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Let's Support HOAs Refugees and IDPs!

The HOAs Refugees' Store is here to support the Horn of Africa's refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs). It runs with other three projects in the HOA's network to fund reporters who are refugees too.

The project started some years ago on the Web when I built some pages about it and tried to get some donations to help some refugees I know. However, since then the project has expanded to involve the recent concrete project.

It runs with the other projects, which includes the HOA's Poets Project and the HOA's Journalists Project to fund refugees from the Horn of Africa. There are some journalists among those refugees too. In addition, the HOA's Poets and the HOA's Journalists have stores here.

Since the donation-process takes long time to be the sufficient fundraising process for the project, I thought of the HOA's Refugees Store as another more practical option to fundraise this project.

We have some reporters among those refugees and their living conditions are harsh away of their homelands. They have built many WebPages in this network in spite of these harsh conditions they live. You can reach their network through Enkidu Debaba, Selamawi, Readers Write Good, Readers Read Good and Readers Write Comments.

We intend to support those people who make efforts here among the HOAs Refugees, and we consider that is a great mission. It is only when we support them; the network will grow and carry on achieving the other three projects. The mission is clear and the objectives are clear too.

Any of the four projects included in the USHA Comprehensive Project strengthen the other. However, some funds here will go to other international organizations that support the HOAs Refugees in the fields of their cases.

I am confident that we could achieve success in these missions by your support. However, it is important to join the network and be active in any of these projects. It is OK if you thought of supporting us independently if you liked this network and trusted it.

In addition, I feel obliged to support HOAs Refugees, when I read the refugees' stories and comments at Eritrean Refugees, Ethiopian Refugees, Somali Refugees, Somali Displaced People, DAFI, Darfur Crisis and Humanitarian Network.

You can share the HOAs Refugees with your services through the following buttons, the buttons at the left column, or the button at the bottom of the page. Thanks.

I use Site Built It tools at the bar image at the bottom to empower HOAs Refugees and the entire network.

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