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In this Edition of HOA Political Scene 27 - 25 July 2010:
It is now almost a week after the celebration of the martyrs of 19 July 1971 and the memory of the failed coup in July 1971. OK, I will say coup here to satisfy those who call it like that.
However, in fact, the coup was the first step to the revolution for the people by the people. Just at that sensitive and barrier moment of the coup to fail or to succeed, if Abdul Khaliq Mahjob had addressed the people and said, "It is your revolution", nothing that deteriorated dramatically after that could happen.
That makes a sorrow as historical mistake and it feels sour because for 39 years Sudan has deteriorated dramatically. In addition, the Sudanese people until now see the future clouded during the count down for the referendum in southern Sudan and the general deterioration of the political and economical life in the biggest country in Africa, combined with the threats that face the unity of the people.
The differences between that leftist movement and the 1969 and the 1989 coups are wide. The two coups proved to be pure rightist movements combined with religious phenomena. Both the economical theories of the Sudanese rightists and their religious beliefs have contributed to the dramatic deterioration of the country and the lives of the people.
Could the Sudanese people understand that and understand at the same time there is nothing between Allah and their country that caused the deterioration?
Could they believe that those folk who bring religious to the political scene are wrong?
Could they think of the fact that many generations of Sudanese have been born or grown in the Diaspora because of those coups?
We always say the religion is something individual, very personal and intimate like love, between the individual and whatever God he believes in and the state is a secular medium for people from every beliefs and walks of life to live in peacefully and happy.
So, why they make the human, social, economical and political crises?
Please teach everybody in your reach patiently, passionately and sincerely to the see the lights.
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The HOA Political Scene 27 comes this week with the following updates. In the last week's edition of HOA Political Scene, I left you with the news published on July 18, 2010. I will continue from that date.
July 20, 2010 – The Southern Sudan Odds have been lost in this cyberspace. I don't know how. I wish I could! It was an html leading page to read about the odds in Southern Sudan that the coming referendum reflects upon the south and the entire Sudanese country.
However, you can read instead of the linked page to the PDF file the linked pages about Sudan. Take your time on the page and you will get more information to dig deep in the scope of the challenges.
July 20, 2010 – Did You Know the Root Causes of the Conflict in Darfur? First, if you knew, bring them in through the comment link on that page. Second, whether you knew or not, more reading is good to widen the prespective and build in condensive knowledge that goes deep into the heart of the matter.
July 21, 2010 – Referendum in Southern Sudan is jeopardious indeed! I feel it and you may feel it too, so we are worried about the future of the biggest country in Africa. Do you think that it is better for Sudanese to stay united? Come on cowboy, drope your self your favourite drink and share the discussion.
July 21, 2010 – Tensions in Southern Sudan are Bad Signs for the Referendum! Yes, they are. Reports say abuses committed by the security forces have encouraged proxy militias to be active in the southern Sudan during and after the April rigged election in the south Sudan. The security situation poses threats to the referendum and the tensions could result in more intensive fighting between the people in southern Sudan if the south determines to secede from the country.
July 22, 2010 – EU Plays Hide and Seek Politics with Refugees in Libya! Speaking about the dignity of the human beings, Selamawi has written from Libya saying that the rights of refugees in Libya has clearly breached by the EU member states since long time. The hide and seek game Italy plays on the issue of immigration endangers the life of refugees there. He reveals that even Italy has contributed to the detention and repatriation refugees had faced in Tripoli.
July 22, 2010 – UNHCR Mandate Termination in Libya Endangers Refugees! This page is updated and there are some comments on it. It is about the same topic of the Eritrean, Ethiopian and Somali refugees.
July 23, 2010 – Political Problems in Sudan! I needed to update this page, as I did for many pages to have the new look and feel of the website. However, I added new content to it while going through the text and took some content to add to a new topic on the following page.
July 23, 2010 – Sudanese Political Parties! People understand that some Sudanese political parties have created complicated political problems in Sudan. What kinds of political problems they have created? Why they have created those problems? There are so many questions and answers on the page. However, you could answer these questions yourself and let us expand this perspective.
July 23, 2010 – Change Somali Prime Minister! One Somali called from Sweden for the Somali Prime minister to resign and for another person to take the job. What were his reasons? He said in Somali language that he came from the same tribe of the Somali PM, but the Somali PM... continue at the link.
July 24, 2010 – Eritrean Refugees! Well, what is new here on this page about the Eritrean Refugees is that I revamped the entire page using the new look and feel and added relevant products to it to fund the HOA's Refugees project.
July 24, 2010 – Ethiopian Refugees! The same event has occurred here to at the Ethiopian Refugees for the same purpose. However, I added some information from my memory to this page to make the content solid.
In addition, there is a new email this page to your friends' method to use on all of those pages at the top right column. Use it and let me know whether you found difficulties using it or not. You can comment on any updated topic at HOA Political Scene 27.
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Khalid Osman's Digested Quote of the Day
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"Treat this health recipe seriously! Take a piece of garlic and follow it by full big spoon of honeybee early at the morning before taking anything else. Do not take anything after this for half an hour. You will be amazed if you did this for a month ;-) Consult your medicine doctor before doing this!"
Yours truly says ;-) Khalid Osman
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