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Support HOAs Journalists!

HOAs Journalists' Store supports the HOAs Journalists' Project. The project in turns supports the Horn of Africa's Journalists! The introductory of the HOA's Journalists below the HOA's Journalists Store explains many things.

You can use the HOA's Journalists' Store and my books at the right column to help me support the HOAs Cultural Project and the HOAs Refugees Project on the Humanitarian Network, or skip that to the introduction. Thanks.

The Horn of Africa's Journalists Store is not the only way I support the HOA's Journalists, HOA's Journalists Project and freelancers in the Horn of Africa.

The Horn of Africa's Bookshop does that too, in addition to the HOAs Poets Bookshop and 25% of the donations you see almost on all pages that fund this project too.

I designed the products on this page and on other pages such as what you see at the HOA's Poets and the HOA's Refugees, to support the Horn of Africa's Poets, the Horn of Africa's Refugees and Horn of Africa's Journalists, giving my time to super human achievement as I always do.

Well, I put a margin of profits on those products to support you. When you or other people buy the products, they will have high quality designed products for journalists, poets and refugees.

When they dress and go out on them, they will show the world and bring some people to support us all as well. Yes, they will wear the website when they dress on those dresses.

I encourage you if you were journalist, freelancer, writer, poet, artist or any intellectual to join this network at the HOAs Comprehensive Projects and have us all working for your benefits.

In fact, when you hear the HOA Calls and join the Horn of Africa's Network, you hire us to work for you gratis. Just see the efforts I personally have put in this network.

However, I should tell you something here to make sure of it. I have given ten years of my life to share one of the revolutions in the area the rehabilitation and the reconstruction of the country.

At that time, I had many good job offers to work in the richest lands in the world and I refused them all. The top leaders in the main ruling party I shared with them the (dry bread and the salt) knew this fact very well and they all appreciated it.

I really am not after personal profits at all. I am living well and I am content. Thank God.

As for the HOAs Journalists' Store, the HOA's Journalists Project here gives you an idea about the process of this project, which runs with FOUR other projects in the HOA Political Scene Network.

Those projects run parallel to the USHA Framework, in the heart of the Comprehensive Project and to some level combined with the framework. That combination work actually, when the HOA's Journalists decide to take more actions and join the framework.

USHA itself is my dream and the HOAs Journalists is one of its gears. The comprehensive project has many gears to drive it.

Each gear in the comprehensive project needs an engineer to plan it. However, at the start, I planned the entire project according to my experiences and studies.

Therefore, we need generous, sincere and active journalists from the Horn of Africa in the HOAs Journalists here to carry this great burden with us.

If you came to enjoy your time and get some information about such projects only, it is OK to read the website, subscribe to the newsletter and forward this network to your friends.

The concrete details of the HOAs Journalists and other projects, or -- well, the nectar of the flowers are available only for bees -- members of this network.

If you want to be a member, we have some conditions to sign you in the network.

After signing the conditions and terms abiding to the WORD OF HONOR, we accept and work together with those who show sincerity and prove that they are active in the network.

Journalists should provide full personal details and work experiences before joining the HOAs Journalists' network. After that they will be improved in the network and get access to their network.

However, if you decided to contribute only do nothing about the terms. You can use the forms to contribute. To visit the other projects link to them on HOA's Poets Project and HOA's Cultural Project as well.

The English version of the projects are supported by bilingual and Arabic pages I and loyal visitors published to support the HOA Political Scene Blog with its noble message.

The bilingual version of the Horn of Africa's Political Network is at the Arabic HOA Political Scene, with some of the cultural pages below:

Arabic Short Story| Asmara| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| HOAs Arabic Prose| شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون| للكذب ثلاثة ألوان| مسرحية العرائس السودانية المثيرة| تراجيديا المحاكاة والشبه بين تشاد والسودان| كاليجولا السوداني| العشق زمن البرتقال والسحب الأليفة| فساد التعليم الجامعي في السودان| Caligula the Sudanese| علمني هذا الإنسان النبيل| الكويت واحدة من أهم المحطات الصحفية في حياتي| السياسة… أه السياسة! الثقافة… آه الثقافة! الشفافية… آه الشفافية| من سرق حياتي؟| تدمير الشخصية السودانية| المسرحي السوداني عفيف اسماعيل يعرض ثلاث مسرحيات في استراليا| | القط السواكني| البروازKordofan| Suakini Cat| The Frame| TV Cinema App|

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Use the following comments form to comment on the HOAs Journalists, or to write about journalists in the Horn of Africa. Thanks.

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ترمس، ترمس، كبكبيه ياحميدتي Not rated yet
كتب صديق العمر، القاص الصحفي هاشم كرار هذه الأقصوصة، التي وردتنا بدون عنوانها، وهي شيقة للغاية، وذات دلالات رمزية مثيرة. طبعا عراقي وسروال، …

Assessment to the Skills and Competencies of Sudanese Abroad! Not rated yet
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معارك صحفية في الدولة الإرترية الحديثة Not rated yet
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معارك صحفية في الدولة الإرترية الحديثة Not rated yet
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نضال صحفي Not rated yet
هذا المقال يأتي في سلسلة بدأت علي صفحة السياسة آه السياسة، الثقافة آه الثقافة، الشفافية آه الشفافية حول التجربة الصحفية الطويلة والمصداقية الصحفية …

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

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