The Influence of the Military Religious Regime
in Sudan on the Election Commission!
The military religious regime in Sudan has secret influence on the Election Commission. This imaginary commission really tries to be one of the best imageries of the regime. It tries this through its continuous efforts to be cleaner than the military religious regime itself is.
The Office of the Chief Election Commissioner in Sudan issued on 18 February some regulations under the "organizing campaign activities for 2010" to limit the increasing critiques to the ruling party.
Under the general principles, and as provided in Article (h) of paragraph 3 "Critiques voiced by political parties or candidates to each other in the context of the election campaign should be limited to the current and the future policies and programs only without prejudice to the personal aspects of the candidate in any way."
The reader must understand from such stupid article that the Elections Commission speaks on behalf of the ruling party to prohibit criticizing it. The Chief Election Commissioner seems to be a cartoon for the ruling party to play with it as he had been during the reign of the second precedent dictator Jafar al Numeri.
The article prohibit criticizing the military religious regime for the wrong policies, corruption, robbing the national treasury, killing the opponents, displacing millions of people and making all these crimes that made the leader of the ruling party international criminals wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
This regulatory matter appear ridiculous because it calls to obscure the facts about the violations and crimes and theft and forgery committed by the ruling National Congress Party.
Instead of serious criticism, it calls to focus on the ruling party's current and future programs, as if this octopus party has been born this month and did not take over power in a coup in 1989, and remain since that time until now, and commit all the crimes never known of humankind against the Sudanese people.
Our people in Sudan know through more than twenty years under the military clerical junta that the crimes committed by this system are not countable, especially in the area of genocides and killing opponents without trial, even in the holy month of Ramadan.
In addition, they know also the forced displacement of citizens and the economic, political and administrative corruption. They know the looting of the national treasury and the oil and the expansion of capitalism to enable the parasitic capitalism to control the national economy that is no longer the Sudanese national economy.
The military clerical juntas have exposed the vast majority of our people to poverty and hunger and homelessness and unemployment.
All this in addition to the sale of profitable lands and public enterprises at very low price rates or at no price at all to the local parasites and the prevention of free medical treatments and free education and the impose of lot of taxes and charges on people who have low income.
This paragraph reflects the bias of the Electoral Commission to favour the ruling party, and clear any feeling or thought about its crimes and make the people condone the junta.
However, it is difficult for the national memories to forget all of these crimes committed against our people by the military religious party.
It is difficult to forget its crimes against our people, not to mention the crimes against the neighbouring countries, which now condone the regime in matters related to leaking terrorist elements in uniformity of its aspirations and hallucinations to hit the existing regimes and establish inclusively terrorist regimes.
With this, the Electoral Commission becomes an institution of the ruling military religious regime that works for it, and prepares to rig the elections from now on for this octopus party to win the power and appear to be legitimately elected government this time.
This thinking does not respect the intelligence of the Sudanese people but underestimate them, as if the commission or even the military religious regime believes that the flame of revolution in that people have subsided and are thus in the ruling party will continue despite everything.
To be thinking this silly way, the Electoral Commission and its dictatorial military religious regime try through this image to distort the facts and make absence of awareness of our people in Sudan.
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