HOW MUCH does Facebook pay you when you spend a lot of time to make it a billionaire while you're poor? Do you want to conquer FaceBook, Google, or any social you are using and make them pay you hard currencies for using them? That has a DYNAMIC SYSTEM. Contact Me! GET INSIGHTS ON HOAS ABOUT FACEBOOK.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises to Save Lives!
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises... well, what am I talking about, guys?
I am speaking about Ground Breaking Solutions to Global Crises! World crises absolutely endanger your life and they are not only hurting you, but you can well see that they send people to heaven (the sky).
So, the Ground Breaking Solutions are all effective weapon that kills all of the crises that endanger your life by exposing you to the bad affects of global warming with its climate change and the pandemic Coronavirus disease.
Again, the Ground Breaking Solutions are all sort of weapon that kills the crises of economy, environment, health, international terrorism, political conflicts associated, or not associated with international terrorism and many problems in many societies.
This weapon is not a biological, chemical, or nuclear weapon. It is a mind weapon that offers you and the universal masses the best life on earth, and so, it is not a weapon of death and destruction. Is that not better than the manufacturing of huge number of ammunitions, biological, chemical and nuclear weapons that contribute to the continuous harvest of human life and destruction of the planet?
They contribute also to damages in the natural ecosystem, which has a natural balance created within the universe.
It is absolutely a weapon of peace and prosperity, which is detailed in small pieces of mechanisms through more than 300 pages of Global Dynamics. That means every ingredient of the International Dynamics that comes with analyses to world catastrophes include a piece from this weapon of peace and prosperity.
Although this is a requirement to go to many dynamics, but you can find the weapon of peace and prosperity with its strategies and tactics and thus mechanisms in the Mass Era's LPE, which has only one simple requirement, which is indicated in the Action Guide at the end of Grounds Breaking Solutions to World Crises!
The solutions of the world crises combine the breakthrough strategies and tactics of the LPE, as techniques or mechanisms to breakthrough inside the global political systems of the world with the ethics and morals of new secular and social politics to achieve the goals of the world's masses to have peace first and then good climate, good economies, good health, good environment and good societies. So, the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises are the only ones to solve the crises of the world and make this DOUNIA a best environment to live in.
After having the Action Guide of the LPE in place for the implementation of the tools of the LPE, the world's masses should get on the streets to protest and call for governments to step-down and pave the way for the executive institutional units of the masses to establish the units of the systems of the masses to take place and implement the strategies of the LPE to solve the problems of the classic political systems.
There will not be any political vacuum anywhere in the world and the transition of the political systems will be smooth enough. This is because the LPE put every institutional and thus executive process in place using the methods of the new systems of the masses, which deal with the legislative, executive and juridicial forms in a new way that never happened before in human history.
In the context of this smooth transition of power from classical political party systems to modern mass institutions, the masses should thank the previous party governments for their efforts, despite their apparent failure.
The inauguration of modern mass institutional systems begins with transitional political systems that establish periodic political systems for which elections are conducted from within the mass institutions. Periodic political systems will be established from within the legislative organs of mass institutions.
Any term of political system I mentioned here in this presentation is not actually political. It has another definition in the new systems of the masses.
The allocation and specialization of these new institutions are the competence of the LPE, which is available after providing the basic requirements that include obtaining several million people in each country to establish these public organisations I mentioned. This means that the first foundational work must be done for the institutions of the masses that differ in their composition from any institution known in human history. I define and specify these institutions in the LPE of the Masses' Era.
For you, as an individual, this means a certain structural thing. It means that you can be a complete institution, even though you are just an ordinary individual. This means that the LPE makes the individual a complete institution, armed first with political awareness, secondly with organisational means, and above all principles committed to the side of the masses.
This means that the institutional organization of the LPE of the Masses' Era provides a new structure of the governing system, which will definitely be specified and structured from the institutional units of the masses to serve the masses and not elites of political party. The legislative, executive and juridicial institutions will have other non-political methods.
Through the changes of the ruling systems life will be revived fully and directed towards better public interests that keep life revived and progressing. This indicates a process of equality between humans, which makes life easier and safe from conflict of interests.
All the world crises will be solved by sharing the productivity and returns of human investment. This is different, somehow from the objectives of the political economy of Marxism in the way of structuring the institutions of the masses. It also divers from Communism by putting an end to the struggle between social classes, which is indicated between the bourgeoisie, which is developed to capitalists and the proletariat, or workers and it will eliminate the struggle of personal interests between the two classes.
Thus, the LPE of the Masses' Era comes with dialectical perspective of social transformation by solving the conflict of interests. At the same time, it eliminate international terrorism, which has been created in Afghanistan with a purpose to put an end to Communism.
These institutions abolish classical political parties, and thus parliaments, legislative assemblies, and governments. This means that there will be no political parties, no parliaments, no legislative assemblies, or governments. The new institutions are something completely different in terms of the global dynamics that make up the Masses' Theory of the veteran human rights activist, journalist and poet Khaled Muhammad Othman.
The Universal Dynamics included in the Theory of the Masses provide the answers to the following questions:
What kind of institutions does the legislative authority consist of?
what type of institutions does the executive authority consist of?
what type of institutions does the juridical authority consist of?
How are all these institutions formed?
What are the functions of all these institutions?
Why should there be foundational formulas for each of these institutions?
How is the nomination and election for all these institutions conducted?
The details of these questions are determined by the necessity of obtaining the required number of audiences in each country to learn the strategies and tactics, and then the mechanisms required for implementation.
You will learn more to solve your crises and the crises of the world through the Universal Dynamics in the sections below. You will get and understand the ingredients of the LPE of the Masses' Era. All you have to do is becoming effective in the process of transition of political power from classical political systems to the systems of the masses that serve your common interests and address the crises in world. You will need the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises to secure your life.
Start by these steps to join the LPE with its Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises:
* Join through the form to Contact Us to let us know that you read Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises with the Global Dynamics, understood what you read and you would like to stand by the side of the global masses, as you learned from the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises.
* Then immediately signup for Intelligentsia Multimedia Newspaper Revolutionizes Knowledge! through the form on the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises and confirm that. Watch for an email with a link to confirm. If you can't find it on the incoming mails, check your junk folder and move it to the inbox folder. You can read about the newsletter on the provided link.
* Forward HOA Political Scene Blog to your friends, including the link of the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises as follows Encourage them to join the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises, subscribe to Intelligentsia and take the same actions explained here on the Action Guide.
* Start working with them to get more of your and their friends to join. You must at least make some hundreds of contacts to explain to them everything you have learned and understood from the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises and the Universal Dynamics.
* Organise the contacts in lists including basic information of every contact, such as name, age, gender, location and email address. You will lead and organise them this way. When you have done, use the contact us form to send this information. Pay attention that you have their consent. Then use the same form to tell me that you have done and wait for more instructions.
* Write comments on Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises and provide details on your comments on the topics you read here and on the sections of the Global Dynamics. Don't feel like you can't do this even if you don't know how to write. Just write your comments in any language and I will do the editing and translation job for you, so you become a global writer. That will make you a professional writer and more effective in the process of the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises. Share your page, when you get it published.
* Share the links of the Global Dynamics including the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises and share the posters of the global political campaign on good websites (please not in FaceBook) and fix the posters everywhere on public places. This will be good if you, or your friends have public places like cafe shops, hotels, other public companies and restaurants.
* Read about the nature problems we have globally including the effects of climate change on many places and on the people, as you read on the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises, at This is an oriented specific site for the effects of global warming that you read about politically here. In addition, it has good information to help you save money on your travels.
* Watch documentaries and movies on nature crises caused by the policies you read about on the Groundbreaking Solutions to World's Crises at This is another site oriented towards the cinema and the television, which include documentaries on everything that happens in the world.
Please, when you find anything that doesn't make any sense to you on Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises, come here to write about it. I will answer your queries and reward you for that by offering you some good books to read and know more about how to make your life better.
The Global Dynamics Include Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises!
Read more details that highlight world problems and provide the best Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises on the sections of the Global Dynamics, which come in many multilingual content including videos and you will get the steps to save yourself and the world.
The solutions to world crises are in the LPE of the Masses Era, which is produced by me activist and journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman in a scientific process to establish the Systems of the Masses and launch the Era of the Masses.
How does the political ideology of the media damage our world? ፖለቲካዊ ኣተሓሳስባ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ንዓለምና ዜበላሽዋ ብኸመይ እዩ? ነቲ ንዓለምና ዜበላሽዋ ፖለቲካዊ ኣተሓሳስባ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ብኸመይ ኢና እንቃለሶ?
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Accomplished on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 1, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Asiatic Dynamics Achieve Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
International Korean is a Cosmopolitan Korean: 세계적인 한국인들이 지구를 구합니다! 베테랑 활동가이자 저널리스트이자 시인인 칼리드 모하메드 오스만(Khalid Mohammed Ottoman)으로부터 지구를 구할 글로벌 역학에 대해 알아보세요.
Kekacauan Dunia dicipta oleh kerajaan dengan dasar tidak rasional mereka yang telah menimbulkan banyak masalah. Inilah cara untuk membetulkan dunia.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Achieved on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 2, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Communist Dynamics Activate Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Ein Kosmopolitischer Mensch interessiert sich normalerweise für die Welt und ihre probleme. Sie wird immer steigen, wenn die globale krise eskaliert, um den Globus zu retten.
International Korean is a Cosmopolitan Korean: 세계적인 한국인들이 지구를 구합니다! 베테랑 활동가이자 저널리스트이자 시인인 칼리드 모하메드 오스만(Khalid Mohammed Ottoman)으로부터 지구를 구할 글로벌 역학에 대해 알아보세요.
Politikai Bajok: A világ klasszikus rendszerei tönkreteszik a világot. Rögzítse a világot tudományos folyamattal, hogy kiszolgálja az összes embert a bolygón.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Activated on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 3, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Conceptual Dynamics Advance Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The learning curve of Dynamic Perspectives provides you with a rare opportunity to better understand today's global problems and share the solution with others.
Dynamic Critique gets in the heart of global political history to criticize it as being forged and even plotted, which has resulted in massive human disasters!
Dynamic Remarks about why classic systems are over and what is the alternatives to classic political parties. That also means what are the new systems we need.
Dynamic Statement reveals serious matters that affect our lives daily & suggests the solution of complicated matters through basic process to shift all systems.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Advanced on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 4, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Corona Dynamics Build Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
COVID-19 Conspiracy: Coronavirus pandemic, plus crises, conflicts & economical shrink prove the failure of classic systems. The global masses must change that.
Environmental Scene has two characteristics, the announced & hidden scenes. Both foretell of dangers that are intolerable to humans and intolerable to the Earth.
Coronavirus Variants Breed because of policies that made the weather worse, since the last decade of the Cold War Era, as they made the global balance of power worse.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Built on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 5, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Crises Dynamics Carry out Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
World Governments Mess is great & dangerous. Protests, or strikes against irrational policies of governments work no more these days. You'll need my scientific system.
World Maelstrom a situation created by coronavirus in the world is also a worldwide maelstrom of authorities presented in flow of world governmental mess.
The World Superficiality is clear on how people comply with irrational policies that create economical downturn, global warming with pandemics & international terrorism.
The Global Problems threaten your life. They affect you even inside your home, so how do you solve your these problems & feel that you are strong & secure?
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Carried out on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 6, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Cultural Dynamics Clarify the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
We need Cultural Revival to revive our lives after global warming and its pandemics. We need the revival to solve the problems we face since the end of the Cold War.
Cultural Influence: Reviving life after coronavirus disease requires dynamic brains that think of the real causes of it, which are political to eliminate the causes.
Cultural Reform is intended to evolve popular culture and make ordinary people more educated, be wise and take salvation process to solve world's crises.
Cultural Points are dynamically generated with analyses and solutions to save world's wretched & their planet. The resolution is unique (not thought of before).
Multicultural Culture makes you clever to know many secrets that make your life and ours worse and move to solve that. It helps you help yourself and the world.
Multiculture in Languages helps varieties of beautiful people to make sense of their problems and the global problems and then cooperate to solve them.
HOA's Dynamic Multicultural Concept Makes the World One Mind! It gets you a prudent mind to solve the issues of the world and make it think by one mind of what develops life.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Clarified on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 7, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Ecology Dynamics Classify the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Climate Change is product of the ruling elites of classic political parties and their classic systems. That requires changing classic systems to masses systems.
Climate Justice should be done by world masses, not by calling governments to do so. Governments will not put themselves into trials for climate, or anything.
Environmental Scene has two characteristics, the announced & hidden scenes. Both foretell of dangers that are intolerable to humans and intolerable to the Earth.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Classified on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 8, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Economies Dynamics Commence Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The Capital Power complicated our lives since the 1980s by collapsing the balance of global political power and collapsing the balance of the global ecosystem.
Free Market Policies are capitalism monopoly. They have harmful effects on your life as an individual, in addition to dangerous issues you don't know about.
Acquisition is the Basis of the Policies of Capitalist Systems! As this capitalist acquisition of resources mean domination, the greatest common denominators of humans relate to fighting capitalist acquisition.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Commenced on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 9, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Eras Dynamics Complete the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The Strategies and Tactics of the MASSES ERA are provided through the LPE of the era of the masses so they could work the process to replace classic systems.
We need global Mass Systems to replace the classic systems of the ruling elites of classic political parties! To build the systems of the masses we need this...
The New Era Systems are mass systems. This is a new global political project of veteran activist and journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman to change the world.
Post-Cold War catastrophes are capitalist disasters awaiting you to solve. As individual you will want the scientific solutions I provide for people to work together.
BUILD YOURSELF A SYSTEM OF POWER! You do that by learning the EQUATION OF POWER from, so you & your pals will solve the global crises.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Completed on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 10, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
European Dynamics Constitute Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Is gnách go mbíonn suim ag Duine Cosmopolitan sa domhan agus a chuid fadhbanna. Ardóidh sé i gcónaí nuair a bheidh an ghéarchéim dhomhanda ag dul in olcas chun na cruinne a shábháil.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Constituted on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 11, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
French Dynamics Construct Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
La culture multiculturelle vous rend intelligent pour connaître de nombreux secrets qui aggravent votre vie et la nôtre et agissent pour résoudre les crises de la planète.
Dynamique Globale pour rénover les esprits du monde collectif. Cela nettoiera les esprits des ordures des médias lors du reportage des problèmes mondiaux.
Les points culturels offrent une nouvelle façon de comprendre la culture politique. Savoir utiliser leur dynamique pour mettre en œuvre des solutions pour sauver les misérables de la Terre.
Le chaos mondial n'est pas un chaos athletics, mais c'est un chaos authentique et moral. Cela rend le monde misérable. Découvrez qui le fabrique, comment cela se produit et comment le vaincre.
La Révolution Sociale Mondiale est nécessaire immédiatement pour des questions de fond très solides que vous ne savez peut-être même pas comment elles mettent votre vie en danger.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Constructed on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 12, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Dynamic Goals Contain Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Dynamic Goals are setup to launch the era of the masses. The process goes through the LPE of the masses era. We need to change the world to make life better.
How to Change the World, so that you could get rid of everything that endangers your life. You will only be safe, when you implement the dynamic resolutions.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Contained on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 13, aesthetically cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
HOA's Dynamics Define Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
HOA's about FaceBook is not only an opinion about it, but rather based on facts, practically engaging people to build billion-dollar empire for someone.
For the HOA Climate Change, which requires governments change, the masses should do the climate math. How? Get my mind free of charge. You'll never regret.
HOA's Common Goal helps you realize that the saying "that is the way it is" & the "obvious" are manipulated politically to accept the failure of your government.
Once you get HOAs Dynamics, you'll gather yourself in the regional framework and connect with international framework to make your world in & out better place.
HOAs Ideas are dynamics taught by veteran activist and journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman. See how you can save the glob and change it to the one you love.
HOA's Economical Forums: How Do COVID-19, conflicts & economy prove the failure of international governments? The global mass must take classic systems down.
HOA's Global Alerts aren't intended to sit you in state of being watchful for possible dangers, but they set you up to prevent such dangers by building a system.
HOAs Insights are breakthrough dynamics for the masses to launch mass systems everywhere and thus the mass era. All of that is my present to global masses.
HOAs Opinions teach you how to read and investigate human life problems right and then think of the best, never made in history solution and embrace it.
HOA's Political Insights... a dollar in the corona time is nothing, but your life is a valuable thing. How pandemic relates to climate change & economic downturn?
HOA's Political Prospects are you, the landscape of earth & the future to save all from the dangers of climate with its pandemics, conflicts and other problems.
HOA's Videos enrich your political knowledge & teach you how to lead the revolution anywhere and why you are required to join the mass international revolution.
HOAs Theory will build you a new world, a world without all that contributed to climate change, conflicts, economic crises, health threats, pandemics et cetera.
HOAs Political Theory proves that it is scientific and so applicable from within its mechanisms. It is the only political theory that can save the world.
HOA's Principles are not just abstract basic truth, but rather collective proposition that serves as the basis for a system of faith, which is the Masses System.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Defined on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 14, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Dynamic Ideas Deliver Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The important asset of dynamic ideas is you. You are asset in global development, even when you feel weak as individual. The dynamical ideas get you strength.
HOA's Dynamic Thoughts are about the world biggest problems, their origin and causes and how to solve them. Be part of the solutions. Subscribe to newsletter.
Dynamic Views to explore the global problems, discover their origins and provide solutions to the crises the human and planet face.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Delivered on Videos: Videos on How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 15, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Dynamics about Illusion Demonstrate Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The Political Illusion of Mass Media is a political game played by the power of the capital in regimes that deteriorate the world. Do you know how to manage it?
Intellectual SHALLOWNESS is mainly political shallowness. It's subjective & objective habit that indicates a superficiality. Here is how not to be superficial.
Intellectual Superficiality expresses a lack of depth when looking into news events, or facts about something. It becomes dangers when misunderstanding involves crises that threaten your life.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Demonstrated on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 16, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Italian Dynamics Describe the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
La cultura multiculturale ti rende intelligente per conoscere molti segreti che peggiorano la tua e la nostra vita e si muovono per risolvere le crisi del pianeta.
Una Persona Cosmopolita normalmente si interessa al mondo e ai suoi problemi. Si alzerà sempre, quando la crisi globale si inasprirà per salvare il globo.
Il Caos Mondiale è creato dai governi mondiali che ci infastidiscono molto con politiche irrazionali che hanno causato cambiamenti climatici. . Ecco come risolvere tutti questi problemi.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Described on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 17, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Lingual Dynamics Design the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Dynaamiset ideat kuinka pelastaa maailma! Menetelmät on selitetty hyvin klassisten järjestelmien muuttamiseksi ja massojen järjestelmien käynnistämiseksi.
Dinamikus Otletek a világ megmentésére! A klasszikus rendszerek megszüntetésének és a kezdeti tömegrendszerek létrehozásának módszereit jól meghatározták.
Dynamiskt Hugmyndir: Dynamískt Hugmyndir til að bjarga heiminum! Aðferðirnar til að útrýma klassískum kerfum og búa til massakerfi eru vel skilgreindar.
Ideat Dinamici: Ideat Dinamiċi biex Isalvaw id-Dinja! Metodi definiti tajjeb biex jeliminaw sistemi klassiċi, b'mod paċifiku u joħolqu sistemi tal-massa.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Designed on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 18, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Armenian Dynamic Ideas Դինամիկ գաղափարներ: Երկիրն այրվում է, երկինքը և մթնոլորտը թունավորվում են արդյունաբերական ածխաթթու գազից, վտանգավոր թափոններից և մանրէաբանական, միջուկային և քիմիական զենքերից:
Dynamics in Armenian Դինամիկա հայերենում: Սառը պատերազմի դարաշրջանի ավարտից հետո աշխարհը ավելի ու ավելի լուրջ խնդիրների է բախվում: Ոչինչ չի կարող փրկել քեզ և ...
Esperantaj Dinamikaj Ideoj instruas vin scii, kio okazas kun la mondo post la fino de la Malvarma Milito kaj donas al vi la solvon al mondaj problemoj preparitaj por vi efektivigi.
Dunaamilised ideed - Dünaamilised ideed maakera päästmiseks! Millest maakera päästa? Te olete kõik silmad ... miks te seda ei näe? Hankige dünaamikaga ülevaate, et ennast päästa.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Developed on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 19, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Mind You Dynamics Discuss Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
I am Asking You to be clever & think of conflicts, ecological, economical, health & social crises created by bad planning. Then decide to change that by the LPE.
Doctor Feeling Good will put your healthy body in your mind by the LPE theory of the people to save you and the world from disasters created by mess in planning
HOA's Mastermind Says International Terrorism is a Capitalist Industry! He founded the network of solutions that resolve global terrorism, manage crises & foster world peace.
How to Be the Memory and Consciousness of All Generations is not a personal matter, but rather a public matter that makes everyone just become that person and live in the future.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Discussed on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 20, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Dynamics about Politics Distribute Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Exploring Politics to light your way through it to see the world better & know exactly what are world's problems, when they started, why & how to solve them all.
Political Views teach you by concrete ad rare facts what's going on and what has gone wrong with the world since the end of the Cold War to understand the world politically better.
Political Cases are revelation of ideas about the most causes that have contributed to the deterioration of the world. The depth of analyzing gets you the solution.
Common Political Sense helps you develop a positive self-character. It aims also to help you develop national and global character to solve political problems.
Australia Cracks Down on Freedom of Speech! The government to legalize restrictions banning the media, if it publishes what government describes as defamatory content.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Described on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 21, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Press Media Dynamics Donate Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The Political Illusion of Mass Media is a political game played by the power of the capital in regimes that deteriorate the world. Do you know how to manage it?
Intelligentsia Multimedia Newspaper revolutionizes knowledge. It develops your mind prudently to know the real reasons of world disasters & teaches you how to tackle them.
What are the Principles of Press Media that Make You a Professional Journalist? They are ethical and professional. You should know them, before even thinking of doing journalism.
Intelligentsia 58 opens your mind into the period from the late eighties until now and rebuilds the capabilities of your mind, so you can see what's gone wrong with the world.
Intelligentsia 59 Shows You How to Ally Yourself with Socialism. Is it because it's Humane & we're all humans, or what? A process to rebuild your mind capability to save yourself & the world & rebuild it.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Donated on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 22, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Revolution Dynamics Educate Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The World Social Revolution is required immediately for very reasonable & sounding matters that you might not even know how they endanger your life.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Educated on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 23, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Russian Dynamics Engineer Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Multiculturalism in Russian - Мультикультурализм в русском языке: Мультикультурная культура: заставляет вас познавать множество секретов, которые делают вашу
Russian Multicultural Dynamics include world's saving dynamics that hasn't thought of before. The Savior process is methodologically & scientifically systematic.
Russian Cultural Points: Русские культурные точки зрения: Культура предоставляет новый способ понимания этого термина языка и знания того, как использовать его...
Mirovoy Khaos: Мировой хаос создается правительствами, которые очень раздражают нас своей иррациональной политикой, создавшей так много проблем. Вот как исправить мир. мировой хаос: правительства вредят миру. Исправьте мир здесь.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Engineered on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 24, inventive cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Scandinavian Dynamics Sections Establish Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Multikulturelt kultur gør dig klog til at kende mange hemmeligheder, der gør dit og vores liv værre og bevæger dig for at løse kriser. Hvordan redder du verden?
Multikulturelle sprog indeholder dynamikker i at redde verden og dermed mennesker fra alt, hvad der er gået galt siden slutningen af den kolde krigs æra.
Kulturelle punkter giver en ny måde at forstå politisk kultur på og at vide, hvordan man bruger deres dynamik til at implementere løsninger for at redde de elendige på jorden.
Kosmopolitisk Svenska räddar världen! Lär dig den globala dynamiken från veteranaktivisten, journalisten och poeten Khalid Mohammed Ottoman för att rädda världen.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Established on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 25, visionary cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Dynamic Sense Evaluates the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The Political Sense Journal covers hot political issues in Northeast Africa! Its information bank for you to know from political analyses, to be perfect.
How Your Intuitional Sense Could Improve Life? You first learn to improve your intuitional sense, so that you can improve life. These life threatening matters help you improve it.
Hoarded Political Sense Can Dissolve Parliaments and Develop Life! You might be wondering how it does that. By reading, understanding and following its steps.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Evaluated on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 26, visionary cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Dynamics in Spanish Explain the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
La cultura multicultural te hace inteligente para conocer muchos secretos que empeoran tu vida y la nuestra y se mueven para resolver eso. Te ayuda a ayudarte a ti mismo y al mundo.
Los puntos culturales proporcionan una nueva forma de entender la cultura política. Saber utilizar su dinámica para implementar soluciones para salvar a los miserables de la Tierra.
Sea una persona multicultural ilustrada con interés en el mundo. Aquí te ayudamos a iluminarte y a iluminar tu camino para resolver los problemas del mundo y reformarlo.
Revolucion Socialista Mundial: Por Que el Mundo lo Necesita? Si no lo sabes, conócelo. Cuando lo sepas, sigue los pasos para salvarte a ti mismo y al mundo.
La ilusión política de los medios de comunicación de masas es un juego político jugado por el poder del capital en regímenes que deterioran el mundo. ¿Sabes cómo gestionarlo?
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Explained on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 27, visionary cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Dynamics about Systems Extend the Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
Classic Systems do a lot of damage to our planet. What are you going to do about it, as an individual who feels weak? I'll make you strong Citizen of the World.
It is time to get the Classic Political Parties Systems down and launch the Masses' Systems and establish the Era of the Masses. Why they should be down and how?
This is not the way to change the policies of governments that have proven to worsen life by climate change, military industries and terrorism. Take global dynamics.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Extended Expounded on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 28, visionary cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Theory Dynamics Form Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The Global Theory works the LPE of the masses era to launch the masses systems and begin this new era. It is all mechanisms of Khalid Mohammed Osman's creation.
The Theory of Masses raises awareness & leads the masses to victory. It's practical to take classic systems of political parties down and lunch masses' systems.
The Dynamic Theory of HOA Political Scene is created by veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman. It is the people's theory to save planet.
Political Theory Posters and fix everywhere to start the campaigns of the Masses Era. Take the lessons to educate the masses how to build their era.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Formed on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 29, visionary cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Universal Dynamics Fulfil Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises
The Global Dynamics are attracted by climate change and its outcome like epedimcs, along with many natural, economical and human crises that affect the world.
International Dynamics are planned to repair the globe and renovate the ecosystem to sustain climate, and to abolish classic systems and launch the mass systems.
Dynamic Minds help you grow a mind that you can say it's dynamic. They also make you active to enlighten others & energize them to solve global problems.
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Laid out on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Climate Justice, Episode 1 - 1, visionary cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises Offered on Videos: How to Setup International Revolution? Climate Justice, Episode 1 - 2, visionary cultural, environmental and political revolutionary lessons in English by visionary, veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khalid Mohammed Osman:
Invitation to Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises!
This is a personal invitation to Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises. Start here to write comments on Groundbreaking Solutions to World Crises and get up to the "Action Guide" to join. There are specific methods to be a revolutionary and fight for better life with me. I do not and will never advocate violence to amend the crises of the world, as these crises can be solved in a peaceful way. The peaceful way is well-explained in the LPE OF THE MASSES' ERA. IT IS A SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM TO HELP THE MASSES OF THE WORLD SOLVE GLOBAL CATASTROPHES.
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How to Write a Short Story? Discover new concepts in the short story writing and get the guidelines from the lessons, which are explained in texts and videos.
The Horn of Africa, a region historically marked by conflict, instability, and political turmoil, stands as a stark example of how a combination of colonial
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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان
احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي
Climate change with its epidemics, hazardous waste and bacterial, chemical, microbial and nuclear weaponry harm planet and threaten the masses everywhere. The global masses should put an end to all of this. The LPE of the masses era is the global dynamics (solution) to all of this. It is the only process to make the world better. Veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman provides it.
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Signup for the HOA PoliticalScene Newspaper Intelligentsia. You probably have asked that question. It might not be a selfish question, or self-serving-interests and that's because you are looking for values. So, the value of subscribing to Intelligentsia newspaper is political knowledge. If you are not concerned of politics, then you should know that it has severe impacts that reach you at home. Just look at Global Warming, which have resulted in pandemics, such as Corona virus disease. The value of Intelligentsia newspaper is that it empowers you to protect your life and even save the world from irrational policies. Signup now.
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Any article published on the Horn of Africa's Political Network does not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the founder of the Horn of Africa Political Scene. We here work according to the rules of the media and journalism in particular, as we believe in freedom of publication and freedom of expression / freedom of speech. Essay writers are solely responsible for their writing and not this site.
Want to express your political opinions, or to express yourself in any way, without fears? Write to Me.