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Dogmatism Pumps to Downtrodden Others!

What dogmatism actually means?

In certain circumstances, those who believe in dogma don't care of other people. So, this is why this term refers to the tendency of laying some measures as incontrovertibly true, without consideration of evidence or opinions of others.

The dogma itself, as a universal part of the term is any principle, which plays as a rule laid down by any authority as incontrovertibly true. It is setup forth as a belief, maxim, precept, teaching and tenet to be obeyed, although no authority on earth could proof that she is right in every thing she does.

So, this is why I belief the term is as similar as dog-mate-ism;-)

The measures, or the tendency are incontrovertible because it is supposed that people cannot and will not be able to deny, or dispute them. So, what a dictatorship?

It is surprisingly working in modern democracies in Europe, Such as in Denmark in what I am calling cliché of democracy, because the so called democracy is not real democracy at all.

Democracy doesn't mean just to be free to do what you want, or to be free to express yourself in any way you like. It is a mechanism of the right vote for the right party, which has an open vision to interior issues, as well as international issues and the right party that never be influenced by a foreign party or a foreign power.

The Danish Folk Party (DF) and the Venstre Party and those at the right wing of liberalism, where liberalism is in fact a nightmare, tends to go with dogmatism foot by foot, the way they walk their dogs.

It becomes a trend not only with some elites in Denmark, but many liberal parties in Europe use it as a political formula to (co-do) what they want with the political power, forgetting even their obligations towards some of their voters, whom they just vote randomly for the sake of voting, or for the sake of the elected character.

It tends to foster the ruling parties as the only parents the state has and therefore the citizens should be obliged to follow them, as they have been created to lead and the others are created to be led by them.

In a new political term I find this to be a mechanical majority dictatorship, despite that it happens factually in well civilized and modern states. But, what they don't know in the political power is that the people are not just a herd that anyone can lead according to such dogmatic mentalities.

The political power, is the people willingness to vote for good leaders to lead them through democracy, equality, freedom and justice. So, the people have the rights for your right say into the policy of the state and they alone are responsible of getting it into the right path, when some elites try to ignore the roles of their voters.

As voting is one of the rights people have gained in those modern societies, calling for their governments to resign is a duty when politicians practice this policy of absenteeism against them and lead them using such formula to humiliate them.

People have the rights to know. But, unfortunately, many of them couldn't see the real orientation of such policy to humiliate them despite the fact that they suffer from such policy in many ways.

In Denmark, they know that every changes happen are because of the volume of foreigners in the country. But, it is the first time in my life I see people can accept some measures although they suffer from them, because they impact foreigners, as well.

What a way to understand things?

What a way to accept such things?

The fact, though is that how could a country accept foreigners and among them UN Convention political refugees and then changes every law in the country to respond to the new challenges those foreigners got Denmark into.

No clear vision and no one ever has though of such things. But, the subject matter of this page, as you see could make a fever for the liberal parties to decide with full knowledge of what they are doing to force their own citizens into such hard situations, because only and simply that they have foreigners who are getting more privileges in their land, while the truth is that they suffer.

They don't only do it to foreign people living in Denmark for a long time and among them are the UN Convention political refugees, but they do it to Danish too.

So, this is dogmatism and it threatens the integrity of this very small and peaceful society. Despite what has happened before when the hardliners invited extremists from other European countries to demonstrate in Århus to antagonize the Palestinian masses in the big city, where a crisis were expected. (I added the last line after a couple of years from the date I wrote it and when I updated the page by moving it here from another website).

Dogmatism Pumps to Limit Creation and Exercises of Careers!

This is what dogmatism does, in fact.

Dogmatism limits creation too, as it goes only through measures and other relevant laws to impose threats to the rights of the citizens. It doesn't limit creation only, but the exercises of rights to continue lifetime careers you did all your life here when you come to live in Denmark.

But, as we know the Danish people are so obedient, the leaders of such policies don't find any power to face them hard enough and peacefully by democratic means to stop oppressing the people mentally, by such silly dogmatism. Get into a psycho statistics to know the percentage of PTSD and other psychological situations created by the rightist ruling party.

I have got a long confrontation fighting this dogmatism in different countries since more than 30 years, because it belongs to those dictators in Africa and the Middle East. But, I never thought I could possibly meet it again here in any European country!

Those few figures think they can simply interpret the new regulations about the status of those intellectual refugees according to what they see fitting for them in the new society.

Notwithstanding their government's obligations, they decided to unable their government to fulfill its international obligations. The international obligations I meant are those relevant to the status of the UN refugees in Denmark. Dogmatism already killed one of them, as you could read through the linked pages and at political news and politics.

While a phrase or a provision in the new regulations could be translated into positive orientation, they interpret it according to what they believe fitting for those intellectual refugees.

They do that to force them work in some sectors, while those refugees don't want to start learning about other jobs to get involved in these sectors.

Most importantly, many of them prefer to carry on with their lifetime jobs and experiences. In fact, many of them have more than one career and they have more than one special eduction and they are better than anyone you can see here and there according to their lifetime specialties. Some of them can rule any state better than some governors do.

This is a discriminatory look that has more to do with dictatorship, rather than to help developing the integration program, which is decided by the state and which is one sided.

This is dogmatism.

It is not practical to force somebody to throw his lifetime professional expertise and personal experiences away and start all over again a new job while he is carrying on a workshop to start his own job center.

It is also not practical to tell a medico to work in a garage, for example. I am not saying working in a garage, or engaging in any garage sale activities is bad. I mean this is humiliation to the medicine science and to these years of expertise the doctor had.

These examples go also to teachers, journalists, advocates, engineers and PhD professionals, who came to this European country through the UN's resettlement program.

It is true that some people here can work in any job and they really want to have experiences in different fields. But, this is not a rule for other people to do. This goes with personal abilities and desires.

I found it very difficult for some people to change their careers. They have the rights to do so. No one should deny them these rights. So, the question is why this is happening here?

This is dogmatism.

But, that is not the only problem. The other problems are numerous. For example, you just can't believe what happens when you get to a job and the company tells you that you are not good in Danish language although you speak it and write it. You can't of course speak it, as Danish do. No foreigner ever will do that in any country better than nationals.

Those who practice this sort of dogmatism think that changing a lifetime career is as simple as changing a T-shirt, or changing a girlfriend, or a boyfriend.

Dogmatism and Other Human Rights Issues!

In addition to the humanitarian impacts of DOGMATISM, you may also be interested in the following humanitarian articles in the HOA Humanitarian Network and the Political Section of activist, analyst, author, columnist and journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman's Network:

A Goodbye Kiss| Art of Prime Ministering| Awassa| Awassa Children's Village| Child Abuse| Child Care| Child Labor| Child Love| Children Refugees| Child Safety| Child Soldiers| Child Trafficking| Children Trafficking| Environment| Environment Protection| Green Peace| Jyllands Postens Cartoons| Liberalism| Street Children|

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