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May 02, 2010
Independency is the Outcome of Strong Democratic Systems!
by: Admin

If we do not have strong democratic systems, then how could we be independent?

I hope many people will come to answer such questions in this network and to discuss the means and the methods of establishing independency.

I do not think to some levels of interests that donors should condition the human aids. However, in serious cases, they sometimes set conditions for the aid to reach its direction.

It is not the job of the donors to change governments. However, they make some conditions to press some dictators to change the political systems to democracy.

As for democracy, here will appear some challenges. If they saw good indications for some leftist parties to be in the power in the future, they may retreat from conditioning the human aid.

There are always political interests that come with the international human aids. However, in a situation that the nationals could not make positive political changes, it is required to depend on international pressures.

If the nationals become more strong to escalate the movement to democracy, that could help in both strengthening the national independence and getting recognition from the international society. No interference will go easy to apply the interests of these powers in such strong fronts.

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Apr 26, 2010
Serious Topic to Discuss about the TPLF!
by: Admin

Thank you Enkidu for your entry on the TPLF. However, as you see the entry was late to appear here since the day you submitted it. Please, write in your native language. That may be better.

Enkidu Debaba wrote about the Tigrayan Manifesto in this page saying that the Ethiopian government uses it against the Ethiopian people. This is an arguable issue to discuss here.

Therefore, you can write about the Tigrayan Manifesto here. If you want to write about the TPLF, then do that at TPLF

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