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Like to get the HOAs Arabic Poetry on beautiful posters to decorate your public place?
... أسقنيـه
هذا العِشْق يطْـلعُ
طفـلاً بعمـرِ السُّدم
يطْـلعُ تمـرا
ويطْـلعُ "جـدولا"
يرمي ثمـارَ الرجـاءِ الدفين
برحـمِ السنين
وبعـثِ المـلأ
Well, you can do that from this page and other literary pages on the Horn of Africa's Network. The literary pages have special HOA Index on the Arabic HOA section with some enclosures on offsite pages connected somehow with the Horn of Africa's net.
قالوا معتوه يتبعثر في الطرقات
يجني ثمر الغلب المر
قالوا ما فارق بوح الظن أنامله
لا يجد القوت
يقول الشعر
ويعرض علي الناس مباذله
To print beautiful free posters of HOAs poetry, start with the poster you like, click on it and then click on print on file on your toolbar, or save it and then open it to print it.
حتي تكون المتاريس شوكا
حتي يكون الشوكُ مطعونا
بكلِّ القلب
تنهض دماءُ البحرِ فجرا
ويغْسِلُ الانسانُ عارَ الصلب
You can fix the sizes of the image by opening the image and then working on your image editing tools.
أهذي صلاة الزين؟
ام السهل مدي...
وللحقل نجوع؟!
Journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman has written the HOA's Arabic poetry and published the selection of HOAs poems in two book. Some of the HOAs Arabic poetry are on this page designed on some beautiful HOAs poetic pictures to print, as totally free posters.
ما كنا يوما نستبيح الظن
او نلثم خطاه
ما كنا غير النار تسحقه
تذرو ذراه
وكانت الأفعال فينا
في يدينا
وفي الجباه
لكنا رجعنا، يا سلام
البحر يرسف في دماه
Some HOAs Sacred Poetry including the HOAs Arabic Poetry on iTunes store are on iBooks by the title "Rising of the Phoenix Picture Book". The iBook is available to download from there. Please rate it when you get through it.
أبحثُ عنكِ حزينا
في هذا الدربِ ال"فارقَ" دربا
في هذا الوطنِ ال"فارقَ" قلبا
في هذا الليلِ ال"دافرَ" صلبَ الفجرِ
ال"عانق" جرحي ، "بلَّ" وسادَ العمرِ
فهل يبقي وطنُ الليلِ؟
ام يحلمُ وطنُ الفجرِ؟
Many of the HOAs Arabic Poetry on the network are on verse and pictures on the HOA's galleries of the HOA Political Scene, which are numerous.
ترحل في ثدي الجُرحِ
تخرج عن صمتِ الذاكرة
تمشي حافياً إذ تستبيك
الخطي المهاجرة
أيان والأفق مسرح
الذئابِ المكابرة؟
تموت المفازةُ في خطي البريةِ
والطيرُ الطليق!
The galleries include:
HOAs Animation Gallery| HOAs Design Gallery| HOAs Gallery| HOAs Imagery Poems| HOAs Images| HOAs Image Scripture| HOAs Photo Gallery| HOAs Photo Scripture| HOAs Picture Gallery| HOAs Poetic Pictures| HOAs Poets Gallery|
تتمزق فينا الأفراحُ
رمالُ الجزيرةِ ما تفتأ
عن المواقيتِ!
حصيً تلُقي و دوائرُ
حزنٍ تتوالدُ، تكبرُ، تنداحُ
The idea is to improve and develop the literary production of the HOA Political Scene Blog and get it across social platforms and expose it more by adding thousands of pictures with poetry snippets.
نحن واليّم في سفرٍ
عشية الوجوم
الي لغةٍ بالداخل
للعشيات الحزاني
والعشق المظلوم!
The social media platforms for pictures, or the social pictures media platforms are as you see on this pages including Pinterest, Twitter (yes Twitter has an image gallery on your account) and Tumblr.
أنا قد نذرتك لليم…م...م...م...ماتِ
تعانق الأجواءَ
تنهالُ كالمطرِِ
تنقر علي صدري
بعضَ تحرّقِ الشجرِ!
There is music and pictures in this poetry, but it is sometimes not the poetry music in the old school's parameter of metrics and prosody. Some poems are even totally away from such parameters and in fact I don't care about that thing at all.
ها أنتِ ترتحلين
يغرِسن ميعادَ حضورك،
في جسدي
ميقات سوسنةٍ وسنا،
تُسْقِطُ العمائم.
In the eighth century, the Arabic poetry has scales to construct perfect poems according to the scales created by Al-khalil ibn Alfarahidi (Abu Abdurrahman) the inventor of the Arabic prosody.
الليل يا وحيدتي قصيدةٌ طويلةٌ
تشجــها الخـناجـر
الليــل غـــــــادر
وانت تلحين فوق وقعك العجيب
كشهقتين للبيان للمرادف الكئيب
وصبوتين تمتحان من أسيً مشبعٍ
والليل يا رفيقتي ممزقٌ غريب
This is one of the oldest Arabic lexicography and philology found in (Kitab al-Ayn) on vowel marks of Arabic language and some other semantics and rhetoric books.
للأماسي يا وحيدتي
صبوةٌ ودار
كلما غشيّها النهـــــار
مزقتها شهوةٌ ... دمار
ثم يعلوها الغبــــــــار
So, he was one of the earliest Arab lexicographers and philologists who studied the vowel marks of Arabic language and invented al-arud and made the complete study of Arabic prosody.
Interestingly, his studies formed the prosody in the Persian, Turkish and Urdu languages as well. Moving from Oman to Basra, Iraq, he devoted his life to the al-arud, the language science of Arabic poetry.
اختيارك العظيم سوسنه
الشمسُ برتقالةٌ
ونحن في مدارِ عشقنا
يديرُ الألسنهْ
The scales was/is measured by the prosody (al-arud) in Arabic, which makes the patterns of rhythm and sound in poetry and the patterns of stress and intonation in a language, as well.
حدث – أبيت اللعن، لا تلعن بها خاطر
فما حرقت مجامر حزنهم كافر
ولا راحت تنادي أفقنا الماطر
حنينا لإبتهال الضيف
تلك حبيبتي، أرحلُ إليها
رحلات الشتا والصيف
أحادثها، أناجيها
أحدث عنها أقماراً
في الغربة تحرسها وتحميها
وتدفع عنها شوكَ الورد
But, what has happened to poetry in the new ages makes us say that was once upon a time, as the prosody exists no more in most of the poetry we read nowadays. I mean that almost 99,99% of the poetry we read today is modern poetry.
ينادي الفضاء’ الفسيح’
بطهرِ الوشائج
وكان هواك ينادي
فما هب ناد
الا ليؤذي هواك!
So, my poetry belongs to the new and modern poetry. That doesn't indicate that the modern poetry hasn't any poetical music. The music of poetry has changed, however, in some ways to present different measures of the tunes within the poetry.
تنزلين الربوةَ الفيحاءَ
وادي الزرع
"انتِ، نحن" لي "بنا"!
In general there are some triggers such as a strong feeling of love to somebody, or something, a very painful experience, a pleasure of seeing something that leaves strong impression on somebody, and all of that could trigger somebody to write.
جبار حتي نخاع العظمة
ان أهواك
إذ أن الموجَ
يقبلُ شاطئ
ويودعُ شاطئ
ويعودُ لشاطئ
فينهضُ وعدٌ
ينهضُ شوقٌ
ينهضُ عسلٌ
في الشطآن
From the first thought of writing you know whether that is poetry, or a story, or any other prose. Then here comes the language and the construction of that language to your thoughts before even taking the pen, or hitting your keyboard.
من منكم يعيرني عصاً
أهشُّ بها علي الغنمِ
فلقد كسرتُ فمي
لقد كسرتُ فمي
It is interesting to know that I sometimes write while I am sleeping. I see myself writing a piece of poetry on my forehand, or a paper. In the past while I was smoking, I saw myself writing on the inside cartoon of the cigarettes box.
I wrote some snippets of poetry included on the HOAs Arabic poetry on the following pages:
Arabic HOAs Poems| Bilingual HOA| Comment C2 Entries| HOAs Arabic Literature| HOAs Literary Scripture| HOAs Literary Works| HOAs Literature| HOAs Love Poems| HOAs Lyrics| HOAs Poesy| HOAs Poetry Aesthetics| HOAs Poetry Scripture| HOAs Political Poetry| HOAs Sacred Scripture| HOAs Scripture| HOAs Verse|
So, I wakeup sometimes to write the same letters and lines I saw in the dream. And as I would be laying full of sleep, I only stretch my hand to the small table beside my sofa and take the pen to write on my forehand / palm and then copy that to papers, or hit my keyboard to write it on my device.
Did you hear HOA Calls?
Respond to the calls and get active on the network. If you don't want to write in English, use the Arabic HOA Political Scene to write in Arabic. In fact you can use any form on this website to write in Arabic, or in any other language.
Share HOAs Arabic Poetry with your friends at the social media, or forward this page by filling the form on Forward HOA Political Scene.
Use the following comments form to comment on the page, or to write one of your literary works and publish it here.
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احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي
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TweetFree poetry picture book on Apple Books. You can use the images on public places for your customers to enjoy, while taking coffee.
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