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Great Political Contribution Online!

by Enkidu Debeba
(Halfa, Sudan) - Great Political Contribution to Online Community by journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman. - Great Political Contribution to Online Community by journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman.

Journalist Khalid Osman's political contribution online is great for all of the states in our miserable Horn of Africa, which is part of miserable continent that seems doesn't see its way since the independence of many countries.

Through a decade or more online he still pursuits his dream of making the Horn of Africa a better place for its people who came from one origin.

He has a dream & with that dream he has a believe the dream will come true sooner, or later.

I love it, the way he puts this network and control it with many of his hard duties towards humanity, especially in our miserable area.

I lost contacts because his emails seem blocked. Several times I tried to contact him, but postmaster failure occurred while trying to reply to his emails.

What is wrong Khalid?

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

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