However, after the defeat of the piracy, strategies have changed a little, or perhaps the fight against piracy was an excuse to get into the area for some other reasons. What happens after indicates the parameters of the international interference in the area.

The lights aim at this direction: where the Soviet started aiding Bashar al-Assad heavily. The Soviet-Syrian alliance is old and it was strengthened during the reign of his father Hafiz al-Assad. The family rule in a Ba'ath party system, which is based on the Arab Nationalism Movement with the revolutionary motto or emblems of "liberty, socialism, unity" is just the main contradiction to the theory and practices of such nationalism.

Even when the party was divided into the Iraqi wing of Ba'ath and the Syrian wing of Ba'ath, the main political idea of the party is based on the democratic electoral rule from within the party. On the long run the leaders shifted this principle and changed into a clear monarchy rule both in Syria by preparing Bashar the son of the president to take over and One of the Iraqi president Saddam Hussain's sons to take over in Iraq.

What happens following the attempts of those international powers in the area and specially after the Syrian crisis and the Soviet manoeuvres in the area is that the Saudi authorities moved by the American godfather to operate a military exercise with the participation of troops from the Saudi Arabia, other Gulf States, Egypt and Sudan.

Russia warned that its missiles may reach the north of Saudi Arabia, while the Turkish troops are awaiting another signal from anything that will happen next to move its troops in the internationally desired position.

Iran also announced that their troops will be in the move following the military development in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa.

So, the area is on fire now and everyone predicts a third world war.

But, is that is all?

Should we just sit down and watch it burn our continent?

NO, NO, NO...

People in the every state in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East should organize themselves and demonstrate continuously to stop the coming disaster. This is absolutely not something to ignore and just let mad leaders get our peaceful area into more fires.

Demonstrate, roar on every street and stop the crises.

* Read English pages at:

HOA| HOA Calls| HOA Political Scene Newsletter| HOAs Comprehensive Projects| HOAs Cultural Project| HOA Political Scene| HOA Political Scene Blog| HOAs Self-Publishing| Horn of Africa's Bookshop|Horn of Africa's Network| Humanitarian Network| United States of the Horn of Africa| USHA| USHA Framework|

* Read more in Arabic at the following pages:

Arabic HOA Political Scene| الحكم بالسجن والغرامة في قضية شركة الاقطان السودانية| بيان الحزب الشيوعي السوداني حول ارتفاع اسعار السلع الاساسية في السودان| بضع أسئلة تنتظر اِجابة الشعب السوداني| البوتجاز وسماسرة الغاز في السودان| رجل الصين في الحكومة السودانية| مؤشرات اقتصادية لإنهيار الإقتصاد السوداني| غناء العزلة ضد العزلة| حوار سياسة في واتساب جات| Sudanese Economical Updates 1| أبناء دارفور يتظاهرون غدا بالمملكة المتحدة| قوانين مجحفة ضد الحريات الاساسية في السودان | بيان صوت شرق السودان الحر| احتمال تساقط الجليد بالسودان| الحملة الوطنية العالمية لمواجهة المرحلة الجديدة للإبادة الجماعية في جبل مرة ودارفور| استمرار النظام المهووس دينيا في السودان في جرائمه ضد حقوق الانسان| رئيس جهاز الأمن والمخابرات السودانية يوجه رئيس النظام الديكتاتوري السوداني| نظام السودان العسكري الديني يحرق جبل مرة لجعله قاعدة للأرهاب الدولي| رئيس جيبوتي يشيد بالديكتاتور السوداني بمناسبة اِفتتاح مستشفى "عمر حسن البشير" بجيبوتي | أسماء ساطعة في تاريخ الحزب الشيوعي السوداني| ما نتفه التوم النتيفة 2| ما نتفه التوم النتيفة 3| قوى نداء السودان توجِّه بيـــــــــــــــــانا إلى جماهير الشعب السوداني| الانتفاضات ضد السدود تتواصل شمال السودان| المعارضة السودانية لا تخضع للإملاءات الامريكية| هل تنشب حرب عالمية ثالثة بسبب قضايا شرق اوسطية في سوريا واليمن?| الحزب الشيوعي السوداني يقول لا للسدود بالشمالية?| تداعيات الأزمنة الجديدة| تدمير الشخصية السودانية| بيان سياسي من قوي الاجماع الوطني السوداني لجماهير الشعب السوداني| فشل اخر جولة للمفاوضات غير الرسمية بين الحركة الشعبية والحكومة السودانية في برلين| المسرحي السوداني عفيف اسماعيل يعرض ثلاث مسرحيات في استراليا| نضال صحفي| معارك صحفية في الدولة الإرترية الحديثة 1| معارك صحفية في الدولة الإرترية الحديثة 2| A Third World War is Predicted in Middle East and Horn of Africa|

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