Ibrahim Abbud, the First Military Dictator in Sudan

Ibrahim Abbud created the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, consisting of 12 senior officers to rule Sudan. Ibrahim Abbud created the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, consisting of 12 senior officers to rule Sudan.

Many people say November army movement had been inevitable and a conspiracy made by the leader of the government Abdullah Khalil who was from the Ansar sect to defeat the Khatmiyyah sect. Note that those sects were the two powers the British left in Sudan when they evacuated the country in 1956.

Abdullah Khalil planned the coup with the leading Umma members and two senior generals, Ibrahim Abbud and Ahmad Abdul Wahab who became leaders of the military regime until the removal of the late in March 1959. However, the officers of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces were from either the Ansar sect or the Khatmiyyah sect.

Economical demands on the Sudanese cotton helped the regime to successfully market the cotton crop and achieve high profits during the first year in political power. Another problem Abbud had settled was the Nile water dispute with Egypt and then he improved the mutual relations between the two countries. Abbud changed to severe military regime.

The influence of the Ansar and the Khatmiyyah lessened. The strongest religious leader, Abdul Rahman al Mahdi, died in early 1959. His son and successor, the elder Sidiq al Mahdi, failed to enjoy the respect accorded his father. Two years later, Sidiq died, so Ansar religious and political leadership divided between his brother, Imam Al Hadi al Mahdi, and his son, the younger Sadiq al Mahdi.


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