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Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark?

The question "Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark?" reveals that there's a lot going behind the hood in Denmark. This is a very clear story to those who have the right minds in their heads to know about the police abuse of authority from some of those who are supposed to serve the law and justice, illegal home intrusion, pointing guns at a resident inside his home and handcuffing him. You will also know how possibly privacy rights and human rights are violated in Denmark.

Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark?: Some muslim Arabs in the police conspire to drive a Geneva Convention resident crazy and out of his home, since January 2023 until now in collaboration with some other muslim Arabs in the municipality and a housing company.Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark?: Some muslim Arabs in the police conspire to drive a Geneva Convention resident crazy and out of his home, since January 2023 until now in collaboration with some other muslim Arabs in the municipality and a housing company. The evidence of the conspiracy lies in the fact that neither the housing company nor the police did anything to stop what was happening. Instead, the housing company late rents the apartment in question to a lady after using it against the resident for ten months to continue the same acts, that violate privacy rights and human rights.

The story reveals not only this but it reveals also other serious problems such as conspiracies, corruption, discrimination, gender issues, racism and terrorism, all of which are carried out by some Muslim Arabs in three official administrations and some other gangs who do not work there. A matter that may raise an exclamation point - What is going on in this city? Or another exclamation, as all these violations of human right happen in Denmark, like "is this Denmark, or Saudi Arabia?"

Abuse of Authority, Home Intrusion and Illegal Arrest by the Police!

Att: Human Rights Organisations:

The human rights report HOA Network publishes here has a background story published on April 18, 2023 at "Are Odense Municipality, CIVICA Housing Company & the Police Corrupt?" You will know from this every abuse of power, conspiracy an /or any other attempts against the resident in this case is because of such headline.

The violations of the law could also be in ignoring the law, when a victim of criminal acts has reported everything that has happened against him to the police and to the housing company and the police work since October 2023 to convert the complainants against him, when he reported the local office of the housing company to them. What a conspiracy?

Then, a year and 3 months after the first story, two policemen turned against him and attacked him in his house, as if they were waiting to plot something against him to find a reason to do what they did to him. This report contains the following incredible story:

"On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, two policemen made intrusion inside my home, pointed their pistols at me, one of them threw me to the ground, slapped my back, kicked me with shoes, and handcuffed me without a reason and without having a warrant from a judge.

Even more they didn't introduce themselves for me before opening my door, although I called out, "one moment" and they did not read me my rights as why I was arrested for, what crime I committed to be arrested for and about the rights I have. I am wondering how some people are employed in the police forces and what law education they have offered during the training period. The one who attacked me put a very tight handcuffs on my hands, which indicates an intention of hurting me, or stopping my pulse, so that I die.

Just one hour before they did this a person knocked violently on my door, when I opened the door he screamed in my face with extreme anger to tell me that I should not go to the apartment upstairs and knock on the door of the apartment. I tried to tell him that there is unbearable disturbance and I wanted to tell those who did this to stop, but he put his foot inside my apartment in an attempt to attack me, so I ran to the kitchen to grab something to defend myself and stop his intrusion. I pointed that thing at him just to scare him away. He was a civilian wearing civilian clothes, of course.

After one hour I heard the same hard knock on my door and I said one minute. I thought that person had come with a weapon to do what he intended to do the first time he stepped inside my apartment. So, I took something to defend myself.

That behaviour I did was my rights to defend myself inside my home, and above all, as you know, I live in a very bad area, where there are gangs, hash, some people shooting others with pistols, one guy stabbed another in the same building and the same section where I live until his blood ran to the elevator, and boys throw stones at the police, as if the Danish police are Israelis and as if they are living in Israel and not Denmark.

When the police knocked on my door and I said one minute, the police didn't say, "we are the police. Open up". This is the first duty for the police to introduce themselves and to do in duty, when they come to speak to someone in his home and knock on the door. So I suspected that the person who knocked violently first might come with a weapon to attack me again. I rushed to grab something to defend myself in my home and to scare him away.

When I opened the door and saw the police, I immediately threw that thing away and the police pointed their pistols at me, one of them took that thing which I also intended to use to scare that person away and the same person who was wearing civilian clothes and who knocked first time on the door threw me to the ground, slapped my back, kicked me with shoes, and handcuffed me without a reason and without having a warrant from a judge and without explaining why he handcuffed me. The handcuffs were very tight and they hurt my arms.

I told them I took that thing to defend myself inside my home by scarring that person off and I was inside my home and I hadn't stepped out of it and you the police did not say, "We are the police. Open up". So, how could I know and specially when I said "one minute", you should have said that you were the police, so I wouldn't take that thing to defend myself by scarring that person off.

Then I realised that one of the police was the same person who knocked on my door the first time and they knew exactly that I'll take the same thing to defend myself. This seems exactly as a conspiracy, as the policemen who invaded my home knew very well I will take a knife to defend myself and by the way the knife was very short.

I realised that this was a part of a conspiracy that is running from the first of January 2023 until now to find a reason to arrest me without having committed a crime and to incriminate me, or to scare me, so I stop criticising the police for wrong behaviours and for not implementing the law to respond to many criminal reports I reported to them many times during the period from the first of January 2023 to October 2023.

During that period the police was motivated by everything I criticise them for and distributed a short survey to the citizens in the place asking whether they trust the police, is there a disturbance and if there's anything scares them and so. Think of this carefully, because everything those two policemen did after that indicates the intention to do what they did to me and to cause me of being violent, which is untrue, provided that I live since more 24 years here and I did nothing violent.

I didn't receive the survey. So, I understood. Then after that the high nuisance started to slow down and change to methodological disturbance by using tools and methods to knock lightly on my head and I mean on the floor of that apartment just above my head. They knew very well that I can hear low noises when they are repeated systematically over my head and I don't bear high noises, as they saw me on the streets covering my ears when police cars and fire cars run with sirens turned on. Well, these cars make loud noises, but what I am trying to convey is to show you a sign of my sensitivity.

From the first of January 2023 until now I don't have any privacy, rest and security inside my home. I am living in Denmark since more than 24 years and I have a clean criminal record, as I didn't commit any crime. What sadden me is that whenever I saw something wrong where I live, or on the bus stops, or on the way done by irresponsible people I criticise these things and sometimes damn those who commit these things.

There are many examples of bad things some people do, like breaking the glasses in the bus stops, breaking beer bottles in the pedestrians or where cyclists cycle, leaving the cover of garbage cans open to bird to throw the garbage out, or the rain to fill them, tear announcements or papers with "no smoking" and the telephone numbers of the alarm section in elevators to ring in case of emergencies and many of a lot of wrong behaviours.

I sometimes, shout on them asking, from where did you come, or bring up your children with good manners and so.

From that date and until now I don't have any privacy, rest and security in my home. The well-being of convention political refugees is indicated in the Geneva convention of 1951 for resettled convention political refugees, in which Denmark has signed. So, because of such issues that violate my rights for a calm asylum and for being a citizen in this land I took holidays out of Denmark many times to have peace of mind and clear my head.

When the intrusion of the police happened and they handcuffed me, they took me to the police station in Odense. When they spoke with a police woman who wrote what they told her, I noticed that when they started the talk she blinked to them. So, I became confident that there is a conspiracy in this matter.

They imprisoned me in a very small room that has a window up that I couldn't open to breathe fresh air. I started to talk knowing that they can hear me and I said that I am innocent, I am a victim, I haven't done any thing wrong and I shouldn't be here. I also talked about my rights which they have not given to me when they handcuffed me and the abuse of their power.

To breathe fresh air I told them I want to go to the toilet. One woman said someone will come and that took a time, as if they wanted me to pee in my underwear.

After one hour or more two other police men came with another one to give me back the things they took from me and the third was writing something on a paper, while one of them said to me this is about your things and you should sign on this paper that you have received your things, So I did.

I didn't even see what was in the paper and my psychological condition was hard. They told me that they will take me to a psychiatrist section in the hospital to see a doctor and if the doctor decided that I am well then I will get to my home and if not then I will be in the hospital until the doctor says I go home. So, I knew that I am a free man and there are not any charges.

I spent the night at the hospital, as the first doctor who is ´very young said that a specialist doctor will come tomorrow to talk to me and make a scanning to my body. At the next morning a nurse with a doctor or maybe he was her colleague came to have an interview with me and they have got a complete idea about me, what person I am and they seem convinced by what I told them, specially that I spoke about terms in psychology they don't know as they have expressed to me, because they asked about them and then I explained in details what they mean.

They said they will have a round of talk with the specialist doctor. After that they came back to tell me that I can go home. But, they told me to wait so they can have a nurse to take a blood test and examine my heart and they said I can go home after the this. The nurse did her job. I waited two hours before they came to tell me that there's nothing wrong with me and I can go home.

This was a very hard experience I have never had in my life in any place I lived in for years, since the day I fled from the land that was once my homeland for more than 50 years and never seen it all this period because in fact my homeland doesn't exist nowadays and because of other things like terrorism, gangs of Janjaweed making wars and so.

According to my psychological situation with the depression I had, I decided to go in a holiday abroad where I spent 10 days to have peace of mind and to clear my head. I returned home to fire this report to you. I hope that you get me the justice and the law that I deserve and I didn't find until now."

Human Rights Violations!

The attitudes of the police regrading negative response to the complaints since January 2023 and the refusal of the police to register the complaints against the housing company is also violation of human rights and at the same time a sign that the police cannot hold a housing company accountable for crimes, even when some corrupt employees violate the law.

The local office of the housing company paved the way to some employees and  gangs to occupy the apartment from the first of January 2023 until November 2023 and work in it to drive a resident (who is protected by Geneva Convention of 1951) crazy and out of his home making the apartment a nest of Bats of Darkness in Denmark to behave exactly as terrorists do, terrorising a resident all these long months, under the nose and the eyes of those who are supposed to protect citizens from such terrorist acts.

The privacy violations and human rights violations do not end with these lines in the human rights report HOA Political Scene always takes care of to serve the law and justice and alert and remind human rights organizations of their oath and duties.

It is noteworthy to mention that the housing association violates these rights by renting out illegal apartments that do not have soundproof walls and ceilings, and apartments at the back of the legal apartments with corridors to these illegal apartments passing through the kitchen balconies of the legal apartments.

Why Don't the Police Take These Serious Illegal Acts Seriously?

The simple answer that may come into your mind after reading the complete stories in this series is that, it is because the people involved in this conspiracy are muslim Arabs and those citizens who benefit from this collaboration, whether they work in the mentioned 3 administrations or not.

While the story includes the complaints about spying and stalking a person from an apartment above his apartment to any place he walks to in his apartment and proves that it is not imaginary, th4 police should have done something about it to stop it. The police did nothing.

Until now, the same noises and the same throwing of small balls that tick on something to repeat the same sounds and the same footsteps that stalk the person from place to place in his apartment and even when he gets to the toilet and the same legs that run to and fro in the living room in the apartment above his apartment, all of these silly things are happening.

The person can even tell whether the person who is running above his head is a thin or fat person, a child or a young or an old person. The question is why do those who run in that apartment run in the place there, which is above the place he lays himself on to sleep at night or take a nab at noon?

Until now, every time the person lifts his iPhone to record these acts as evidences, the people who are doing these things stop. Every time the person try to have sex and at the right time those people in the conspiracy apartment above his apartment start disturbance. So, how can they know what he is trying to do?

When the complaints to the police included an information about some gangs living illegal in an apartment that should have been empty at that period, because they housing company has not rent it, the police should have thought of intruders, or terrorists living in that apartment and should have done something. The police did nothing.

When the complaints are further explained and proved by evidence, the police should have listened to the evidences and then make sure that nothing is imaginary. The police did nothing. Instead of that the police accused the complainant of hearing noises inside his head.

So, the question "Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark" is still to be asked.

Complaints Handling is Shifted During 2001-2005!

Before shifting some regulations during 2001-2005, complaints against a senior employee in the municipality can be fired to the "amt". The shift in regulations required that complaints against the municipalities, housing companies and the police go to the same administrations. You will of course know that your complaints have no chance to go through or find the right solution.

This is because there is no police administration that can accuse or hold a policeman accountable for anything. Neither the other tow administrations can hold the employee of the municipality or the housing company you complaint against responsible or accountable for anything. This new system of regulations is a disaster.

Everything is Not OK in Denmark!

The simple understanding of such acts practiced by official administrations maybe just to pour ashes in the eyes and say everything is good in Denmark. When responsible public employees do such things, there should be deep investigations inside these administrations.

While the police ignored more than 20 evidences the resident recorded and he had one person talking about the issue to the police to prove that there are intruders occupying an apartment that the housing company hasn't rent yet, the police collected dismissible evidences from haters in the mentioned area, who claimed that the resident has threaten them to turn the complaints against him.

The fact is that he didn't and he went to knock on the door of the mentioned apartment in this case to tell the intruders who occupied it to stop intentional disturbance for more than 10 times a day and to stop spying on him.

He lately thought that those intruders were housed there by the local office of the housing company when one of the workers there told him lies about that he changed the door lock and there will not be anyone in that apartment to disturb him.

He didn't change the lock of the door because the same behaviours have continued and they are continuing until this moment although the housing company has rent the apartment temporarily to a lady. What a conspiracy?

Everything in this story is correct. So, the question "Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark" should still be asked.

Summaries of Other Human Rights Violations in Denmark!

1- In 1995, two Palestinians have been killed, because the police neglected a call from them that some gangs were knocking on their door in an attempt to assassinate them. The police told them that they were just knocking and they didn't enter their apartment. The gangs broke in and killed the two Palestinians, a matter that the news covered at the time. That prove the policeman who received the call didn't realize and evaluate the seriousness of the matter. Doesn't this seem like the attitude of the police towards the case explained here?

2- In 2003, Deng Akok, a Southern Sudanese refugee who was living in Sindal has committed a suicide, because his human rights have been violated, the municipality he lived in denied him living assistant and the educational institute denied him this living assistance too in the time that they were obliged to assist him. I sent you the report during the time in which the media even in the UK has written about his story during an interview with his sister.

Silencing People:

3- During 2010-2015 and I am not sure of the time exactly, one Sudanese refugee in Copenhagen has faced the same pressing situation in his relation with one of the municipalities, so he began to refuse some conditions and criticise the system and his psycho situations became worse. So they came to him for help and asked him to take an injection that would solve his problems. The injection silenced him.

4- One clever Sudanese refugee has received the same advice to take that injection in 2023 from one of the municipalities in Copenhagen, but he refused, because he knew it and fled from the land. His name is Mohammed al-Hassan.

5- In 2023 also, Ashraf al-Zupair, a Sudanese refugee situation has become worse. Rumors had it that he became suspicious of everything even of his close friends in the municipality of Holstebro, where he lived since the day the UNHCR sent him there from Asmara and he was found dead in his apartment.

His friends told some facts about that he became very suspicious just about many things and he even didn't open his door even to his friends and he just used to look at them through the "eye-lens" in the door. They knew that because they heard his steps moving away from the door, everyday they nocked on it, or rang the bell.

He didn't open the door, even when they sent to his brother to come and see him and ask him what is going wrong with him. He was know as a very respected person, with intimate relations with them before. So, what has gone bad with him?

The question "Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark" is a simple question. It doesn't have any other meaning than to investigate these administrations. There no administration, or even governments that are above the law.

The duty of ethical journalism is to point to places where there are mistakes done by those who thing while they are under official clothes they can do anything they want.

Resources on Corruption!

If you want to read these resources, copy the url and paste it into the address bar in your browser. I didn't highlight these links, because many websites change the addresses, or remove pages. So, I don't need to reedit these page to correct that every time, because this is not good for the website.

The question "Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark" is a simple question that emphasises that credibility and transparency of official employees are not responsible to their relatives, or anyone from their cultural backgrounds they know.

More of Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark?

When we look at the question "Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark" deeply from a different perspective we shall see that it has good references, which are stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.

Have a Comment on Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark?

If you have comments on "Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark?", you are welcome to write them down. Yes, here is the place to write comments on "Is the Law Paralyzed Resulting in Injustice in Denmark".

It is really hard for any person to be exposed to such harassment and all the pain caused by the abuse of of authority, not taking the security issues a resident experiences for more than 20 months seriously and the privacy and human rights violation in a country in Europe and in Scandinavia, all these issues should have found the right justice.

Most importantly, the resident doesn't know those gangs who are focused until this moment to do these terrorist acts so many time every day, especially when he wants to take aaa nab at midday or sleep at night. Since he doest not know them, this indicate he has never done them any harm.

The most important question, since the housing company assumes it rented the apartment to a lady, so how can the resident still hears the same footsteps running in the apartment upstairs above his apartment so many times during the day and even at night at the same place where he lays his body to sleep?

How can he hear the same footsteps stalking him from above while he moves from a room to another in his apartment?

They just stop above his head where he stops in any place in his apartment. Aren't these acts intentional to drive him crazy?

From where did those bad people who do such criminal acts come?

Who support them to do these criminal acts against a resident who has never done them any harm?

What they still do since the first of January 2023 until now proves that they have powerful people behind them.

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