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by Khalid Osman
(Tonga) - Eritrea Hopes, Eritrean Refugees Hope Something Else: A history of Exceptional national struggle not found anywhere else.
While the Eritrean national hope is just right and fair, the hope of the Eritrean refugees is not yet justifiable and it is aggressive selfishness.
Nationally, they should feel ashamed.
This is because they know the great challenges their small, very small state faces from a bad neighbour who has been dominating and killing its people for many decades and another fundamental neighbour who always attempts to hit it by religious terrorism.
Eritrea hopes for lift of sanction and normal relations with Europe and America without any political pressures, or interference in the interior affairs on the independent state... diplomatic relations that are well based on the UN's fundaments.
The Eritrean hopes have appeared following some suggestions by some European states to the EU resume development aid to Eritrea. The talk of resuming aids rose during the recent confluence of Eritrean refugees to Europe in great numbers that have never seen before.
Nothing Causes the Conflux of Refugees from Eritrea to Any Place Else!
What the EU doesn't see is that there is nothing to cause Eritrean to flee their homes except only for personal ambitions to live like the other Eritrean brethren they see every year when they return home to participate in the Eritrean national carnival in the Expo.
The early migrants return to celebrate with all the nice appearance and seeming to have a lot of money and so. They also talk about the good life they have whether in America, Australia, or Europe. This becomes a dream for every single child in Eritrea to get by any means abroad and become like those migrants.
There is nothing except this to cause the conflux of the Eritrean refugees to Europe. The "what has been EPLF" is not the devil wearing prada.
Send them back home and see. No one is going to imprison, or kill any of them. They should do the national service they have escaped from to Europe. This is a national duty everyone does even in great lands such as America.
* Enjoy other Eritrean pages categorised below:
Eritrean site maps:| Eritrea Hopes, Eritrean Refugees Hope Something Else| Eritrean Hopes| Eritrean Political Articles| Eritrean Forums Online| Eritreans Write Online| Eritreans Love Commentaries| Eritrean Political Comments| Eritrean Humanitarian Topics| Write about Eritrea|
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Eritrea Country Profile| Eritrean Political Scene| Eritrea's Political Problems| Eritrean Revolutionary Principles| Eritrean Political Differences| Eritrea and NGOs| Eritrean Refugees| UN Eritrean Political Refugees| Red Sea Paradise| Ethio-Eritrean Wars|
Eritrean Commentaries, in Arabic and English:
Arabic HOA Political Scene| Asmara| Eritrea and NGOs| Eritrea Country Profile| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| Comments| Comment C2 Entries| Readers Read Good|
Eritrean humanitarian pages:
Drama Rules Some Eritreans| Eastern Sudan Feeds Israel by Human Power| Eri-Ethio Mixed Families| Eri-Ethio Mixed Families Comments| Eritrea and Libya: The Same Fate for Eritrean Refugees| Eritrea and Libya: The Same Fate for Eritrean Refugees Comments| Eritrean Exodus| Eritrean Exodus Comments| Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia| Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia Comments| Eritrean Refugees Situation is Late to Attract Attention| Eritrean Refugees Situation is Late to Attract Attention Comments| Ethiopian - Eritrean Refugees are Disappointed| Ethiopian - Eritrean Refugees are Disappointed Comments| EU Plays Hide and Seek Politics with Refugees in Libya| EU Plays Hide and Seek Politics with Refugees in Libya Comments| 15 Eritreans Are in Danger of Deportation from Libya| 15 Eritreans Are in Danger of Deportation from Libya Comments| Fight Poverty, Not the Poor| Fight Poverty, Not the Poor Comments| Free Detained Eritrean Journalists| Free Detained Eritrean Journalists Comments| HOAs Refugees Project| How to Contribute to Eritrea and NGOs|Humanitarian Network| It has Never Been Easier for Eritreans in Eritrea| It has Never Been Easier for Eritreans in Eritrea Comments| Numbers of Eritrean - Ethiopian Refugees in Sudan| Numbers of Eritrean - Ethiopian Refugees in Sudan Comments| Petition Letter to Stop Eritrean Deportation from Libya| UNHCR Resumes Operations in Libya|
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