HOA Political Scene 46!
HOA Political Scene 46 _________________________27 Mars 2011
HOA Political Scene 46 comes with new articles about Sudan and Libya. We'll keep on these two topics until the last moment that the situation reveals positive political changes.
In the following preamble of the newsletter, I should make notes of some useful issues regarding the newsletter. I noticed that some loyal readers of the newsletter are very busy to take time at the forms on the newsletters to write their comments, so they sent some of them by emails, or reply to personal emails by good comments that are suitable to publish through the forms.
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Some other readers are afraid of making language mistakes, so here are some political articles tips to use when writing comments for this political newsletter. Please, take them seriously and submit your good comments through the form.
As for the two political articles about Sudan and Libya in HOA Political Scene 46, there are some references to them at HOA Political Scene 43, HOA Political Scene 44 and HOA Political Scene 45 here.
Enjoy your HOA Political Scene 46.
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Reconstruct the Sudanese Public Opinion!
The first political column in HOA Political Scene 46 Newsletter:
Through decades of organized mental absenteeism in some countries in North Africa and the Middle East, authorities have managed to keep their people out of real good understanding to the political development through some inherited religious propagandas.
The propagandas took advantages of the traditionally religious societies to manipulate public opinion and keep the people, if not silent, but careless about what develops in the political scene of the entire area.
In Sudan, the mental absenteeism works since the independence of the country in 1956 to build solid bases of loyal people to politically oriented religious leaders.
Those leaders invest in the traditionally Muslim people to build wealth and maintain their goals to claim and control the political power in the country. They exploited the religious to build wealth and continue controlling the political system in the country.
Seven generations have grown under the mental absenteeism policy in the country. However, many people are still struggling to get out of such scheme and many other people have managed to keep loyal to their comprehensive secular vision.
What happens here is something anyone with good political sense can understand easily. People now see clearly that the policy of mental absenteeism has destroyed the unity and the integrity of the country and threatened it by more upcoming destructions.
Journalists, writers, poets, young activists and other concerned people have started a new move to reconstruct the public opinion, play movers and shakers, reorganize in groups, orient the people and revolutionize the way the people think.
This is not what the traditional political powers want. Those in the traditional political power have always played behind the mask of the religious phobias in the country to preserve their positions as leaders of the religious sects and the country. See https://www.hoa-politicalscene.com/sudanese-sectarian-parties.html and https://www.hoa-politicalscene.com/sudanese-political-parties.html.
However, to reconstruct the political opinion better, good politically oriented people should generate discussions in the universities, high schools, public plazas, social and sport clubs, workplaces, homes, online platforms (which already have begun), newspapers and magazines, broadcasting channels and many other media.
To accelerate the tempo of the social movement towards the revolution, start at home, move to the neighbours, get to the surroundings and spring to cover the vital areas, where the people meet and chat or where they study and work.
See the call for action; I started earlier before many years, even before publishing the Ezine Act in 2004, the HOA Political Scene, and other relevant articles in this regard. Start at https://www.hoa-politicalscene.com/politics-of-myth.html.
First, stress on that political changes have nothing to do with the religion of the people, as religions are something personal while the state is for all religions and other believes, equally and the Sudan should stand without that implemented discrimination by all the ruling elites since the independence of the country.
Explain how that threatens the country, its integrity, security and political borders and emphasize the need to correct this historical mistake.
How do we correct this historical mistake?
That should be the starting point of discussions to such topic. Stir it by the agreeable fundamental goals of the peace treaty and other conventional paragraphs of the Asmara Agreement. Add to it the new opinions of the youth movement.
Parallel to the discussions run other activities as vehicles of mobilization, organize the groups and get them vivid to engage the local societies with the new movement. Keep on demonstrating at the same time calling the regime to get down and stressing on that the wind of changes will clean the dirt it makes in the social, cultural, economical and political life of the country.
Raise fund for your efforts, ask for it from other activists inside the country and aboard and seek help of other political parties that share the same goals.
Have some other ideas? Submit your political ideas through the form.
If you care that much and want citizen journalism in the right place, please do bring your ideas in and let us get together to encourage composing the popular fronts. Use the form at the bottom of HOA Political Scene 46. Thanks.
Wars Will Not Bring any Solution in Libya!
The second political column in HOA Political Scene 46 Newsletter:
Did Obama's strategists fail him to think right about Libya?
Seems, the matter was not only the UN resolution to stop Gaddafi even by force.
The strategists might think that Libya is like Iraq and Afghanistan, while Libya is different with its revolutionary committees that started in Libya when the Libyan revolution overthrew the monarchist system in September 1969.
Those people would die for Gaddafi and Libya, as they have expressed. In his first visit to Sudan after the Sudanese revolution in April, one of the committees accompanied Gaddafi to Khartoum. They were all young girls, very pretty, but also very tough.
Some of my colleagues from different newspapers and I used to stay on the wing of the Republic Palace in Khartoum where Gaddafi was living during his visit to have a chance to speak to him and to chat with those girls and know why they chose this hard and dangerous life. The experience was very new in the area and is still unprecedented elsewhere.
When we asked them about if they think they will get married, they answered that they were already married to the revolution.
That was interesting, unheard of before and very enticing. They spoke about the other committees confirming that everybody in the committee will die for the revolution.
That was strong motive to build on, revolutionize the society, and get everybody engaged sharing the national responsibilities and the decision making system as well. But, the political power always seems decisive in those societies.
What happened after many decades in Libya is not easily believable. The president has missed the way to make unprecedented reforms to elections even from within at least to prove willingness to accept changes in the political system to serve the public and the country.
He has a rare chance to strengthen the revolutionary system by new blood, build constitutional system and declare Libya is for all Libyan, especially the working class. Political leaders with good vision need not to sit on the political chair.
It is not necessary to sit on this chair to rule the people, as it is not necessary to prepare sons and other relatives to inherit the system and change it from a revolutionary system to monarchist. Aspiring and inspiration leadership works well even behind the scene.
However, in spite of that, the way to treat a dictator does not need a war.
Gaddafi has strong point of view about some Arab leaders. People in the area respect him for being critical to those leaders who have no national dignities. Since long time he criticized those Arabs who stand now with the USA against him and called them western elements.
We analyses what Gaddafi thinks here, without intention to humiliate any leader, even when we say, long presidential terms mean dictatorship. That is very clear, but critical gear in the mechanism of democracy. The reversal? Perhaps, the way you see it fits!
The Libyan geopolitics does not help any power that think of deploying troops in the country. The air strikes could make causalities among the people and the way to the war will cost more than expected. Anyway, Gaddafi has won Benghazi.
If any country deploys troops, that country will lose, since every committee has decided to die for Gaddafi.
The international resolution should seek other methods to resolve the crises instead of solving wars by wars. This alone will create world disorder and chaos and will not enhance the international peace.
To other observers and me what the UN's Ban was said about the no-fly zone as unprecedented was something very interesting. His opinion was that the time is suitable "for any political situation". He explained, "First, they have to stop military fighting, and there should be a firm cease-fire," stressing on that the UN should monitor it and expand the humanitarian support for the people and those who are streaming out of the country.
The matter was not easy as the international power thought. It is very complicated and it needs more in depth analyzing to take good solutions.
Wars will not bring any solution in Libya.
You are welcome to discuss this article on HOA Political Scene 46. You are also welcome to write new article about the political situation in Libya, so we could both learn better through discussions and enrich the topics of HOA Political Scene 46.
Beauty of the Words!
This (as it happens column) comes to make HOA Political Scene 46 more appealing and break that sticky stone in our feelings.
If you love whispering words, flying butterflies, essences and ecstasies, then the following (beauty of the words) means something to you. Let me read yours through the comment form and our friends will read it here in the coming editions of the newsletter.
Khalid Osman's Digested Quote of the Day!
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Love Whispers!
"The two lovely bombs on her bosom blow me to heaven ;-)"
This is one of the best of Khalid Osman's quotes in HOA Political Scene 46
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- Yes, the best advice in HOA Political Scene 46 is, it is better to PLAY GAMES, NOT WARS!
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