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The Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda!

The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) was formed in the late 1980 in Uganda on a claim of faithful Christianity. However, the resistance army of the lord has committed crimes against humanity and against the claimed Christianity. - Lords Resistance Army: The State is a Secular Concept.

Formed most of Acholi people, the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) however waged wars even against its people and children among them were abused.

Such acts against humanity raise a question about the Holy Spirit the Lord's Resistance Army has taken to wage holy wars by the name of the Lord.

It is well known that the young leader of the Lords Resistance Army, Joseph Kony was very young, as he was born in 1961; he was 19 at the time he led the army in 1980.

He was hypnotised at that time, as if he was a drug user with some kind of superstitions to claim many things about himself and his army.

The Ugandan rebel of the Lords Resistance Army has built itself in northern Uganda and south Sudan in a climate where other African rebel movements grew before the formation of the Sudan Liberation Army (SPLA/SPLM).

The Lords Resistance Army (LRA) was in fact the successor of the Holy Spirit Movement in Uganda, from which he continued during the time the army operated by taking its religious claims.

In that atmosphere of rebellious movements, illiteracy was at the top. Many rebel groups in the area from the Great Lakes to the Horn of Africa used that climate of illiteracy to gather small children and adults as well to build bases in many countries like Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti.

Political Illiteracy and Other Things about the Lords Resistance Army!

However, this statement does not indicate that all rebels' movements in the area are built out of illiteracy.

The political illiteracy however, remains when we see many of the military movements have been based on the grounds of religion and tribalism, two fundamental issues that contradicts the values of the modern state, as a secular concept.

Unfortunately, most of the rebels and other people in those erupted African areas don't pay attention to this vital fact about the secular state and they don't understand the scientific concept of the state, which defines its secularity.

But, such limited vision doesn't only in this poor areas in Africa. It is also somewhere else in the world, as we see even leaders of great international powers refer to religion in their public speeches.

Again, we should pay attention to the fact that using religion in politics, although the state is a secular concept will take this world to disaster.

The Lords Resistance Army was active in northern Uganda for more than twenty years and it launched attacks from south Sudan.

When the Sudanese so called peace agreement has signed and the SPLA entered the South Sudan they told the Ugandan rebel to get out of southern Sudan as announced at the time.

After the discovery of the Sudanese oil, the Ugandan Lords Resistance Army infiltrated the area of eastern Equatoria in Sudan.

The military religious dictatorial regime of Sudan used the LRA as an arm to crush the SPLA out of the area and when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan signed, the LRA moved to the Democratic republic of Congo (DRC) in 2005.

The Ugandan army responded to the attacks led by the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) in northern Uganda many times and succeeded to expell it out of Uganda lately in September 2009.

However, some reports warned that time saying that the Ugandan rebel is moving now to find grounds in the troubled Darfur region in Sudan.

Such gesture could refer to that many soldiers from the Lords Resistance Army may have got chances to refuge as Fur and they might have got to England through the Save Darfur Coalition's campaign.

Violent attacks by the Ugandan army in the north and parts of the east led many people to flee the area. Displaced people became exhausted and the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) forced many of them to join the rebel and killed others.

It is so difficult in these areas to identify who is the Sudanese or the Ugandan or the Congolese! However, only the people of the area know who is who.

In January 2005, the ICC issued warrants of arrests against Joseph Kony, the Commander-in-Chief of the Lord's Resistance Army, Vincent Otti, the Vice Chairman and Second in Command, Okot Odhiambo, Deputy Army Commander and Dominic Ongwen, Brigade Commander of the Sinia Brigade.

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