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Arabic HOAs Poetry, to Enrich Your Vocabulary!

Take it from the title: Arabic HOAs Poetry, to enrich your vocabulary!

Did you get the poetic taste of poetry in the title?

This is I, the poet... writing to you as a critic, to queue it.

Yes of course, while getting in the reading and it is not about the rhyme. It is about many words that I consider are inhabited by strong poetic sense.

I feel them breathing... and sometimes whispering their secrets to me. It is the secret of poetic love we make together, until I got them climaxed on my poetry.

Yes, words have tits, bellybutton and bossy and I love them all.

The word is a woman, as it has been from the beginning of the universe. At least, we the poets take it that way. It has been from the beginning. Remember this.

Remember it again when you read poetry, such as the "Second Birth of the Tree", "Creation", "Arrogant Yearning", "Your Love is Beating Now" and other poetry I have lost.


حملتُ هواكِ جُرْحاً شقيّا

انتبذتُ به مكاناً شرقيا

فطلعتْ من هواي زهرةٌ

خجولةٌ ولغةٌ حييه

The Arabic HOAs Poetry Gallery!

The poetry has an image of femininity. Such image appears when you look to the meaning of poetry in Arabic for example. We call a poem a "Qasida" and the word is in a feminine form

See gallery pages at HOAs Animation Gallery| HOAs Design Gallery| HOAs Gallery| HOAs Imagery Poems| HOAs Images| HOAs Image Scripture| HOAs Photo Gallery| HOAs Photo Scripture| HOAs Picture Gallery| HOAs Poetic Pictures| HOAs Poetry Posters| HOAs Poets Gallery|

تطلعين من رمادِ عشقنا

الذي اكتوت بنيرانه صدورنا

تفتحين صمتنا

وتصمتين صمتنا

- صمتنا لا يكون غير صوتنا

You'll be familiar, while enriching your vocabulary with such terms whether you read them in Arabic, or in English and you'll then inspire to come up with similar language usage.

The immense of such poetic sense intensifies the poetic pictures you'll capture when you read through delicate poetic expressions, see verse on pictures making sense of the meanings and all of that gets you more techniques while using words.

It means that you build your aesthetics using words as such to picture your thoughts and fellings, exactly as you learn through HOAs Poetry Aesthetics, HOAs Poetry Scripture, HOAs Sacred Poetry, HOAs Sacred Scripture and HOAs Scripture.

تنزلين الربوةَ الفيحاءَ

وادي الزرع


"انتِ، نحن" لي "بنا"!

Intelligent expressions are not pretended to be only in poetry. Short stories have much of this specific formulas of wording, as you can read on Arabic Short StorySuakini Cat and The Frame.

اختيارك العظيم سوسنه

الشمسُ برتقالةٌ

ونحن في مدارِ عشقنا




يديرُ الألسنهْ

However, when we call poetry by the masculine form, which is "Shier" it takes the harshness of masculine. Look at such expressions in the following poetry.

طيفُك الـ "وهبْ"

فعلنا الـ "ذهبْ"

رائعٌ، مشاغبٌ

وثورةٌ غضبْ

Many of the HOAs Arabic Poetry have such images and in one of the Arabic Poetry in particular, the poet talks to his poem while delivering it alive and then breathing after birth, as pregnant women do after delivery.

ونحن في انتصارِ عشقنا

ونحن في "نضجةِ" السنا

ونحن في إختيارِ السوسنهْ



وفكرةٌ تصب أزمنهْ

In our oriental culture, we consider a poet with a pertinent poem to be delivered in a delivery status just like a pregnant woman. The delivery becomes complete when the poet, or the poetess delivers its baby, which is a poem.

هلا جمعتِ للسـُـري عطــرنا

بجــوفِ المــاءِ سيدتي

يذيبـُـك قَطْـــرةً

ويـطـْلِقُني أنــا

In fact, any kind of artwork, such as that you see on HOAs Arts runs through the same delivery status with its sufferance and pain of creation.

You can make sense of this pain through the HOAs Literature, which is divided into HOAs Arabic Literature and HOAs English Literature with the inclusion mentioned above and at HOAs Literary Scripture and HOAs Literary Works.

... أسقنيـه

هذا العِشْق يطْـلعُ

طفـلاً بعمـرِ السُّدم

يطْـلعُ تمـرا

ويطْـلعُ "جـدولا"

يرمي ثمـارَ الرجـاءِ الدفين

برحـمِ السنين

وبعـثِ المـلأ

So, this is why we say for a painting done by a painter his, or her baby. See Arabic HOA| Arabic Poetry Posters| Bilingual HOA| Comment C2 Entries| HOA Calls| HOA IndexHOAs Love Poems| HOAs LyricsHOAs Poems| HOAs PoesyHOAs PoetryHOAs Political Poetry| HOAs Verse|

Such image of understanding, or such understanding image is inhabitant of many Arabic HOAs Poems and English HOAs Poetry, as well.

أخرجُ من بيتي ممتزجاً بالدمِ






- استباحَ يقيني وعانقني -

أخرجُ عن جسمي أسرحُ أرْصِفَةَ الطُرقات

See for example such lovely poetic habitats you sense even from some titles of poetry, such as "Her Lips Draw the Dream".

أخرجُ عن جسمي أسرحُ أرْصِفَةَ الطُرقات









يعتقني الخمرُ وينثرني ذرات

The poetic insights you have gotten right now are much of the images included inside the HOAs Poetry Posters you see on this page and at the selected poetry galleries linked from within the page.

يعتقني الخمرُ وينثرني ذرات

أمتشقُ حسامي

ألامسُ جمرَكِ سيدتي

يكتسبُ السيفُ لسانَ النار

أفرحُ سيدتي


يعتقني الخمرُ ويجمعني

Here in this line of sensibility and aesthetics goes you imagination bigger through the Arabic HOAs Poetry and all that of HOA's Arabic, or English art.

يعتقني الخمرُ ويجمعني






عشقاً قزحياً

.... أين منامتي عاشقتي؟

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زمن الحب علي الطريقة السودانية والغناء البديع Not rated yet
قالوا الشاعر صالح عبد السيد (أبو صلاح) كان راكب في بابور البحر متجها ً للجنوب وعندما كان البابور راسيا ً على شاطي قرية ود الزاكي على النيل الأبيض كانت …

زمن السودان والغناء العذب الجميل الذي ولي Not rated yet
الشاعر المطبوع الدكتور شمس الدين حسن الخليفة عندما رجع هو وعائلته من مصر الى عطبرة ذات يوم كانت فيه الكتاحة سيدة الموقف. فقال له طفله احمد: يا بابا تجيبنا …

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

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