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HOA Geopolitical Abbreviation is simply what you read here. When you search what HOA stands for, you'll see many interpretation to this term. So, this page helps you differentiate and even get politically active to work out the best of this political abbreviation.
HOA is not an abbreviation for the Homeowners Association, or the Herat of America Volleyball, or HOA Website reducing your printing, or HOA Management Company, House of Anubis, or HOA USA promoting better understanding of town home, or Seattle's HOA Saloon, or Horsemen of the Apocalypse, or Heads of Agreement, or the hoa-Hoa Americanized Chinese food.
It is politically, geo-politically and demographically abbreviation of the Horn of Africa. But, since the spring of the political website many years ago, I noticed that it becomes online abbreviation term for other business interests to use it as is to promote whatever they want. This is an explanation only and it doesn't reflect any political views in the use of HOA.
So, the definition goes to this political abbreviation providing a geo-political concept that concerns only the Horn of Africa.
The term develops in the Horn of Africa's Network to motivate the innocent people in the Horn of Africa, educate them as humans to think positively about the hard living conditions they live daily.
Not only that, but the HOA Blog encourages them to think of tools to create, get closer with other nationals in the neighboring states to develop the same political tools and then work together to build the secular and united states in the regional area of HOA on the lights of the USHA Framework.
USHA is the solution for HOA, as when we create the United States of the Horn of Africa, all the differences disappear, all the hypothesis disappear, the mentalities get the political enlightenment to decide the way the national want to appoint good democratic regional government.
Starting with the geopolitical system of the region, we could construct the political system with the supreme leading counsel, or whatever we may name it with the head of the counsel to be elected for 5 years from each state in the region in succession and in term of one constitution.
The constitution should enforce the nature of the secular states, the organizational elements of shared politics, the social goals of the united states, the respect of all beliefs, cultures and customary lives in the lights of "unity in diversity".
So, this HOA Geopolitical Abbreviation is really interesting in the way it could work to gather people as friends under a socialist umbrella with concentration on the causes of the political deterioration, analyses of the impact of tribalism and religion and the impacts of the composition of tribalism and religion in the area and other economical crises.
** Continue at HOA Geopolitical Abbreviation Comments.
You can start the discussion from the HOA Geopolitical Abbreviation and connect the dots at other pages to be confident of the sincere political goals of this network towards achieving freedom, justice, peace, prosperity and unity.
* In addition to HOA Geopolitical Abbreviation you may also be interested in the political articles below:
Political Articles and Projects in English:
Humanitarian Network| HOAs Comprehensive Projects| HOAs Cultural Project| Horn of Africa's Journalists| HOAs Journalists| HOAs Journalists Project| HOAs Self-Publishing| HOAs Poets| HOAs Poets Project| HOAs Poets Bookshop| Squadron of Poets| HOAs Refugees| HOAs Refugees Project| Horn of Africa's Bookshop| HOA Calls| HOAs Data Analyzing| HOAs Videos| HOAs Political Business|
Political Articles in Arabic:
Arabic HOA Political Scene| Asmara| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| Freedom Bells| Heglig Oil Fields| HOAs Arabic Prose| New Sudan| Questions| South Kordofan, Sudan| South Sudan| Sudanese Arabic Political Articles| الجهل السياسي للمسألة السودانية| شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون| تغييب الذاكرة يؤدي الي تفريغ المظاهرات| أدبيات التعليق السياسي حول سياسات القرن الافريقي| مؤشرات تدهور الأوضاع السياسية بالسودان| إذا الشعب في السودان أراد الحياة| مفارقات البؤس في السودان والصومال| سياسة حرق المراحل السياسية| عليّ وعلي أعدائي سياسة متهورة لنظام السودان الديكتاتوري| سياسة الاخطبوط السودانية وتعطيل حركة التاريخ| للكذب ثلاثة ألوان| علي هامش إحتفالات التغييب الذهني للمواطن السوداني في كل أنحاء السودان| سودان الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان الجديد| لاجئون ومعارضون سياسيون إرتريون في اثيوبيا يفتقدون المصداقية| خارجية اثيوبيا تؤكد مساعدة لاجئين ارتريين ضد حكومتهم| عصابة الخرطوم الحاكمة تثير النزاعات المسلحة| بيافرا السودانية ستحرق ما تبقي من السودان| البداية الرسمية لتأبين السودان كأكبر قطر في افريقيا| البودا بودا موتورسايكل تاكسي جوبا الشعبي الجديد| مسرحية العرائس السودانية المثيرة| تاريخ الغياب الوطني التشادي| أزمة تشاد مستمرة| تراجيديا المحاكاة والشبه بين تشاد والسودان| الصومال تئن من الأثار المستمرة للحرب والجفاف| فهم سياسي صومالي جديد قد يسهم في انقاذ الصومال| علمني هذا الإنسان النبيل| سقوط نظرية ثورة الجيش| لا للدولة الدينية والإسلام السياسي في السودان|
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