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HOA Political Scene 32!

There is one article in this edition of HOA Political Scene 32. This political newsletter goes weekly to many readers in the list. If you were not in the list until this moment, what are you waiting for? Jump right now in "the action"!

Well, I said the article is long. However, while still on this line, I may need to split it into many articles and throw them into some pages here instead of one page for some technical and fundraising reasons. Yes, I have some projects to fund. One of them is at the source of the Sudanese caricature. Please click on link there and show your human rights engagement.

OK, I decided to split the article, so you will read one article here and the others at links on the blog, since all the updates appear there. Have a nice reading.

Diamonds Cut Diamonds in Sudan!

The frequency of the political tensions has increased in Sudan following the failure of the oppressive ruling party to reach progressive grounds while talking with its partner in southern Sudan and the American Administration.

The reason of the failure has no connection with the expected referendum in southern Sudan, which has been the primary focus of the meeting of the two partners of the Sudanese peace agreement with the American Administration, as the godfather of the peace process.

But it concerns requests made by the ruling party to the American Administration to abolish both the party's debts and the arrest warrant against the leader of the party for the sake of easing the process of the referendum. This is clear extortion.

The increase of the tensions is also due to failure of the two partners of the Sudanese peace agreements to address the issue of Abyei in the last meetings in Addis Ababa.

Instead of focusing on the core of the dispute on the issue of Abyei, the ruling party in the north began to impose the language of extortion and threats, as usual to fulfil its demands.

The ruling party resorted immediately after that to the deployment of the so-called popular army, which in turn led to worsening the political situation.

However, despite all the frustrating events imposed by this rude party, the Sudanese opposition works towards achieving a strong national consensus to rally around better options for one united Sudan based on democracy and new cultural values.

The opposition convenes continuously to achieve the national comprehensive conference to come up with concrete solutions to the political and the national crisis in Sudan.

In spite of this development, I found myself obliged to say only "Diamonds cut diamonds"!

How? Well, just pick up the uprising now.

The second split of the article is here at Pick Up the Uprising Now! The third spilt is at Sudanese Political Caricature!

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Pick Up the Uprising Now! 
Yes, it is better than to pick up the line on your cell phone, people! I remember, while I was the only Sudanese in al-Watan newspaper that worked there …

Make Attractive the Future! Not rated yet
The political movement in the horn of Africa is not based on the interest of the habitants but manipulated by others party’s decisions what so ever. And …

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